Sakery- It will have to be a gentlemens agreement then, this is the reason I wanted to ban TCS but we cant change it now as it isnt fair
Runfast- Mate, I feel your pain. You were red hot in practice on gpf. You are not allowed to retire, the FGTC would be a duller place without you! I know your the type of guy who will suck it up and get on with Laguna (singing.....on the road again!)
SM- I know man, I cant believe they are voting lol. Its like...why do you care??? Unless you want to join. Cant believe Pagey wrecked our 1-2 man! Still good points though, we will get them next time (or when pagey takes a holiday lol). Awesome vid m8 those cars sound proper!
Pagey- You absolute b*#%"@d! Only joking of course, great race man, with out you pushing me it would have been too quiet anyway. We will get our 1-2 sometime
Ronin- Is your wheel ok now? Did you yank the plug out of the socket?

Thanks for the congrats I enjoyed the win. I wonder why you dont seem keen on GPF? Its the only track I remember where you were not either snapping at my heels or 2 minutes in fromt
Flood- I had a big smile watching your start on the replay man, you totally kicked ass! You are getting better and it is starting to show, now you gotta keep at it and not relax so you can get your podium 👍
Electric- Thanks man, I dont get why you havent had a podium either. Gutted for you mate the disconnect was proper rough luck. Good race until then though 👍
Remember to yield when being lapped and put a complaint in if someone has bashed you.
Clear your caches and re set routers before the race to avoid connection problems.
See you at Laguna