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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Hmm I wander if pagey got the fast lap chasing me! :) good clean racing with ya pagey:) race report: pretty good race y'all
Peace out
Damn my back keeps twinging at the bottom, feels like an electric shock at the bottom of my spine. Very annoying ¬¬ :/
Hmm I wander if pagey got the fast lap chasing me! :) good clean racing with ya pagey:) race report: pretty good race y'all
Peace out

I was indeed :) i got a huge slipstream from you on two of the straights, so cheers for that 👍
For the first time this season do i not get a point deduction :lol: Good job i did not race :lol: knowing me and my relationship with stewards i would end up losing more points than gained :D
You sound a bit like Lewis Hamilton :)
You had better start picking some points up mate, only the top 6 europeans get into the shootout with the USA for the xmas special and we will need you for 'fugitive'.
Can i not have an exception because you love me :lol: And 2 of these races are not even my fault. One because of Matalan and the previous because of a communist pit crew on strike!
Yeah i had no where to go i couldnt turn in anymore and had a car behind who gave me a tag i think, sorry Pigboy

Thats O.K. i wouldnt have known what to do if i didnt fall back to last...
im not going to worry about getting hit.Its a miracle we all can race together from all round the world and crashes,spins are part of it,always has been,always will be.lets race spa every week...not lookin forward to cobblestone roads...in parts
Id love to do steward work in UK v US..my download speed is good and watching 1 corner should be easy,i dont find it boring at all,exciting in fact
Think i might reconsider passing cars in the race,it slows the 2 fightin cars alot
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Thats O.K. i wouldnt have known what to do if i didnt fall back to last...
im not going to worry about getting hit.Its a miracle we all can race together from all round the world and crashes,spins are part of it,always has been,always will be.

The tight right hander that takes you onto the cobbles? :banghead:
Not worried about that? :sly:
Those red-bulls have jumped us in the constructors KingSakery.i hope you can race this weekend.Brand new car for me(lol).I now have a euro GT5 disc but saved data useless,first Lvl 24 ticket i got a white FGT-how lucky
Ellis- I will get on the phone to matalan immediatley! :D

RF- Good time mate, ill have a go at it this evening.

PB- The RBR drivers are much more dangerous than they were in S1, constructors is hotting up 👍
Yeah I´m normally in their region (or a bit above ;))
=> my points are missing now.
And I love Spa and had a good pace -_- Maybe I could have surprised some ;)
But that was epic luck you had xDD

Rome will be thrilling and exhausting. But I´m looking forward to it.
Rome is pretty much flat out all the way round man. Like Monaco in some ways, I will have to be really strict on the first corner!
Should be a fun race if our nerves can hold for 65 laps on such a crazy track, cant wait :D
Looking forward to rome :) cus its such a short track everyone is gonna be setting roughly the same lap times, so it should be a close one
Pagey- I reckon race laptimes will be 48-52 seconds per lap over the entire race for everybody but traffic will be a killer and people will be tempted to cheat, gonna take a lot of control to stay clean.

Sandman- Not entirely sure, come to practice for the racing and it normally happens after that. I am tuesdays, 830-10. Wed, 8-late and fri 8-late.
YEY no problems for ellis in the stewards report YUUUSSSSS! I imagine the report for rome will be HHHUUUUGGGGEEEE i can see it already :lol:
Well why dont we all make a mental note not to go crazy lol.
I cant believe I got another penalty!!!! Its not fair, you cannot be serious etc. etc.
Joke of course, I deserved it :(

I need another steward, please apply to me but you need to be able and willing to watch the replay at least twice within 2 days of the race. Also your replays need to be lag free.
I think i would be a great steward ;) We all know how brill i am at these sort of things ;)
EDIT: leave the excuses to me bret :lol: thats my thing
Pagey- I reckon race laptimes will be 48-52 seconds per lap over the entire race for everybody but traffic will be a killer .
Upper 48s seem reasonably safe once some fuel load has burned off. A nice addition to 2.0 would have REALLY been adjustable fuel load for practice & qualifying. Because experience tells me full to empty is about 2.5 seconds over a 1:30 lap.

Thats once thing I like about the F1 2010/11 games is fuel load, dry lines, etc. The only thing that keeps me from switching to F1 2011 is the poor graphics. :nervous: I;m not a PC gamer, if I was I would have gotten it along time ago. I think you can use your DFGT on PC?
That would have been awesome for qualifying.
I have seen people complain about F1 2011 on this site, I will get it but maybe in a year when I am done with GT5 and U3. I have seen DFGT on PC set ups on youtube so its definatley possible.
Did first Testing: 48.248 as fastest but that aren´t normal Laps.
49-51 as average Laps.

I do like the Track because you can learn it very fast due to the shortness :D
And I could get in a flow but I have some problem Corners. With Traffic this will be a tough Race.
Going to start practicing/tuning for rome. Finally im feeling a bit better but still pretty sick.
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