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  • Thread starter berty1979
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3 choices? But, I can think of 5 people I want to be teamed up with D: You, Pagey, Sandman, Smithaz or Mustard :) but tbh I really dont mind, would just be easier to have a really quick teammate (again means I can be lazy :D)
Damn Pagey that´s serious stuff. (I have something compareable in my Family too *knocking on wood nothing happend to me or is found*)

My Qualy was on the spot. First qualy lap was forgetable (Fast-KN was distracting me, although not hindering me)=> I stoped at the last chicane for some seconds.
2nd lap no screwing :D
=> 1:21.280 best lap of me ever
=> 8th?? was good for me.

Start of the race was fine but couldn´t overtake Rhyf safely => stuck behind you
At turn 2/3 I got spun out.
Fought my way up again to 7th directly behind Rhyf again. Spunout myself a few times but managed a 15 lap stint on RM´s.
And now my newerly §$%G% 1st stop comes into play. I adjust the Fuel and forget to switch to RS => a second stint on RM´s *d´oh*
Did 10 aggresive laps with them and made my final stop.
=> 20 laps with RS

Was 10th after the stop (11th because I didn´t see Etid) and managed to pass Electric a few laps later.
I was hitting 1:21´s mid till lap 35 (10laps to go). During those laps I passed Runfast and thought he might pit and get me again, but he didn´t.
The last 3 laps where horror soo on the edge. I managed not to spin and if I had done two RS-stints I might have fought with ellis.
I hope I did well getting lapped.
At lap 13ish I had smithaz behind me who had pitted and I moved over and I thought he´ll overtake me (sorry that you hit me I think I slowed down too much) because:
a. I had oooold tires
b. he is/was just faster than me period.

Was a good race, I hope I can take part on Wednesday (what Time ??)
Oh and just realised Brett got the fastest lap by 0.05 seconds from Pagey, he did a 1.17.942, whered you get that pace from all of a sudden, thought you didnt like this track? :)
I probably had a 1:16.xx in me with empty tank, did 17,4 on monday although never seriously tried to better it due to the importance of performance on full fuel. I reckon' a 1:16.4 is possible. Thats what I'd expect in an online TT. I'm usually about 8 tenths off the fastest person.

All out time doesn't seem to mean anything though....its more a footnote. I find that I finish far ahead of some who have quicker all out times. Pagey seems to be the one who can get a good combo of pace and all out time.
Yeh, I think it was probably where he was quite a bit lower on fuel after the first stop because he went for longer, but as you said it doesnt matter at the end of the day, its pace that counts :) And what does he mean our cars will be knackered at the end of the season? We can just repair them cant we?
Spurgey- :lol: We will see nearer the time m8, it has to be reasonably fair :D
I remember getting a huge draft from smithaz at one point then again from someone else on the uphill and again on the home straight, that must have been it. Didnt expect that time :cheers: Normally I steal a place by looking after my tyres so its rare for me to get a lap record.

sakery- You moved out of my way no problem mate, just before I pitted. What time can you make wed because you are on the world team with the Americans 👍 (we got too many brits).

Pagey- Sorry dude :D

SM- :lol:

Everyone- Let me know if you are cool to enter the UK vs The world event on wednesday. I have put the time as 2100-2230 to try and get as many people in as possible.
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Im down for season three and xmas. I think we should randomize teams to prevent unstoppable teams. But instead of 24 hrs of le lams i spent the day taking my g27 apart to tighten the sensor motor screw so it straightens out. Still not done because od those damnes molex plugs
Ok, glad to hear it chaps!

Xmas event roster so far

UK...................................VS...............Rest of the world
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Haha, I am not so sure but thanks anyway 👍

Are you able to make the xmas event on wednesday mate? The world team are a bit short and its been ages since we raced.
Ill put you in Pagey, we will have enough even if you dont make it mate 👍

(we are going to need your pace to win)
Thats cool, people are selected for certain events based on the captains view of their ability. We will do 3 or 4 out of the 5 events each to keep it fair, ill leave you out of the first event 👍
Maybe some form of two tables should be considered for next season. It dawned on me at indionapolis when I was lapped by the person who was 2 places ahead of me, I know FGT600 was tried unsuccessfully but i think some form of two table and shorter seasons would work and keep competition closer. Also more people could become involved with the championship. Just an idea :D
Well 2 tables of racers ranked from highest to lowest with 10 or 12 racers in each. A 7 Race series maybe? and the top 2 go up automatically from Div2 if they place 1st or 2nd or 3rd and bottom 2 or 3 of the higher league get relagated if they are in the bottom 2 or 3.

Think football but with championship points as normal instead of 3-win 1- draw 0-loss
It looks cool but I got a few problems with it.
1. It would take a lot more time from me and I am already almost capacity with the current format.
2. I think a lot of racers could do so much better than they do and making it easier would create a tier 2 version of what we have already. some drivers top 5, some mid pack and some at the back. Wouldnt it be the same people going up and down all the time?
Some form of Handicap system then to stop 2) from happening

Any hoo im going to bed.Night'yall
Lol its a jersey thing.... But i finally got my g27 together and i just noticed i forgot to put my paddles in. Im dumb...
Well 2 tables of racers ranked from highest to lowest with 10 or 12 racers in each. A 7 Race series maybe? and the top 2 go up automatically from Div2 if they place 1st or 2nd or 3rd and bottom 2 or 3 of the higher league get relagated if they are in the bottom 2 or 3.

Think football but with championship points as normal instead of 3-win 1- draw 0-loss
Thats a great idea, it would also eliminate lag & allow slightly slower people to have a shot at winning races. As it is some have no chance at even a podium. Lag & frame rate improves loads with just 10-12 in the room.

It would be like F1 and GP2.

No offense to slower drivers, I do the Division 2 in the GTP FIA Omega, its great fun racing for wins (like tonight). If I was in Division 1 I'd be lucky to crack the top 4.

You'd have two hosts Berty, one hosting GP2 and say you hosting the F1 (division 1).

Division 2 could run at the same power or say at 750 hp (same power as the formula superleague). It'd be so cool! I dont see why thats not possible. The nerd in me goes wild when I think of splitting the field up and having 2 winners instead of one (and 6 podium finishers instead of 3).
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