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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Skate- Have a look at your replay and tell me if it is laggy. If not you can have the job, I say europeans because our replays are crisp enough to make sure decisions, maybe if it is a bit laggy I can check the incidents you spot to be sure.
Let me know, if replay is good your hired :D

SM+Ellis- They held me in for roughly 10 seconds too! I never thought you could speed in the pit lane with auto drive :(

SM- Chuffed you didnt disconnect mate, you will do much better at suzuka I am sure. You should have asked me about the transmission! I told flood it wasnt worth setting it too high for the race, to get 250 you have to catch a draft in a very lucky spot. I always caught up with people on corners so not much drafting for me :(

Sakery- Nice report, I appreciate you not overtaking me to unlap yourself but the rules state that you can as long as you do it +1 lap after the one you got lapped on (that sounds so dumb). You could have overtaken me and I could see that but remember I was on a 1 stopper today :)

I really didnt have as much fun today but maybe it was because of the mess that was the first corner and the lag and the connection problems in quali. All I have to look forward to is a long struggle at Suzuka :( I am rubbish on that track!
Championship wise I have a bit of space between myself and Pagey so thats a brucey bonus!

Lap 1 was a total mess, I got properly smacked into the rest of the field and it was mayhem. Spurgey, Pagey and Mustard took off while we all disentangeld ourselves.
I got past a few cars and had a good fight with flood and ellis until they came together at Parabolica (I think). In free air I got my head down and started putting in decent lap times all the while considering my tyres had to go 23 laps on the first stint.
After a while I started to catch fleeting glimpses of mustard but the front 2 were out of sight. I passed pagey and spurgey after their first pit and realised that mustard was on a 1 stopper too! (shock! horror! I thought I was the only one)
The two front runners went past me at my long pit stop never to be seen again but I think I made a few seconds on mustard (you need to put more fuel in :D )
I was heading for 3rd until I saw mustard cruising along at 50 right at the start of the home straight, lap 45 (out of petroleum spirit). Definatley a stroke of fortune so I took it and finished 2nd (not too shabby).

I am tired and uninspired so this is the best report I can muster right now, sorry to Ellis for smacking your car but you made it difficult for me as I cant dissapear! The stewards will decide! (you can complain to me about me if you like and ill pass it on to another steward).

Peace y'all and ill see you for practice on tuesday 👍
and the winner is.................

congrats Spurgey
same 4 me in pits,plus my first pit stall very close to entry,too slow to choose i was.When i hit pit lane i thought "a rest,great"....i had a few seconds to adjust fuel/tyres....
Nice shot PB, so were we all speeding into the pit lane? Or was it just the servers/connection?
What do you all reckon?
i will test pit theory during my monza test post mortem...my gear ratio's need improvement big time,close up lower gears,but how much...?
im not good at takin photo's,just simple...photos are random
During photography i noticed the free beer,food,..er partners didnt help crowd numbers as they stayed away in droves,especially pit complex,it was empty!!!!
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Don´t close the first gears too much.
Max out the first 2 gears => less wheelspin in those gears and if you do so you can tighten the 5th,6th and 7th gear => more acceleration in the higher gears.

(At Monaco you´ll probably won´t recognize this due to the ultra tight gearing)

And it is certainly the Speeding and not the Connection that you "park in the Pits"

Nice pics :D
PB- Amazing shots mate, I enjoyed looking and the descriptions too, maybe we have found your niche. My gearbox could probably do with some work too.

Sakery- Has the speeding thing been discussed on here, do you have a link? I would be interested in stopping it happening again.
Prediction game. 1 pt per excact match.

1. Me
2. Pagey
3. Sandman
4. Spurgey
5. Mustard
6. Etid
7. Sakery
8. Runfast
9. Pigboy

1- Pagey
4- sandman
6- etid
7- me
8- ellis
9- runfast
10- Electric

Pagey279 Active Member (this looks rude so i left it in the copy/paste lol)
My top 10:

Actual top 10

Winner- Mystic meg award= Floodmeister :D
Loser- Turnip award= Rhyfelwr :(
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Yea my pit crew went stupid aswell. Was it only me that when they finished refueling i wouldnt move for 5-8 seconds then leave.

I could almost run to the bathroom & come back in time for them to be finished. :sly:

I tried to take 2 liters less than the recommended to save time, BIG MISTAKE. LOL. All I needed was 3 more seconds worth of fuel to get me out of the parabolica on the last lap.

Hell, you could almost pump gas & the gas station faster than they go in GT5.
The re fuelling does take an annoyingly long time but makes the strategies interesting I guess.
Rich- I am not surprised to hear your admission, you should always put a couple of litres more in man, we proved this over time that your fuel consumption can increase! (especially over more than 20 laps).
Thanks Sak,ill try it..Bad luck rich,.ive tested saving fuel a few times so i know(i think i do) when near empty and you can go a long way if you lift if not under pressure....i did think drivers might run out with the extra revs in the toe..
start from phone just done quick
That start was funny, incredible lag. I wonder why it was so bad yesterday?
Musolinos car was going mental.
It might have been due to the new people, maybe spurgy? all the races up intill yesterday werent half as bad

Also i was just thinking in the next F1 season maybe everyone in the FGTC could do a fantasy F1 team. Its really good, it only costs £10 for the whole season and you can win a trip to the Spa grand prix plus £5000, cash prizes, plus trophies and medals and stuff.
Oh and the opportunity to drive single seat racers, race spec 911s, M3s, rally cars etc

Check it out http://www.fantasyleaguef1.com/Index.aspx
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SM-Is he a real person or a puppet? :) How does the singing carry on at the end when his gob has stopped moving?

Pagey- We will see at the next race if it is any better mate, I hope so as Ill be crashing without lag as it is. Sod the fantasy league, lets all just fork out and meet up at santa pod or silverstone and do some driving, flood can come down on his mountain bike :D

PB- Your replay doesnt seem to have any lag. Is it always that good?
the free jaguar is free and you can get it free from facebook for free*..

* the jaguar is not free, visits cost £9.34 p.m and includes a £3 viewing charge, £5 per visit goes to my bank account. typical 765263868% apr
The lag is pretty nasty here, and its been that way in other rooms since 2.01. In public lobbies you loose frame rate but everyone comes in fairly clear (accurate). In private lounge it seems individual cars still lag while the frame rate stays the same.

I'd prefer the host (ryhs) & the 2 stewards the only one's with their mics on. Or better yet, if the stewards dont need mics then they dont have them either.

If the host's connection is struggling mics will tip it over the edge it seems. Thats one thing I noticed in here, everyone comes to the race with their mic on & that CANT be good for the room quality.
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******** race disconnected taken out by skate and his ****** connecton
couldnt even see flood or sakery and fast kn was all over the place, sort it out..
Rich- I agree totally, if I get everyone to switch off mics it might help. Stewards do need the mic for instructions though.

Etid- Gutted for you man, Lotus needs points too huh? :D
I could almost run to the bathroom & come back in time for them to be finished.

I did run to the bathroom, its my age :( (and I always wee myself when pagey is chasing me on track lol)
Ahahaha, at least you cant make 'enter a man' out of my GTP tag you back tickler! :D

Stewards 60% done and only 4 drivers under investigation, half way through watching ellis' race and so far he has been virtually perfect! I cant believe it! Bets are being taken as to whether he will screw it up on the last few laps and get a penalty!
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