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  • Thread starter berty1979
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:D it may be frowned upon but I do excactly the same. My hates along with the middle aged orange women in overpowered cars doing 30mph are as follows.
1.Women who pull into the petrol station and take up 4, yes 4 pump spaces.
2.Tourists (or kids) in 'modified' cars with massive spoilers/back boxes and lowered susension. So full of luggage they are dragging on the ground and they still flash me for overtaking them.
3.Some drivers who seem to be stuck at 40mph. Whether the speed limit is 30/40/60 they still do 40 lol.
4.Finally my worst hate, people who NEVER overtake anything but when you go to overtake them they close the gap to the car in front to about 2 feet. Then beep their horn because I am driving dangerously!! If only it was legal to mount a .50 cal on the bonnet I would be sorted :D
Yes! I completely agree, the amount of idiots we have round here driving in modded cars. Theres one guy in a 1999 nissan micra with a body kit that doesnt even fit and is the wrong colour, with a dumpvalve and side exhausts....i wish i was joking about that haha
Also everyone seems to drive like there is a police car round the corner ready to give them a ticket for being 1 mph over the limit.
I also hate people with powerful cars, Audis, BMWs, Evos, Imprezzas and so on, and they drive them like a granny drives her honda jazz. If youve got 300 odd bhp why not use it!!!! My corsa has 60bhp at best and im here overtaking Range rover sports, astra VXRs, even a focus RS
.....if you havent noticed this annoys me a little haha
Dude we are having a good old rant here :)
I am in agreement that these people should face some kind of nasty punishment for being so useless. It sounds daft that you are overtaking powerful cars with your 60bhp corsa but its true, I have overtaken cars in my bus which is 270bhp and 12000kg lol. Its amazing that in the last 6 years I have only been contacted by the police 4 times :D
Bear in mind that some people desparately lack the skills and mistakenly believe that if they drive slow they cant have an accident.
Did we mention middle lane hoggers on the motorway? Another hate.
Got any points? :P and i bet those people you overtook went and committed suicide because they were so embarrassed ha
At the very least people should be made to take their test again, or maybe 10 years in prison haha
But yes middle lane hoggers royally piss me off as well. Also the people in the slow lane on a dual carriage way who come up to a lorry doing 60mph, they decide to overtake which is fair enough. But they dont speed up to 70mph, not even 65. They decide to overtake the lorry doing 60, at 61mph..........holding everyone up.
Yes, I have 6 at the moment. Got nailed on the M54 doing 91 in my car, embarrassingly I overtook the (unmarked) police car. I know it was the cops when they followed me but it was too late :(
10 years of cleaning my car would be fair I think 👍
The problem with getting them to take the test again is that the test doesnt actually teach you any skills, just how to make the car go and stop really.
I dont mind the lorries taking ages to overtake but the car drivers piss me off because they have got plenty of power and great maneuverability compared to a large vehicle.
It is possible to be pulled over by the fuzz for driving too slow, there is something in the highway code about it but I think they can only advise you to let other cars go by. My missus got stopped for driving too slow once, I will never let her forget it :)
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Ooo you better be careful, ive only had a smack on the wrist by the rozzers, going round a corner too fast, i just pray im never stopped by my dad (he's a police officer)
It would teach people how to park better but i know what you mean. If only where was a way of making people speed up.
And good job im not a policeman, i would be pulling people over constantly for going too slowly :D
OMG, your dad is the LAW :)
Is he a traffic cop?
You should be a copper, you could harrass all the slow people!!!
He is indeed ha he's not a traffic officer, he works in the CAT (crime action team) so he isnt really out in police cars.
Good plan, i would love to have a mitsubishi evo 10 cruising around arresting drug dealers, stopping people for going too slowly
They have evo's and imprezas these days too, probably the most capable cars for british roads.
We are having some practice about 830 ish if anyone fancies a few runs round Suzuka and probably a bit of mixed racing afterwards.
Fussball tonight until about 10ish if you are still on by then?
I kept a clean sheet and we dessimated the opponents :D saved a one on one with my elbow :lol:
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You got decimated? How did you keep a clean sheet then?

Indy settings for midweek race. Time undecided yet.
800 bhp
650kg min
sports soft tyres
Will do.Swear to god if i play one more sweaty goalscorer on fifa im going to redo the film "hobo with a shotgun" and do my own "Ellis with a shotgun and several butchers knives to impale trampy goalscorers" :lol: And beware children, i know 2 of them are in this very championship i will have you know ¬¬
indy indy indy,le mans cars run fast with front up full,rear slightly lower,5 notches maybe,3.0 camber,bob used to kick arse.Suzuka should sort the men from the boys...
Whoa PB, where did that come from :)

Are you joining us for the Indy500 race on wednesday mate?
Qualifying starts at 830pm gmt and race at 9pm.
Getting my wheel whenever my sister gets back from argos (im a lazy **** so got her to get it for me :D)
Any tips on how to set it up? I have no clue what im doing
Lol at your laziness.
Just plug everything in and switch on your ps3.(it will spin to calibrate)
Load gt5 up and when its done its 2nd calibration spin depress the gas and brake pedal fully and release once.
Go to options-controllers-select DFGT if this is the wheel your getting-choose options-sort general options- exit then play.
Start with amateur and low ffb then build up to required levels once you get used to the wheel.
You will enjoy the game a lot more now apart from the first few days of hating your wheel cos your not used to it :)
The wheel makes for a much better experience, now all you need is a vibrating chair, 3 50 inch LCD tvs and a racing suit and you are there :)
i have ffb on 5 i think, after a few laps it gets weaker aswell.
- pagey. ye its annoying ur bombing along doin 80 90 and some moron pulls out doin ****in 60, i dont like braking too hard at those speeds.
and yea rhyf how many 90 year olds do u see driving the sport version of fiestas and clios trundling round at 28mph, i rekon its cos they got too much money and think ooh i might aswell buy the more expensive version, i can afford it.
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Another hate, we should write a book. Little old ladies driving evo's, one in my town drives around in a Focus RS......at 20mph. Grrrrr lol.
Another hate, we should write a book. Little old ladies driving evo's, one in my town drives around in a Focus RS......at 20mph. Grrrrr lol.

Theres some lady who drives a 02 impreza , its awesome, till she drives it.
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