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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Cool ellis..

If everyone can race as clean as this series, were onto a winner, different game i know, watch and learn..

One sec...
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Ellis- Im not taking that bet :) I tried but my first hit is copyrighted :(

SM- Dont get it.

Stewards 80% done STILL only 4 drivers under investigation.
Ellis- Im not taking that bet :) I tried but my first hit is copyrighted :(
Woah there. Rewind that mother, Turn back the clock, Hold the rudd phone and hang about...........

Bret had a crash that WAS his fault? :dunce:

I don't believe it! :embarrassed:
Ugh.... My clamp apparently isn't covered by their warranty because it cannot be a manufacturers defect but i had to handle it wrong.... Even though i treated my wheel like a 🤬 god... They sent it back with a letter saying that. And my bolts were a bit to big so i have to search for some...

So pissed
Nightmare skate, do you know anyone that has a workshop or something? They would think of something quicktime. You need to get it done, your race was seriously affected!
Nightmare skate, do you know anyone that has a workshop or something? They would think of something quicktime. You need to get it done, your race was seriously affected!

Yea it does suck... I emailed them though and asked if i can buy any clamp from them. And hopefully they will be able to send me clamps.
If not abit of superglue wont hurt!! :)

I have tried that. Superglue cant stand the pulling from tightening it. Superglue just gave up because its so lazy. I was thinking of just using gorilla glue on the table but then i would never be able to take it off.
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I have some old metal bodywork clamps that would probably do it (circa 1901 lol) try the local hardware shop?
Save up the pennies and buy one of those thrust masters wheels. I would if I needed a new wheel. They look pretty spiffy.
I was racin with ellis at the end and he was great,i went off at the last bend tyring to stay in the draft,knew i was keepin 8th if i went off so it didnt matter
My replays arnt too bad,some are worse.The rev counters are always spiking,and mph rises suddenly,then goes down,its wierd.When i was following Pagey and Spurgy i could see the ines they were taking,my download speed is good,upload not so good.
3rd timed lap at suzuka was 1.26.9 0.5 off record.Never got near it again,must practice a smooth rythem...
I have some old metal bodywork clamps that would probably do it (circa 1901 lol) try the local hardware shop?

Closest hardware store is about 7-8 miles away sadly. But im gonna try to get down there sometime this week
What do u lot use for a wheelstand, i jsut use a ****** 15quid table from argos and sit on a computer chair, table is unstable tho, could do with using something more sturdy.
PB- Ellis had the most racing of all the drivers, he battles me x2, flood x2, sakery and you loads. Flood was also fighting with a few others, its what makes the race awesome!

Ellis- Have you checked the replay? Its hard to decide what to do, very difficult situation to call but its not up to me so you will have to wait for the stewards report which is now finished and will be posted within the hour. Congrats on a great race though, you were on the edge but clean (waited for me after you accidently used me as a brake lol) which is spot on.

Smithaz- You wouldnt like my set up, I tore the guts out of a bedside table, raised it a little and added an old board to the top. Trampy but effective :)
What do u lot use for a wheelstand, i jsut use a ****** 15quid table from argos and sit on a computer chair, table is unstable tho, could do with using something more sturdy.

I use a bar stall that i made in carpentry, with the panels cut out so i can get my legs in.. lol
Stewards report and fastest laps in the OP
Cutting wasnt an issue people did it occasionally to dodge crashed cars or after a mistake so thats cool.
Failing to yield is improving apart from 1 person :(
Still too much contact especially in the first corner, its a long race and there is no sense in charging the first corner and messing things up! Be patient, accidents will happen but its intent/dumbness of it that gets people going.
If you have been fined/punished, please recognise its important to enforce the rules to make the series so good and you know where to improve in the next race.
People have all moved up the race standings for Monza after spurgey got disq so you are all due some pionts, ill do it later. Peace.
Great race from Flood, Mustard, Sakery, Ellis and Fastkn to name a few of the stars of the race :D
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PB- Ellis had the most racing of all the drivers, he battles me x2, flood x2, sakery and you loads. Flood was also fighting with a few others, its what makes the race awesome!
I had a cracking race deffinatly but i made some shoddy mistakes and i could have done better.
Flood- You are getting faster and faster mate, I told you before that the cleaner you race the better you finish.

Sm- haha, not your best performance bro!

Ellis- Awesome performance, for gods sake dont screw it up at Suzuka! we were forced to penalise me under the rules but there was a lot of mitigation and even talk of a brakecheck (I dont think it was). Next time if its close to the corner, instead of cutting in and braking try and outbrake me on the inside and take a narrow line through the corner.

Etid- Damn you and your foolsball! Thats just me and sakery for practice then :)
Flood- You are getting faster and faster mate, I told you before that the cleaner you race the better you finish.

Sm- haha, not your best performance bro!

Ellis- Awesome performance, for gods sake dont screw it up at Suzuka! we were forced to penalise me under the rules but there was a lot of mitigation and even talk of a brakecheck (I dont think it was). Next time if its close to the corner, instead of cutting in and braking try and outbrake me on the inside and take a narrow line through the corner.

Etid- Damn you and your foolsball! Thats just me and sakery for practice then :)

Whens practice?
Wow these FGTs are challenging at Suzuka. I wonder how many stops I should do during the race. 3 seems to be reasonable. It might be possible to cut it down to 2 & save time.....hmmm
15 laps is pushing it on the rears. :nervous:
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