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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Thats a great idea, it would also eliminate lag & allow slightly slower people to have a shot at winning races. As it is some have no chance at even a podium. Lag & frame rate improves loads with just 10-12 in the room.

It would be like F1 and GP2.

No offense to slower drivers, I do the Division 2 in the GTP FIA Omega, its great fun racing for wins (like tonight). If I was in Division 1 I'd be lucky to crack the top 4.

You'd have two hosts Berty, one hosting GP2 and say you hosting the F1 (division 1).

Division 2 could run at the same power or say at 750 hp (same power as the formula superleague). It'd be so cool! I dont see why thats not possible. The nerd in me goes wild when I think of splitting the field up and having 2 winners instead of one (and 6 podium finishers instead of 3).

Yes but then it would not be the same as say if a div2 person got promoted he could possibly have no chance as. He is not use to faster settings. And its same for the ones who get demoted they wont like these settings and they would possibly quit.(depends who it is lol)

Anyway i would love a div2 without different settings.
If enough people show interest I will consider running 2 leagues but it has to be a popular idea. I agree with flood that the specs should be the same (or nearly the same). Some people have mentioned they find the cars a bit too fast but enjoy the racing so maybe a very small power reduction would be in order.
Let me know your opinions on this.
I would have to be very careful of who ran division 2, I dont think people realise how much time it takes to organise. As the race manager/oraganiser you have a long list of things to do and you have to be fairly forceful/strict to get things rolling and try and keep things fair.

Come on people, if you can make the one off event let me know, ill be getting some people from outside the FGTC later today. We need at least 4 more 'rest of the world' drivers and 2 more brits.

Xmas event roster so far

UK...................................VS... ............Rest of the world
Rhyfelwr................................ ...........................SkatenJ
Sandman................................. ..........................Sakery
Ellisnutt............................... ..............................?????
Pagey................................... .............................?????
I like the idea of the two different leagues, It would be pretty awesome to be more competitive and have better races. Although I had a great race yesterday, and other great races at Tokyo ect.

Put me down for having 2 diff leagues, and for wednesday mate. I don't mind going on the Rest of the world side as my dad's side of the family is Irish.
Ok, positive response so far. I would base division selection on the rankings after S2.
Ill put you in the UK team for now mate and transfer you to RoTW team if we fall short of numbers.

UK...................................VS. .. ............Rest of the world
Rhyfelwr................................ ...........................SkatenJ USA
Sandman................................. ..........................Sakery GER
Ellisnutt............................... ..............................?????
Pagey................................... .............................?????
Hey Brett this is the Vintage Sports Car Series I was telling you about. I can't join it due to time change but the idea of it really caught my eye. Have a look.

The idea of it is good, but I think they stopped it due to lack of racers. Would be pretty cool to drive them classic cars, 2002 Turbo's, Stratos, Delta, 2000GT

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The cars are most definatley cool but I cant see that they could all compete with each other. I read the last few posts, I wonder why they stopped?
I'm in two minds about splitting the field. Yes it will allow more people to get a win/podiums. And will spice things up at the lower end of the championship.
But as someone else said it will most likely be the same people being demoted and promoted.
Also when we were thinking about the FGT 600 not that many people outside of the championship responded.
Plus for the new host, trial races would need to be held to test connections, and also the standard of racing from the new guys I.e whether they are clean or not.
And then if the host doesnt have a good connection you would have to go through it again amd find one who did.
I'm jot picking holes but it would be a lot of work. But if enough people are interested and are ready to take on the work then it could work
There are a lot of downsides, some of which you mentioned. I could add more but would be accused of complaining, I dont think people realise how much time it takes to provide fair championship racing.


Upon reviewing the incident (Indy road course) I have decided that although it was a poor decision for Electric to place his car where it was it was also partially the fault of Skate for turning into Electrics car. I am calling it a 'racing incident'.
Electrics points have been restored. Indy enquiry is now closed.


Due to the fact that I wasnt 'allowed' the laptop by my lovely wife (Judo blackbelt, BAA, WKMAIITTULWP) before the race I couldnt apply all the grid penalties.
This means that for the next race Smithaz and sakery have to serve a 1 grid drop from indy road course along with any penalties they pick up from GVS. I apologise for this.

Stewards 10% complete, 2 drivers under investigation.
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Haha, I am not so sure but thanks anyway 👍

Are you able to make the xmas event on wednesday mate? The world team are a bit short and its been ages since we raced.

I may be able to make it if my employees come back on time, but good news is I think I'm looking good to make this Sundays race:)
Really? Great 👍

Ill put you in for the yanks, join if you can it should be fun :D

UK...................................VS. .. ............Rest of the world
Rhyfelwr................................ ...........................SkatenJ USA (its a jersey thang)
Sandman................................. ..........................Sakery GER
Ellisnutt............................... ..............................Ronin USA
Pagey................................... .............................?????
Etid.................................... .................................?????
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Im up for wednesday, put me on the list :) Are the events being randomised or do we have some choice in what we do?
Spurgey- Ok mate ill put you in, you get selected on certain events but there is a chance you get to compete in them all. They are short so watching should be fun.

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Im im favor of one room.
We should hr able to compete in them aswell. When does it start
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Skate- Ok mate, its probably not going to happen anyway.

Pagey- Excactly my point, I am entitled to have complaints against me dealt with in private as well as everyone else.

UK...................................VS. .. ............Rest of the world
Rhyfelwr................................ ...........................SkatenJ USA (its a jersey thang)
Sandman................................. ..........................Sakery GER
Ellisnutt............................... ..............................Ronin USA
Pagey................................... .............................?????
Etid.................................... .................................?????
How about a multiclass season.. like two different regulations all in the same race. Overtaking would be easy too. One group 936 bhp . Other 736 ect.
Not on the same track mate, we are too busy. I get a PM every other week about people wanting me to let them know if they can join etc.
I think we have got it right as we are, we are in the top few very succesful championships now (despite my awful OP) :(
I dont think its happening but it would be done either on the points table or the ranking system. I am changing the way the rankings are compiled for S3 as currently they dont quite show form as well as I would like.
It will remain in a similar format because having us all on track at the same time would be a total mess. I think 2 laps are perfect and handy for time constraints.

Stewards are 20% done.

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Yes but then it would not be the same as say if a div2 person got promoted he could possibly have no chance as. He is not use to faster settings. And its same for the ones who get demoted they wont like these settings and they would possibly quit.(depends who it is lol)

Anyway i would love a div2 without different settings.

Well we would need some way to make it easier on Div 2 (it should be easier to drive than Div 1). Perhaps allowing more TCS (past 1). The power could be kept the same or reduced slightly to ease the wheel spin exiting corners. e.g. (850 hp limiter).

The FGT pretty much drives the same on any power level anyways. :sly:

I think I'm up for the X-mas event. Not sure though.
Sandman I think my thread is gonna get to 100 comments before yours :D mwahahahaha :D

I love the idea of two tables but the work would not be worth it. If only if only
Rich- Let us know if you will be about, practice not required and we are short of septics mate 👍

Ellis-What thread? Ill comment :D

Below are two shots from my replay at GVS, they are for Sakery to confirm my compounds. Sorry if they are big, I am new to image sharing :lol:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

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Special event update
Events- Each podium wins the team head start seconds for the final. 1st=15 sec, 2nd=10 and 3rd=5

1. Icy Kart space- (dirty) Cobras on CH tyres, no aids 10 laps of kart space.

2. Rally event-3 Laps of Eiger Norwand rally stage (dirty)

3. Nascar at Daytona (dirty) Wipe them out and cross the line.

4. Cat and mouse at Nurburgring. Fiat 500 pushed by GTR, (dirty of course) first 500 across line wins.

5. x1 reverse race. Self explanatory (dirty)

6.FINAL- Fugitive at Nurburgring. One selected driver will run (in a stock impreza) while being chased by the whole other team in nascars. The nascars must pin the scooby to eliminate him or hold him up to destroy his finish time.
The team with the lowest lap time wins.
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I wont take part in the rally as it destroy wheels... Which pisses me off why make a "destroy my wheel" mode in a sim racing game. Gt5 makes me mad
You seem angry mate! You dont have to do the rally event!
3 laps is fine for my wheel, when I drive the X1 I turn the ffb off at the plug 👍
I am a bit mad at gt5. Why make a racing game if it damages wheels? Why cant pd just fix the garbage ffb...
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