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  • Thread starter berty1979
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All brets feeling are rough, maybe gentle at the start put progressivly more aggressive. Eventually he gets to a climax of his feelings and gives up then. :D
All brets feeling are rough, maybe gentle at the start put progressivly more aggressive. Eventually he gets to a climax of his feelings and gives up then. :D

Maybe i read this wrong, but its sounds so ****ing sick.. ewww
Ellis is a sick boy with depraved fantasies (often including root vegetables).
Pay him no heed SM, he will warp your fragile mind!
Not looking forward to short track style F1. If I make it through this thing without loosing my mind thats success. :sly:
Rage quitting may come into play, looking at the track layouts it shouldnt be any worse than Monaco, we didnt have too many problems there (he says hoping).
If we all stick with it and try and stay clean it may turn out to be an interesting race.
Rage quitting may come into play, looking at the track layouts it shouldnt be any worse than Monaco, we didnt have too many problems there (he says hoping).
If we all stick with it and try and stay clean it may turn out to be an interesting race.
here's to hoping. :nervous: I've only raced with ETID, it seems hard to follow for some reason. Its easy to lead.
I have to race with a DS3 today.... My g27's left clamp cracked and wont stick to my table anymore:banghead: Dont know how it happened as that clamp looks pretty beefy. Time to call logitech.
Rich- Yep, it is easy to lead @ Rome but different strategies ect. might stop it becoming a 'vettel special'. Pressure will be on in qualifying :)

Skate- Your not having much luck mate, will you manage with the DS3?

Been playing BF2 on the PC, how could they not include a 'fire from cover' control, what a stupid game!
Yea im setting same times but logitech said its a defect with the clamp that some unlucky wheels get so their are replacing it free of charge.
Yea it sucks but it probably would have happened eventually better yesterday than now. It would suck if it broke during rome.
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Truth, I tore my wheelstand in half once while playing cat and mouse on the ring but I carried on and .........came last :(
Has anyone here had an expierence wih logitechs warranty? After i send it how long do you think ill have to wait to get it back.
You might have more luck on Q and A mate, I have seen people mention various problems before but never seen how long it takes.
I was thinking, one way that you could complie all the results together is too use a spreadsheet. I have one set up that can be tweaked very easily to fit this series.
Screw it. Im just going to hard mount it to my table as i have the perfect bolts for the job. When i can get a use of the drill tomorrow im going to mount it.
47.023 is my best, it is def possible to get into the 46's. Anyone managed it? Pagey?
.... why? :'( made me feel slow (racing bret, not the flood sort of slow)
Ellis- I hope its cool ellis thats coming to the race! Will be good to have you back 👍

x2010- Thanks but ill carry on with the OP, like having it all there.

Skate- Yea do it man, check with the owner of the table first lol.

Rich- I hope it is a formality, looking forward to having a new winner today!

Smithaz- Great time mate, I am a second off that.

Not sure how many we have today. I am expecting about 14.
Considering what you can get for 10 dollars in Thailand you got ripped off :D

Seriously though, are you on the DS3 now or wheel?
Thats good enough for a top 6 finish with a good pit strat and no crashing, gotta be consistent 👍
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