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  • Thread starter berty1979
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:lol: I know. I can see how jelous you are :D

Because people did not understand how small my old television was. Here it is. Again note the gap underneath :lol: And also the nice collection of games underneath that and the skyrim bible on the left :lol: :D

:lol: that room is a total disgrace!
Sarcastic I hope :lol: I try to keep it as organised as I possibly can :lol:.

I even Have an organised Sports draw complete with 7 pairs of different types of gloves. Sock and finger tape. A gum shield. Rugby mits. Goalkeeping pants. 4 pairs of shorts. About 10 to 13 football shirts. Base layer. Two vests. And a neck Warmer all in this drawer. That is how organised and neat I am :lol:

That's the one I use now. Although only for the ps3 because the tv on it is shocking.
No because you have STD's. They never win. Somebody with a green wee-wee cannot win. :D mwahahaha.

You shall never live down me finding out you went for that test :D Blame Bret for it all. :lol:
No one alive has STD's, as they are not diseases, they are infections ;)

I think the fact that I can actually pull someone is bothering you....why is that Ellis? :P
Because I am deeply concerned for whom you are pulling. come to Morecambe It will put you off females for good. :lol: I make do with the rare ones that slip through the net but they come round once in a blue moon. It's different up north mate, we are a different breed from you turnip farmers down south :lol: Gregg's is a church, girls are called bad names like sandra and sharon :lol: And people like yourself would be kkkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyyyyyyyyyyllllllllleeeeeeeeedddddddd on sight for having disposable income :lol:
No one alive has STD's, as they are not diseases, they are infections ;)
Where does the D come from then. Sexually transmitted dog's? :lol: Sexually threatened dingleberries? :lol:
And thank you Bret ;)
It was sexually transmitted diseases, but as they are not diseases it was changed to sexually transmitted infections, what do they teach you up there!
"Doctor doctor my dingleberriers are under immense sexual threat from the precarious lady across the street"

Pagey- Why gravy goes with everything. Why smart price is best and why a "hello" is for posh so and so's and "ey up" is much more suitable. Oh and why flat caps are the best apparel ever.
I hope he is in a good mood or I am in for a rollocking :nervous:
(they are hanging down like a bag of onions :lol:)
My dad got them in france and had to go into a pharmacy and explain to a stunning french pharmacutical nurse (complete with outfit with legs on show) how he had "un raspberries up le bum" as he said it :lol: Never laughed so much in my life :lol: Poor woman knew though exactly what he was on about :lol:
My dad got them in france and had to go into a pharmacy and explain to a stunning french pharmacutical nurse (complete with outfit with legs on show) how he had "un raspberries up le bum" as he said it Never laughed so much in my life Poor woman knew though exactly what he was on about

:lol: its always the way. Its like buying condoms, its always a really old lady behind the counter who gives you the "I know what your planning to do tonight you filthy heathen" look :D

SM- I doubt it but we could be lucky I guess.
Anyway to get this back on topic i had a quick run around and was pleasantly surprised to find i was quicker than i had been. But even so my only hope for a victory is to squeeze ahead and rely on the tracks lack of overtaking opportunities to keep people behind me.

Do people think a controller would be faster around here? You can change direction much faster than a wheel
Not sure, it certainly wouldnt be a disadvantage. I had a run round tonight and have lost about a second a lap from before, I will get it back when I straighten the chassis and stop chatting during the race :D
hi guys i have good newe.
I can drive the next Races i dont know whether the whole sasion but the next races.
Because i test rfactor in the week and the races will start in 3 months then i can drive in the weekend gt5.
See you sunday
Hi tony, I am sorry but the online bug has forced us to slim down to 10 drivers for the last few races. I put several posts up regarding this, Babalulu also said you had gone over to rfactor too.
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