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  • Thread starter berty1979
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I didnt know it did damage them, I just turn off ffb because it clatters down the straight which is 🤬 in the realism stakes.
Everyone who saved the Grand Valley Speedway race on sunday, please review rhyfelfr79's replay and check to see if he changes compounds I cant see him changing compounds anywhere.

you must fast forward through each lap and watch for "mediums" to pop up at any period. I'm not seeing any compound switch, neither has Sakery.
Its not going so forget that idea for starters. If anyone claims its a glitch they can just provide evidence, video or a set of pics. You would have to be a genius to photoshop those pics. I would happily admit it if I hadnt used 2 compounds and have even taken pics!

Fastest laps in the OP
OK well as I pm-ed you Brett: I rewatched it 4 times (or even more :D).
I couldn´t see you switch the Compounds.
But those pics tell a different story => you switched => no DQ

I didn´t know that connection issues can lead to those things 👎
I am sure when i checked through people's it said that Bret did change tire :)
Sakery- Thanks, I am pleased because of course I did change them 👍

Ellis- Most peoples replays show me not changing but I did and the steward is happy with my photos.

All- Stewards 80% done, 7 drivers under investigation.
Sakery- Thanks, I am pleased because of course I did change them 👍

Ellis- Most peoples replays show me not changing but I did and the steward is happy with my photos.

All- Stewards 80% done, 7 drivers under investigation.

Ok then, :odd: . Thats the first time I've witnessed that but I'm sure the chances are pretty slim it will happen to you again since its so rare.
I was watching the replay and I saw a ghost crew walking across the front straight at the start. Its only visible from some views but its pretty bizarre. I suppose with games, they have glitches and its probably like that with all games including i racing.
That happened when i stewarded last week. The pit crew was waiting in the middle of the road and the guy i was watching killed 3 of them!
Ive noticed a few things, one replay the pit crews were on track, i think it was suzuka.
Plus i was watching electrics replay once, when he pulled into his pit stall and stopped, he shook his head :lol:
That is funny though, unless it affects your race.
I have seen people on the road before but I thought they were spectators.
That was odd, its almost as if they were so embarrassed by Ellis' driving that they just said no :D
Whats this about a carpet?
:lol: I must be tired!

UK...................................VS. .. ............Rest of the world
Rhyfelwr................................ ...........................SkatenJ USA (its a jersey thang)
Sandman................................. ..........................Sakery GER
Ellisnutt............................... ..............................Ronin USA
Pagey................................... .............................Cowboys965 (remind me to add)
Etid.................................... .................................?????
Spurgey................................. ................................????

Special event details
Events- Each podium wins the team head start seconds for the final. 1st=15 sec, 2nd=10 and 3rd=5

1. Icy Kart space- (dirty) Cobras on CH tyres, no aids 10 laps of kart space.

2. Rally event-3 Laps of Eiger Norwand rally stage (dirty)

3. Nascar at Daytona (dirty) Wipe them out and cross the line.

4. Cat and mouse at Nurburgring. Fiat 500 pushed by GTR, (dirty of course) first 500 across line wins.

5. x1 reverse race. Self explanatory (dirty)

6.FINAL- Fugitive at Nurburgring. One selected driver will run (in a stock impreza) while being chased by the whole other team in nascars. The nascars must pin the scooby to eliminate him or hold him up to destroy his finish time.
The team with the lowest lap time wins.
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Hi Brett,
As we are not clever enough to be able to post a picture on GTP we have sent you a picture on the PSN messaging to show you what we and some of the others see. Of course we and some of the others didn't know that this sort of thing could happen with the GT5 replays. So now you can see why some of us thought you hadn't changed compounds. If this happens in future then we will have to show photographic proof like you have of change of compounds rather than drop this rule.
Thanks for taking the time to do that but I believe that it looks like I didnt change compounds and I understand that this is entirely possible with a full room of drivers from various countries. Its the price we pay for being international. What I didnt appreciate is it being discussed publicly. If the compound problem happens to anyone else they are free to post pics like I did or send them to me on PSN to prove it. I would have happily taken a DISQ if I were guilty as a part of me wants a great finish between me and Pagey.
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I would have happily taken a DISQ if I were guilty as a part of me wants a great finish between me and Pagey.

We might still get that great finish. I'm 49 points behind with 5 races left so I need to finish second or higher, with you 2 places or more behind me :)
This is if I don't get any penalties for GVS though
Well it seems likely that I will get serious penalties so even if you do as they say in dance off's. 'its on' :D
You will have to perform well at Cape and Monaco though as I am quick at both tracks. I have no idea how I will go at Fuji and we all know whats going to happen at Nurburg :lol:
I would rather try and beat you without a penalty but hey Ho.
Cape ring is unknown for me, never been round there in an FGT, seems like my kind of track though. But yes Monaco is worrying me.
:lol: I wouldn't count your chickens just get, we don't know how fast these new guns will be round there
Cape ring last year everyone was like "I hate this track" after the race everyone loved it, great for ovbertaking and nice long technical laps. You will enjoy it once you get your tube right 👍
The new guns are fast and will be in with a shout in S3 but we both know who is contesting the S2 title :D
Yeah it should be pretty intense 👍 exactly what i like.
Has anyone had a chance to practice? To see what ball park we are aiming for after spec 2
I havent yet but I might have a go round this afternoon mate. I expect spec 2 will have screwed up my S1 tune though :(
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