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  • Thread starter berty1979
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I have see 3 weeks ago that one have make great videos form the Races here.
I dont know who was that.
But can you make it again?
I think it was Pigaboy or??
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1.18.6 I am afraid Immortal, I think about .5 seconds is down to tuning and the rest because I am not used to the track :(
Its ok though, I realise I have had my wins so far this season on my favourite tracks 👍

The master of the highlight video is PigBoy!
I've done it again...

Recieved another infraction...

Sigh, the things that your not allowed to get away with on this forum are rediculous...
Etid- What did you do mate?

Rich- I just finished until later tonight. Got challenged by a Ferrari F1 fan to a 3 race battle vs the FGT. It was fun :D
Naturally sir! :D
They were 5 lap races and the FGT won them all with the following gaps.

Monaco- 22 seconds
Spa- Off the clock (i.e. more than 40 seconds)
Suzuka- 10 seconds
The F2007 is about a seconds/lap up on the F10.

With aids turned off there's no way you could hang with an F2007 in a FGT. FGTs are so hard without any aids (no SRF primarily but also active steering boosts it big time.) Heck, TCS even helps the FGT.
No, they are roughly the same over a whole lap ( I think you mean F07/F10) F2007 slightly better on some tracks.

Silence Mustard you vegan. We let the ferrari guy pick the aids!!! If PD hadnt taken our downforce we wouldnt have to do these races :D
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With the Ferrari f1 car i can drive good without aids but with the fgt iam much slower without aids.
Of course this is the case, what downforce values does the Ferraris have?
The FGT is 70-90
Ferrari F1 150-200 (this is a guess, I cant remember exactly)
Naturally sir! :D
They were 5 lap races and the FGT won them all with the following gaps.

Monaco- 22 seconds
Spa- Off the clock (i.e. more than 40 seconds)
Suzuka- 10 seconds

That kicking some axx mang!
tony kart
With the Ferrari f1 car i can drive good without aids but with the fgt iam much slower without aids.

Maybe you shouldn't drive with aids then we could race u fast man u!
Explicit / obscene comments, I have to be more careful what I say (sexually).
? I have no idea why you would want to sexually harrass ellis in the first place :lol:

Watch yourself bro. dont want you getting banned!
I need all the help I can get at the minute :(

As things stand its looking doubtful I will make this Sundays race, I will know nearer the time though
I've done it again...

Recieved another infraction...

Sigh, the things that your not allowed to get away with on this forum are rediculous...

I remember i got banned for sloppy grammar. And making fun of people who were dirty racers.
Yea i am a good little boy now :D
No infractions in many many months. But those dirty racers deserved it.
:lol: So do a lot of people but I guess we have to let the authorities take action if needs be. Dont forget there is Touring car tune and practice tonight in my lounge, check the thread as some teams are practicing in private.
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