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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Its still being sorted out we quit and are in a public lobby now. :P
I am 🤬 pissed, it wont let me join the lobby now, im incompatible with the host apparently :grumpy: I should have just learned to play the trombone rather that practice for this one, for all the good it did me :banghead:
I was happy being almost 10 seconds a lap faster than anyone :P was quite wierd though, it seemed like id been put into fastfoward.
Sorry to everyone but the race has been Red flagged (or whatever) in boxing its called a no contest! Monaco is cancelled and i am really 🤬 off with the rubbish bug or servers or whatever it was. We were fine before, but all of a sudden its 🤬
Ill warn any moron who wants to have a go at me not to bother!

Any suggestions? Do we try and re run the race sometime or just consign it to the dustbin?
Shall I slim the roster down? (in order of seniority)
I dont know :(
we could of jumped on high speed ring or somewhere.monaco too tight for 16 people.Oh well....money to be made on b-spec
fun race somewhere else.
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I think we should suspend all races until the update comes later this month. I still wanna race monaco though.:( As the damn hurricane made me disconnect last season.
I wanted to race here too but I cant go without Pagey, no one else has a chance of getting near me in the championship!
Very sad....I trained so much for that race.
With 16 people no way to go. Next time put quality low and headsets off and it will work.

Max 14 racers would be even better.
We could cancel this one, move onto the next track, then next sunday open the lobby earlier, and have a practice race just to see if the lag is too bad or not. If it isnt, run the lobby as normal. If its really bad again then the only suggestion i can think of is split the grid into 2 lobbies, so 8 in each. And run it on the time it takes the person to finish, so cross reference the times between each lobby and see who was the fastest
Tony- I turned race quality to lowest and mics. If we got rid of two people can you guess who would go? I am so peeved off man, I had an awesome strat!!!

Pagey-Someone else could run a 2nd lounge sure but time trials are not racing. Its just driving round in circles. We will see after the update if we can run Monaco at the end of the season. If it doesnt improve we will have to take drastic steps.
We'l get a honey badger on the job they can do anything :D

Your learning :P

Does anyone know when the next update is due? It would completely muck up the race calender but we could wait with fingers crossed till then
As far as the slow down goes....its gone progressively worse with each successive update since 2.00. I remember noticing a negative diff after the DLC.....
(wireless goes super fast compared to wired.) There's "slow down" than there's lag. I wouldn't be surprised if the next update makes it even worse (unplayable ending online racing as we know it.)

In Nascar the other day I noticed at Daytona some races we were going super slow. I slingshoted past the field in one race at 230 mph (single file rolling start) and my lap time was only 44,xxx. It should have been a 40.....Next season we should run F1 & GP2. 10 cars in F1 and 10 cars in GP2. That would work just fine. Just take the top 10 from points and throw em in F1. Immortal will be up in there within another race.

I could have gone on the bike ride & not missed a thing. Well, riding indoors with my road bike & SRM power meter is better workout anyways.
Tony- I turned race quality to lowest and mics. If we got rid of two people can you guess who would go? I am so peeved off man, I had an awesome strat!!!

Pagey-Someone else could run a 2nd lounge sure but time trials are not racing. Its just driving round in circles. We will see after the update if we can run Monaco at the end of the season. If it doesnt improve we will have to take drastic steps.

why arnt we racing somewhere else then,everybodys online.it is ofcourse nobodys fault,computers,PD for allowing more than 12 in a room
We will go ahead with the next race of the season and hope. Monaco will be added on to the end of the season if the patch helps. Annoyed but its not the end of the world, we shall continue in some format or another. I am reluctant to say to 4 regulars and reserves to form div 2 because its always worked ok before these damned updates!
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