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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Etid- Unlike you to struggle mate, your best lap wasnt that bad. Cote will be a better result I'm sure 👍

Spurgey- Do you race in a league? Is it something you could use to move up to other forms of motorsport? I didnt realise you were a proper karter mate :)

Babalu- We are full at the minute, check back in the new year when I open S3 to the public 👍
I only race at a club, but thats because to do the Nationals (Super 1 if you care what its called) it costs just as much as doing a championship in cars like ginettas, which I might get a scholarship for beggining of next year :D or if I can get the sponsorship I want to go into Formula Ford or Formula Renault, but they cost like 100K to do which is annoying.
Respect 👍 good luck getting a scholarship. Any form of motorsport costs a fortune (even proper karting) as you know but I hope to see you in a McLaren F1 in a few years (and a couple of complimentary tickets to the GBGP :))
Thanks, if I do get into F1, theres lots of people im going to have to get presents for haha, I should make a list, not that Ill probably use it :D
I would like VIP tickets for the Monaco GP, a new car would be nice, and you can buy me a new house if your feeling generous :D
Bret - Thought you might say that :)
Sandman - Im not santa you know, or am i? :D

Did you guys watch Jeff Dunham yesterday? If you didnt just type Achmed the dead terrorist chirstmas special into youtube and start at part 1.
Spurgy 777
Bret - Thought you might say that :)
Sandman - Im not santa you know, or am i? :D

Did you guys watch Jeff Dunham yesterday? If you didnt just type Achmed the dead terrorist chirstmas special into youtube and start at part 1.

You are arent you! I have been good and will leave you a **** load of mince pies.

And yeah i watched it on comedy central, was very funny! :lol:
spurgey- we have just found out your are going to be a rich racing driver, what do you expect :D I have seen that guy before, he is not bad.

Babalu- I only keep 2 reserves, yesterday was an unusually low turnout due to christmas etc. (usually we start with a full room) but keep your eye out for when S3 goes public ok.
Can drive Babalu as Reserve Driver the last Races.
And next Sasion every race??
i think in every race are 2-3 spaces free.
16 drivers are not often or??
Yeh, just got a new Daytona, drives a lot better than the 010B, and better than an Intrepid ;) haha, even though Ive never had a go in one :D

I know Gillard.
Its good for rain.
But the Intrepid is verry good for a mechanic not so difficult and and the new Chassi is good for Mojo tyres.
Try the Intrepid.
In England that is a tony Kart Conuntry i know that.
Tony kart is also verry good.
Yeh, the main reason why I choose the Gillard is because its a lot stronger than a tony kart but is almost as quick, tony karts bend a lot easier and lose performance quicker, and the club I go to some people think its bumper karts and they just try and take you out. :)
I will try the Gillard in which Team do you drive??
In Belgium is a verry good Gillard team Defeyter Kart.
Im not in a team, I run my own kart with my dad, so far nothings fallen off so we cant be doing that bad a job :D
Spurgy next thing you know Ross Brawn or Martin Whitmarsh will be on the blower ;)
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Normally if the grid is not full it is because someone cant connect for excactly that reason, I hope you understand why I only keep 2 reserves. We normally have 16 people trying to join in most races even though 15 may start and less finish. I dont want to compound the disconnect problems for the regulars.
When S3 goes public babalulu can apply, this is to give the regulars a chance to sign up 👍
Normally if the grid is not full it is because someone cant connect for excactly that reason, I hope you understand why I only keep 2 reserves. We normally have 16 people trying to join in most races even though 15 may start and less finish. I dont want to compound the disconnect problems for the regulars.
When S3 goes public babalulu can apply, this is to give the regulars a chance to sign up 👍

Ok i understand this.
Im not in a team, I run my own kart with my dad, so far nothings fallen off so we cant be doing that bad a job :D

Yes a team is sometimes not good.
But in the Euro Challenge a Driver must drive in a team.
With only a Mechanic you dont have a chance there.
Its to hard there.
I could have raced. Was awake in bed till 22pm => didn´t know that I can´t sleep that easily.
@Brett: Normaly I´m a Industrial Buisnessman (hope that´s understandable Merchant if its better). But our company integrates "us" sometimes in the normal production layer-plan
=> I got the early layer plus I have to come 1 hour sooner too -_-

It´s a nice system though plus I have to work till 21st and after that I have free :D
Shame you didnt mate, would have been interesting to see where you finished. You have a good job 👍 and not ling to wait until the Xmas break :D
Found some awesome videos of some old Class B rally cars. Listen to the engines! Love these cars!

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