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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Thanks Tony, I have been meaning to tidy it up for a while :)

Going on to do some mixed racing if anyones about 👍
Neat results charts. I'm leaving town for a bit so wont be able to practice Monaco as much as I'd like, ;). Hopefully I'll have a couple days beforehand to get down close to whats possible. Hoping I arrive home in time for the race.
Are the Gears in FGT Car verry Important?? i have drive stock gears.
I think maybe its good to make the first Gears verry short or??
Rich- Not much to learn at Monaco but we will see you after the break for some practice, with this damn spec 2 update the cars are 2 seconds faster so my record is doomed :lol: sandman beat it after about 3 laps :(

Tony- I think they are but some drivers win with stock settings and some fiddle around so I suppose not.

Ellis- Cool vid, straight cut gears :)
I think across the board it will be 1.07's-1.12's, just so you know for when you can be bothered to try :D
whoa Pagey, my heart sank when I saw that mang :(

SM- Nice lap bra 👍

Well tomorrow I have to get an SRM installed on my bicycle (cranks) so I wont be able to trade my DFGT wheel in for a new one yet. :scared:Warranty isn't much longer. Think I got it in like Late January early Feb.....something like that.

Excited about the SRM software though. Should turn my cycling into a videogame. :sly:I seem to be good at games, not so much against pro cyclists. :(

I leave sometimes this week to a family get together, hopefully back before next Tues..... I'll get on and do some laps with my old wheel and post some times for me to view privately. ;)
1,05 in Monte Carlo??

No way he did that. Not possible. The F2007 with skid recovery on doesn't even come close to that. I think the best I've seen is like 1:08. Maybe the FGT with aids can do slightly better but it sure the heck aint gonna be sub 1:06. Unless I'm way off; go on there and realize the car is insanely fast. :sly:
Have test this other drivers also here with the Chassi Regidity??
I have test it its more understeer with it.
0,2 slower for me
oh dear,in the "news " section in GT5 it says of update 2.02 - tyre wear issues fixed?
i will try tyres and see

I know I've not raced with you guys since the pre-season classic race, but I thought I'd give you a heads up on what I've found out about the new tyre wear so far. My test was done with a 502BHP NASCAR at Indy speedway. I found that racing hard tyres wore about 9% quicker than before (35 laps vs 38 laps), and that racing softs wore out 50% quicker than before (19 laps vs 38 laps). Haven't tested racing mediums, but they'll probably be right in the middle at about 30% quicker wear than before.

I used NASCAR because that's the only series I'm currently racing in.
Tony- The general belief is that the chassis rigidity is not a good Idea on the FGT but of courst this depends on so many factors it is hard to say. I guess the stiffer the chassis the better as it means you can use the suspension differently. My head hurts thinking about it :)

PB- Damn the time difference bro, we dont get to practice much :( Tyre wear sounds like it might become an exciting part of the race (if they get it right) 👍

Joe- Hey mate, check out the 90's DTM. Its definatley going ahead and we have 1 spot left if you think you would like to join 👍
Sounds like the tyre wear might be sorted by your tests. I hope so as this has been one of the biggest problems of this game especially for online championships. Ill test it on the FGT soon. Thanks for the info :D
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I might pass on the DTM, as the races are a bit too short for my liking.

Good news though, Mr. IndyCar pace car driver- they made the lights work on the pace car! :sly:
:lol: nice one, have you seen them in action? I hope I can make your new timings though. Did you decide on a new time/day yet?
Mustard may be able to back me up in the pace car too.
I think Tom and LV just finished sorting out a day in the thread, though I've not really read it. I've not seen them in action, but I imagine they're how they were in GT4.
Ok cool, heres hoping its a tuesday/friday so I can help you guys out.

Is knelly still involved? Hevent seen anything any him for ages.
Did some photos of the my favourite car this morning and put some BBS alloys on it!

I had a read of the photo tips thread somewhere on GTP and only just realised you can out filters and other cool tips and tricks like blurs and distorts which is pretty cool.

Let me know what you think?





Could of upped the brightness a bit more on this one, but I like the way the alloys stand out from the car.
Nice Etid, very artistic. Its good to see you appreciate some of the iconic street cars of the past 👍
It could be good news :) It means that we/you can gain advantage by having a superior strategy! If it is how people are saying it should make things interesting and if you are faster on softs than someone then theoretically you should be quicker on hards as them too ...maybe :D
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