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  • Thread starter berty1979
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My race report:
I put put all the stock out in the bathroom section at matalan. It was a close one at the end but i got most of the towels out which was a good success đź‘Ť. I pitted twice for a dump in the toilets as my recurring unreliability in the bowels of my machine struck again. I pushed on though and managed to finish the race with minuites to spare. I look forward to the next shift, i mean race. Bedding in the position ahead was in sight but my pace was lacking and never took it and someone else did it.
Very pleased with the race,a few small incidents,i spun on the first corner myself,i didnt feel a touch.when i overtaked a couple of times i ran wide through the next corner,but gave the spot back i think and i pitted when i outbraked myself in front of floodie,i will review my replay.at eu rouge i was following a car,he spun and i couldnt avoid,then rejoining the track at the same time/place,i was always flat thru eu rouge with 0/8 ride hieght.
Keep the race reports going boys (lol ellis)

OP is updated with results, profiles and rankings, best laps and stewards pending.
Well done to electric and smithaz for climbing the rankings and remember to get your complaints in if you have any :)
I still think of all the race reports i have done the one from tokyo is by far the best :lol: i spent ages on that
Yes that was awesome mate :D

If your age isnt down on your profile let me know what it is (if you dont mind).
I was a little surprised slipstream was left on "strong". The general consensus is that "weak" is the more realistic of the two. I dont know what you guys prefer, "weak" seems best to me but of course that's just my one opinion. If the majority want "strong" then there's nothing I can do. ;)

To encourage clean racing I'd also point out the importance of earlier braking. Earlier braking allows for quicker exits, which will decrease lap times. Late braking not only causes penalties, it also slows the late braker down. The only time late braking is beneficial is when its the goal of the following car to damage or crash the car ahead (aka Dale Earnhardt) so that car is no longer a factor in the race.

Between me and several cars during the race, I saw hard racing for current position (which allowed leaders to escape). Lining up single file behind the fastest car would have allowed all or nearly all to catch back up at one point (early on around 5-10 laps in). It puzzled me more people wanted to race for current position rather than the overall win.

Towards the end I came within 2.8 seconds of Smitheraz, before slamming hard into the crashed car of SmartHeart, which was sitting sideways stopped in the track. I managed to get back up to speed thankfully and finished about 7 secs down.
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Rich- Dont be surprised by the settings, they have been discussed at some point.

My Race

Didnt qualify to my potential and started 5th which was ok. A bit of meaninless contact at the first corner and had to run wide to avoid a spinning sauber. Came out of it 6th and proceeded to hunt down the leaders. after half a lap I was 4th and fought it out with my team mate (not a great situation) and rich. We kept swapping position as the indomitable Smithaz kept pulling away. I believe the first 5 laps were when he won the race today (as well as amazing pace throughout).
I could not keep my tyres from going off after 8 laps (untested tune) the car felt good but there is always a comprimise and mine was tyre wear :(
Rest of the race was just putting the laps in, I felt fast on my own but struggled in traffic. Towards the end Etid was pushing me along and after a spin count of 2 and a few mistakes it turns out 3rd was my destiny today....just as I predicted :D
Well done lads and massive congrats to Smithaz!!!
Mention for rich for a good debut and Electric/Runfast who saw some improvement in this race!
Mega gutted for my team mate SM who got disconnected from 3rd (I think) not good :(

Stewards should be done by tuesday, fastest laps by tomorrow.
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By clicking on their name and at the bottom where your videos should be i think you can go onto their favourite videos
Well, Rome beckons. :sly: Tricky final sector on that track. Maybe now's my opportunity to get that sorted out, never been great at Rome.
Only tried Rome once as it is a new addition to season 2. We tried it in testing with untuned cars and it was tight but seemed fun. Ill have a go at it tomorrow afternoon and if anyone is about, join me.

Any American- What time did the race start for you guys in the states?

I am thinking of having some kid of special shoot out, UK vs USA, just for fun and of course prizes. Some daft and mixed racing sort of thing. Let me know what you think.
Ok thanks,
British summertime coming to an end has caused a time shift for our 'star spangled brothers. If any of you guys have problems attending because of this please let me know.
I'm on the west coast of the States where the time change is the most, today's race was at 11:45, though the past few have been 10:45 (time change things). I couldn't make it today because I didn't plan for the time change and I got invited somewhere. Its not any trouble to make the race on a usual Sunday though. Today was a special case.
:) I think Ellis may have been hinting at that too.

Ill think of something, perhaps 5 short races.

Top 10 drivers split into teams

FGT's around Kart space.
Dirty Nascar.
Cat and Mouse.
Red Bull around the Nuburgring in reverse.
For every win you get a 10 second lead for fugitive and then a selected driver represents each nation. Fastest finish wins.
Could be fun :D
Hi Guys,
First of all well done Smithaz:tup:... I Qualified 7th and started 8th as I was due a penaltyfrom last race:grumpy:.Race started I came out of the first corner in 8th place.(usually I wait and sit back to last for safety)Tiptoed through El rouge on cold tyres.. Passed 3 cars ..up to 5th now by the end of the main straight. Held position until halfway through lap 3 .. Etid and Mustard passed me cleanly.. Kept pace with them and then 2 corners later.. "DISASTER":mad: .. Mustard braked a bit earlier then I had anticipated.. I braked as hard as I could to avoid contact and lost the back end of the car to which it then spun me across the track right in front of Runfast and there was nowhere for him to go.. :guilty: Very sorry Runfast....I waited on the side for Flood Pigboy and Smartheart to pass before I could go.Set off with major engine damage due to the collision with Runfast. Now with clean air I could concenrate on getting better laps and maybe catch up as I was in 11th place. Lap 8 Pigboy and Smartheart had a coming together out of El Rouge . I saw a big cloud of smoke ... took a chance and went straight through the middle with Pigboy one side and Smartheart the other. Back in 8th place. Clean air now had another bash at getting up with the higher placed cars. Lap 10 in for 1st pit stop.. Came out in 9th place (not bad for me) Then on lap12 coming out of the last chicane hoping to get past Pagey who was all over the track I accelarated too soon too hard and did a full 360 degree spin caught it and carried on:ouch:,then got passed by my teamate Flood. I repassed him by drafting him down the straight after El Rouge. Lap 16. Etid went off and I passed him . Now up to 7th place. Lap17 I drafted past Pagey just after El Rouge but he got me back before the chicane.. Unfortunately he outbraked himself and had to cut the chicane but he slowed to let me pass. He then caught and repassed me going into the long double lefthander.Lap18 passed Pigboy. Lap19 Etid passed me. Lap20 7th place in for pitstop 2 came out in 8th place.Had a good run of 8 laps but was then being caught by the leaders.. not wanting to get in their way too much I pitted on lap 28( 2 laps early) that allowed them to get pass me without any problem.. then another DISASTER:banghead::banghead: a bit of trouble with fingers on the buttons... I came out of the pit with Sot tyres on the front and med on the rear(OH NO I will have to visit the pits again!!!!!!!!!!!) came out the pits in 9th place... Ten laps to go. Lap31 Rhyfelrr lapped me at the last chicane. Lap32 Etid lapped me in the same place.. Had a good run to the end of the race and finished in 8th place. This has been the most eventful rqace I have had this season.. That is why I thought I would do a long report.. cheers till next time:cheers::gtpflag:
Great report Electric, sounds like you had much better pace in this one đź‘Ť and seems like you enjoyed the race which is what its all about.

Stewards report is 20% complete. No drivers are under investigation so far. (its a miracle)
I have seen some amazing racing so far đź‘Ť

If anyone can let me know a rough laptime for Rome it will be helpful. Might have to increase the laps.
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PIGBOY's SPA highlights....accident at eu rouge was unavoidable,i kept my distance back.Sorry floodie for spinnin in front of you,i tried to rejoin gradually but on the grass/kerbs there is not much control of where you go......corners cut were always given back,looks like i was hit on first corner,but with lag its hard to know?dont know how much lag i got so im not sure...fastest lap on my last lap,that what i tried to do and did it..woohoooo..last5-6 laps were behind smithy,i had to be very very carefull as he was the leader of the race and i wanted to keep in the tow,i thought a few times i had outbraked myself but pulled up O.K.....gained confidence staying with the leader.if only i hadnt had the first spin i wouldnt have been involed in the next 2 incidents but you get that.
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i had 4 laps of rome after the spa race and i think they were low 50's,under 50 seconds might be possible
maybe a more detailed race report is needed after viewing electric's...glad you got thru the smoke....
By clicking on their name and at the bottom where your videos should be i think you can go onto their favourite videos

only photo's and course buttons when u select a friends name,i ferret around some more....
PB- You were hit on the first corner, it looks like someone hit pagey into your car. Wasnt pageys fault and I am yet to get all the stewards reports back so cant comment further yet. Excellent video man, love the greenday :)
Some cool footage, you are the official FGTC cameraman! Turns out you cant view other peoples replays :(

Fastest laps in the OP now and only 1 driver is under investigation so far :D
Pagey, you are taking the p#ss with 5 lap records mate lol. Nicely done sir!
Going on Rome for half an hour if anyone is about.
Yeah i had no where to go i couldnt turn in anymore and had a car behind who gave me a tag i think, sorry Pigboy
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Im off to play football tonight so i wont be able to and i have school tomorrow so i cant stay up late (boo!)
Ellis- Since when has school ever got in the way of your gaming :)

Ill be practicing for Rome tomorrow 830-10pm Its early days but initial lap times are low 49's. Plenty to be done with the tune and practice yet though.

Number of laps has changed to 65, this will still be under the hour.
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