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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Haha, I dont have a choice! Gotta be confident bro, is no one else going to predict?
Come on guys whats your top 10?

Smithaz isnt racing btw.
My top 10:


On second thoughts, swap sandman and spurgy
Interesting, hang on ill change mine. I forgot about mustard!

You should swap 1st and 2nd too bro :)
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10th, thanks alot. My predictions

1- Pagey
4- sandman
6- etid
7- me
8- ellis
9- runfast
10- Electric

Forgot about runfast 2 secs I edit n sakery.
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If you can manage a prediction, keep them coming.
On another topic I was just looking at the roster and wondering which track people are most looking forward to racing on.
Mine is Grand Valley speedway :)
Mine would have been deep forest raceway, but its been cut from the season noooooooooooooooooooooooo :(
In that case mine is Nurburgring 24hr :D love that track
Its didnt really work out with the full power FGT's, way too many incidents. If it wasnt for ghosting we would have had 3 pages of penalties :D
No surprise that you love the final, will you ever be beaten there? 👍
Yeah i know, its just where i got my maiden win, and i love the tight twisty tracks :)
Anything is possible :P
You should enjoy Monaco then, if you can make it. I cant believe I gave away a 19 second lead to ronin last season :(

I hightly doubt anyone will beat your laptime at NB24hr.
Yeah i like that track :) did you still win it though?

I will give it a damn good go, might be able to squeeze a few tenths here and there

Wooooo!!! 100th post :D
No, I destroyed my tyres and missed my pit window, lost to ronin badly. Came 2nd though, and got the lap record 👍
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Nice track SM, praying for a few more tracks on gt5 before xmas. Vettel is pissing me off but I reckon Jensen will kick his ass tomorrow if he gets a good start 👍
Nice track SM, praying for a few more tracks on gt5 before xmas. Vettel is pissing me off but I reckon Jensen will kick his ass tomorrow if he gets a good start 👍

Yeah same, doubt it though.
Ill bet you a car vettel wins...
Nice track SM, praying for a few more tracks on gt5 before xmas. Vettel is pissing me off but I reckon Jensen will kick his ass tomorrow if he gets a good start 👍

You have the admit the hamilton,jenson,vettel finish in qualifying was awesome though thanks to vettel :D
Midfield raceway. Or the cathedral rock rally course. the photographers used to run onto the course :D And i know bret will say apricot hill if i am not mistaken
Damn i forgot about that one :lol: i dont remember that being in gt4 for some reason :lol: i can remember though racing a chevvy cammaro LM car in green on it on gt3 :lol: i can also remember my brother getting me to do the 100 lap race on super speedway for him ¬¬ i was 6. ¬¬
Midfield and apricot hill are in my top 4 tracks but I of course choose the track that had everything..........the mighty Seattle!!!!!
1. Seattle
2. Midfield Raceway
3. SS R11
4. Apricot Hill

Amazing in the FGT, maybe DLC will deliver one day 👍
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