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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Just got gold in the Vettel challenge at all three tracks and got to level 40! :D Its so much easier to do with a steering wheel, on the controller I only got a silver at monza and the others were bronze.
Spurgey- I have only done Monza I think, bronze on the others :( I hate the X1!

All-We are running some unofficial races tonight in the FGT's (this will also help with bug testing).
Hmm, im just running the X2010 and the Prototype at daytona sw and im getting a really really bad vibration, anyone know why?
Actually I think im just getting it when ever I go above 200mph, no matter what the track, its doing it at Monza too.
Hmm, im just running the X2010 and the Prototype at daytona sw and im getting a really really bad vibration, anyone know why?
Actually I think im just getting it when ever I go above 200mph, no matter what the track, its doing it at Monza too.

its the same with all wheels mate.
Yeah, be careful driving the X1 with a wheel i have heard a number of people say it wrecks them. And it might just be paranoia but i drove one the other day and it really shook my wheel bad, and now the FFB doesnt feel as strong and there is more play in the wheel.
Oh, but I think its worse than it was, I cant get above 250mph using a wheel or a controller when ive got full downforce, I just get to 247 then start to slow down, it seems to be fine with default downforce.
After several games of me absoloutly terrorising Ellis on FIFA I decided to pick a goal that summed it up. Look at this for a free kick!

Watch in HD and full screen on YouTube!

Hyland <3

P.S I'm not selling any of my defenders :P
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Ellis man, heres what I did and it helped so much. You need to do this now, it will help trust me.

Get a big USB stick and copy all of your SAVE data, not GAME data, onto it. Then turn your PS3 off and when you turn it back on hold the on button down till it beeps once, then beeps twice to bring up the recovery menu. Then restore your PS3 to its defauly settings. When its done copy your saves back over, that will help loads.

If you don't want to do that do this.

Make sure you only have one PS3 user on your PS3, this helps the PS3 load up quicker. Make sure you have the defualt PS3 background on. Make sure you delete all music, pictures, unsused demos, messages (recieved and sent), and unused game data, delete unwanted friends and check your memory in settings > system settings > system info.

Hope this helps.
Im on wireless to and I only seem to disconnect when im using my mic, the rest of the time its fine :) and thanks for reminding me to delete my messages, had almost 2MBs of data just in my recieved messages :D first time ive deleted any since i got my ps3 last July lol.
It might be worth wiring it up though, my 30m cable cost less than a tenner, my room is quite a distance from the router but I just tucked the cable under the carpet. And my connection runs 3mbps faster. Job done :D
Being wireless seriously affects the stability, when I check my wireless it fluctuates between 3 and 6. Wired is always over 7.
I have had a PS3 clear out :D got a spare 16GB now. And Bret, can you imagine? :lol:

Ellis: Mum can I run a cable under the carpet?

Ellis- Not if you did an expert job.

All- I am keen to close this season out so I might choose the Sunday after next and only allow 9 selected drivers to see the end of the season out with me. Its harsh but at least it would mean we can plan S3 and check everyone is still interested and so have time to sort some new blood out if they were not.
Obviously I would choose anyone that could feasibly catch me up and some of the old guard.

Note- I am forced to do this by the bug, I am sorry to the people that dont make it :(

Ok, so if you are on the current list and want to race the rest of the season then you must confirm here, the first 10 to confirm will make it. It is strictly first come first served :( If you cant or dont want to carry on then please say so so I can take you off the list 👍

# = confirmed

Current list (must be reduced to 10)
Mustard (currently 3rd)
Rhyfelwr (Championship leader) #
Pagey (currently in 2nd)
Smithaz (contender for 2nd/3rd)
Spurgey (high skill/disclipline level)
Pigboy (seniority)
Sakery (seniority and championship standing)
Sandman (seniority)
Etid (seniority and championship standing)
Runfast (seniority)
Ellisnutt (seniority)
Skatenj (seniority)
Electric (seniority)

Not racing for the rest of the season (sorry)
Flood (currently doesnt have a copy of GT5)
Smart Heart (race count and discliplinary record)
FastKn (seniority)
Ronin (reserve status)
Immortalpilot (reserve status)
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Note- I am forced to do this by the bug, I am sorry to the people that dont make it

Ok, so if you are on the current list and want to race the rest of the season then you must confirm here, the first 10 to confirm will make it. It is strictly first come first served If you cant or dont want to carry on then please say so so I can take you off the list

# = confirmed

Current list (must be reduced to 10)
Mustard (currently 3rd)
Rhyfelwr (Championship leader) #
Pagey (currently in 2nd)
Smithaz (contender for 2nd/3rd)
Spurgey (high skill/disclipline level)
Pigboy (seniority)
Sakery (seniority and championship standing)
Sandman (seniority)
Etid (seniority and championship standing) #
Runfast (seniority)
Ellisnutt (seniority) #
Skatenj (seniority)
Electric (seniority)

7 spots left^

Not racing for the rest of the season (sorry, its certainly not personal)
Flood (currently doesnt have a copy of GT5)
Smart Heart (race count and discliplinary record)
FastKn (seniority)
Ronin (reserve status)
Immortalpilot (reserve status)

Apologies for the double post, just trying to get this noticed as soon as possible.
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Count me in And Ferg says to put his name down for this aswell :) I am on chat with him now and he does not have access to a laptop
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