If you enter the Pit with too much speed you´ll get "reseted" at the pit-entry. If that happens you´ll get a 3-8seconds "penalty".
=> I brake at the pitentry once but on my 2nd stop I forgot it => had the same.
Start was horrible !! You got pushed from every side. My 8th position turned fastly into almost last.
Worked my way up until I reached ellis.
Fought with him during the whole race (after lap 27ish he was gone) and me think fair and square (minor contact but acceptable).
During the fight with ellis I realized that I could get Flood at the end of the Race => I raced with him at the same time he being infront.
After first stop I could have been 5th but me screwed the braking for first chicane after pitexit => lost my hard earned positions (brett, flood and ellis -_-)
Again had some pretty nice duells with ellis until I got lapped by Spurgy
=> me went on the Spurgy train

(I hope I didn´t make you too nervous, I tried to get some spacing between us)
After 2nd Stop I knew I would have to give it all to overtake Flood.
I had a crash (deadly if it happend in reallife !!) with skate and Flood at first chicane (I went 405kph or something)
=> again some time lost.
Plus Brett lapped me
=> I couldn´t re-lap me although I could have done faster
=> went on the Brett train.
We gained on Flood till Lap 43. He laped Flood and Flood did the same as me trying to keep up with Brett.
At Lap 43 or 44 I crashed with Flood at Parabolica (sorry again I take all the guilt on me).
At the Last Lap Parabolica Flood passed me and me drafting him for the victory over Flood (under 0.1 seconds gap).
It wasn´t my best day, was impatient while lapping Fast-KN (sorry for that) and had some Mistakes bigger nature.
I´m totally pleased with the 5th position.