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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Damn you beat me for the 6000th post brett ^_^

I´ll do my first testing today/tonight just to get a feel for the FGT again :D
Yay :lol: I never notice the milestone posts and always need someone else to tell me :D
The FGT is a bit of a shock to the senses after a long break but I was enjoying it at Monaco last night, I was about one second off what I was before we stopped.
6000 posts eh! Who would have thought :D
Yes, it has all been arranged. People were selected based on seniority/position in standings in order to finish season 2. Then invited to apply to be in the 10.

In reference to last nights conversation at Monaco- Mike was right, India is 4th on the military power list! Damn my lack of short term memory!
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Brett - You turnip, I was the one who said India, you need a hearing aid or something :D And I wanted the 6000th post too, stop stealing all the milestones! :)
Pagey - An infection and a disease are exactly the same thing, I mean even a cold is a disease technically, and you get infected by it ;)
Pagey - An infection and a disease are exactly the same thing, I mean even a cold is a disease technically, and you get infected by it ;)

Then why were they changed from STD's to STI's then?? ;)

A cold is just a growth of micro-organisms that infect the body (see definition of infection), they only bugger off when the immune system tracks them down and beats them senseless.

Oh and Carltons dancing is just immense, i might have to learn his moves :lol:

But anyway back to it i dont think i will be able to get much practice in for sunday :( going to wales tomorrow and working tonight.
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Spurgey- Mike, you..... whatever :D that website doesnt take into account 2 very important factors that would change the rankings. It works on a 'total war' idea but excludes nuclear capability.
Oh and I didnt mean to get 6000! It just happened :lol:

SM- Awesome mate, those were the days!

Pagey- I was under the impression it had been changed to STI because STD was too mean on the sufferer and made them feel like an outcast.
I always assumed a cold was a viral infection rather than a disease but I actually have no idea.
Pre bug I would have argued with that as I reckon I could have slaughtered spurgey here but unless I get my second a lap back you may be right. Luckily your the one with all the work to do to win the season :D

Tony- I was going to remove you, so are you SURE you are racing in season 3?
"There is an important reason for this change of names. As a rule, the word "disease" implies the presence of symptoms that the infected person is aware of; the word "infection", on the other hand, covers both situations." The term disease is too specific and some STI's didnt come under that bracket.

I think the season is pretty much gone for me :( I have a chance of winning the last 3 races but you just need to finish above 5th in all of them (i think) and you will win the championship
I am glad you cleared that up, although I will forget it on about 3 minutes :lol:

You are the only one who can steal the crown from me. This is perhaps one of the toughest championships to win with the most lethal car, strict penalties and number of miles per season..... so go for the win! (and dont get any penalties).
I shall do my best :D

Out of interest what times are you setting on a full tank?
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Now 1.11.low
Before we took a break 1.10.low
Best lap ever 1.09.mid
Best lap I have seen 1.08.high (sandman)

Hows that for info :D
I don't know, haven't had a chance to test that, i will probably find out sunday morning as im busy tomorrow
If they did Ellis would feel very betrayed and it could possibly be the end of his and Etid's relationship :sly:
Sorry Runfast I missed your post. We didnt practice tonight though, just had a few mess around races. Ill see you on sunday unless your free for an enduro at 1930GMT? (sat/today)
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