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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Hi guys..
First of all, Good on you Brett. and I am only putting a short report in this week ..... as I was disconnected on lap 42 I am going to be cwying :( in the corner for the week.. bye:( it isn't fair you just get a nice thing going and BLACKOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:)
Sakery- It will have to be a gentlemens agreement then, this is the reason I wanted to ban TCS but we cant change it now as it isnt fair :(

Runfast- Mate, I feel your pain. You were red hot in practice on gpf. You are not allowed to retire, the FGTC would be a duller place without you! I know your the type of guy who will suck it up and get on with Laguna (singing.....on the road again!)

SM- I know man, I cant believe they are voting lol. Its like...why do you care??? Unless you want to join. Cant believe Pagey wrecked our 1-2 man! Still good points though, we will get them next time (or when pagey takes a holiday lol). Awesome vid m8 those cars sound proper!

Pagey- You absolute b*#%"@d! Only joking of course, great race man, with out you pushing me it would have been too quiet anyway. We will get our 1-2 sometime :)

Ronin- Is your wheel ok now? Did you yank the plug out of the socket? :) Thanks for the congrats I enjoyed the win. I wonder why you dont seem keen on GPF? Its the only track I remember where you were not either snapping at my heels or 2 minutes in fromt :D

Flood- I had a big smile watching your start on the replay man, you totally kicked ass! You are getting better and it is starting to show, now you gotta keep at it and not relax so you can get your podium 👍

Electric- Thanks man, I dont get why you havent had a podium either. Gutted for you mate the disconnect was proper rough luck. Good race until then though 👍

Remember to yield when being lapped and put a complaint in if someone has bashed you.
Clear your caches and re set routers before the race to avoid connection problems.
See you at Laguna :)
Yeah brett I just danced through bobbing and weaving like Muhammed Ali and yh I'm waiting for that podium.
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Your fastest lap was ok but you didnt change your tyres! No one can control the car with the tyres 100% gone :(
You will improve with a tune and some practice. I messaged you.
When its out. Tomorrow isnt it mate?
When can you finish stewards report? If you are busy let me know, I can do it as I have finished mine.
Ok cool but the DLC is tomorrow right?
No panic, it is tomorrow but I wont be home until 2pm! Hopefully the rush will be over by then.
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Awesome mate, ill message you when I have finished download 👍 then its straight into the F2007 cars and onto spa 👍
Msg me with your stewards duty when you can mate just waiting for you now and I have 2 things to check too tomorrow.
Flood your start wasn´t just good.... It was GOD-Mode on !!!
From 9th to 3rd in one Corner !! (and 2nd at the 2nd Turn)

This would be the most epic Start in Real-life racing !! *bow-down*

I´m looking forward to the DLC too :D
I like Spa very much it is one of the best Tracks ever made, because it flows and was build in the Terrain (like Nürb).
Damn this means i have to spend money -.- can someone not just give me it *cough* etid *cough* :)
Been watchin the replays,it was a great race.Sorry about the damage pagey,u hit me while i was spinning and it got your frunt right wheel and damaged it i saw.The expert seasonal challenge in a wrx at laguna taught me the best lines to take through the corners here,it paid off to aim for the orange strips ,just inside the apex of the corner.I have also been working on braking in a straight line,braking when turning seems to upset the car and me..every-1 has improved so much.
Dont worry speedkn ,you will get better.Dont give up though,i almost did a few times,add me and we can practice and any-1 else who wants to can add me.
DLC.9am here 18th oct no DLC yet in ps store,dont do what i did and accidently buy a game you dont want,bloody automatic wallet....
Been watchin the replays,it was a great race.Sorry about the damage pagey,u hit me while i was spinning and it got your frunt right wheel and damaged it i saw.

Dont worry about it :) it didnt slow me up much at all
Race Report
I had an awesome race! My tire/pit strategy was perfect. Had nice battles with pigboy,electric,Ellis,and netherreal. It reminds me why I signed up in the first place. Thanks for the great racing guys!
Ellis- You tight git! Dont buy it and check if you can race on a track someone else has bought, if not pop out and download it.

PB- People have got a lot faster since your 'break' you are going to have to practice hard to start getting your regular podiums again mate. Just proves the old practice makes perfect :)

SM- Maybe you were suffering from the Pagey fear factor, you see him behind you in a race and thats when the cold sweat starts and the doubts start to creep in :D

Skate- Your race was awesome and I enjoyed the replay, maybe your best effort so far considering the quality of the opposition. Your ranking score is climbing with each race, the good thing about them is you can aim to beat the driver above you in each race.
A successful pit strategy and reducing spins is worth a couple places, the rest is all pace 👍
Hey,i just saw a comment under the news story on USA delay for DLC and 1 bloke says only the host needs the dlc to race spa,i suppose its still not fair coz they cant practice by yourself unless you have the dlc.......
New PS3 firmware update available not manditory,id consider it as it relates to stability being improved,it might make connection issue's better.
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