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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Hehe, dont start playing detective KJ flood on the case lol. You would be bored etc. so dont join till I am in my room ok. I will message everyone like I always do anyway bro.
ALL the touring cars and other race cars going. Do not spend that on Le mans cars they are a waste of money ;)
Yes he did. I wonder if the update did something to stop duping?
Funny racing tonight, Runfast was on top form! (despite doing something with a hot dog)
Yes he did. I wonder if the update did something to stop duping?
Funny racing tonight, Runfast was on top form! (despite doing something with a hot dog)

I was bloody hungry mate, I cooked a hotdog! And I said I made a hotdog hot so I could eat it! Lol:) y'all took it the wrong way! Got your mind in the gutter:)
Peace out
Hahaha, that made me chuckle mate. We know but I think we were all a bit hyper last night, you are a legend :D
I was bloody hungry mate, I cooked a hotdog! And I said I made a hotdog hot so I could eat it! Lol:) y'all took it the wrong way! Got your mind in the gutter:)
Peace out

runfast, we got our minds in the gutter! :D

i didnt know you became a firefighter?....or a doctor?
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Gadaffi turned Libiya into the highest standard of living in North Africa, and gave every citizen free education. He also nationalized the countries oil so that everyone could have a cut. Libiya also had ZERO debt, and a national owned bank. Libiya was a jewel in the African crown before the UN( which is a private organization) decided to drop their loving peace bombs on them. Gadaffi was ruthless at times I admit, but in my opinion this is a very sad day for the Libian people.
It is estimated that Gaddafi loyalists have killed up to 30,000 people over the last few months alone, he was a coward and a murderer, calling for his troops to kill innocent children and families. And thats on top of the lockerby bombings. He was no better than Saddam husein and got what was coming for him
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In my opinion, any leader can create a small utopia for the foreign press, often built on the blood and suffering of others. This 'man' has brutalised and slaughtered his people and harboured other criminal leaders of his own likeness for too long.
"In measured hundredweight and penny pound.
When the man comes around."
Johnny Cash
In my opinion, any leader can create a small utopia for the foreign press, often built on the blood and suffering of others. This 'man' has brutalised and slaughtered his people and harboured other criminal leaders of his own likeness for too long.
"In measured hundredweight and penny pound.
When the man comes around."
Johnny Cash

Well said
On a lighter note anyone up for a bit of practice tonight? :)
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Wow, you just repeated all the mainstream propaganda, do you know how many people have died in Iraq since the start of that war? Over 2 million, did Saddam kill them all? UN sanctions killed over 1 million people alone, mostly children and sick people. I guess thats 2 million people that are now blissfully in peace. That gadaffi rumour has been proven to be a lie, well anyway it's fine. Just try and get news from other sources and you may get a very different picture. I hope some of you guys question what the media tells you.

Please take a look at some of these websites,
Tragedyandhope dot com
Infowars dot com
Drugereport dot com
Cuttingthroughthematrix dot com

Sorry everyone for throwing this thread off.
Yes the media exaggerates and distorts things, but the facts are in there, 42 years of iron rule, countless reports of torture and mutilisation of his own people, he gave arms to the IRA, which they used to kill many people in the Republic of ireland still to this day, plus in England, the killing of tens of thousands of people over the past few months. All under the orders of Gadaffi himself. This picture hasnt been painted by the media, its based on hard facts, witness accounts, Gaddafi himself did not deny he was supplying the IRA with arms.
Yes he installed economic stability but that was due to the oil.
@ Ronin.
I have not gathered my information from any news report and I turned the news on after I made that comment my friend.
Each are allowed their opinion and mine is that the sites you mentioned are not worth my time, I can guess what I will see before I get there. Never will I be fooled into thinking that justice comes for free, there is payment and unfortunatley it is usually in human life. I would be happy to discuss this with you online but maybe this is not the place.
And of course he acted alone right? Why do you think he did it? Where did he get those weapons from in the first place? Can't find these answers on wikipedia unfortunately.
Look up the history of the British empire, if you think he was bad. Look up fast and furious for the USA if you want to see things like that. My point was simply that of course he was bad, all leaders are inherently corrupt at the top, but now watch how Libiya is torn apart. How sad it is for them. Please if you get a chance look through those websites I gave out earlier.
Yes the British exmpire was horrific at times, after all we invented the concentration camp...however i dont see how that comes into it. And yes we did sell arms to Libya, but without the knowledge of how they would be used. Gaddafi's dead, you can either look on that with relief or anguish and lets leave it at that yeah?
Wow pagey what a time I'm getting 1.03:xxx with my engine down I recon i could set a 1.02 with a
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Flood- I got a 1.02.xxx, not that good :(

Pagey- Nice lap mate, I am still gonna beat you though :D

Ronin- Can you make Spa?
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