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  • Thread starter berty1979
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How do you get the refresh ticket thing? went on my items, then to special tickets and all it had was the gt auto tickets, oil change etc, is that the refresh thing? assumed it would be a complete refresh so im just checking :D And are you guys going on tonight? If not ill go on TDU2 and climb some more mountains in hawaii and ibiza :D
No Idea mate, I am on U3 tonight though so I guess ill see someone on sunday for a quick practice :)
I was told its in items too, is there anything in the Q and A ?
Knew he'd give up on it. Today I got kidnapped by assassins and told to kill someone out of 3 tied up people with bags over their heads. Then later on found a dog that could talk that gave me a quest. How quaint :D oh and met what looked like a young girl who is actually a 200 year old vampire who is an assassin ;D

How can you get bored with that :P
Knew he'd give up on it. Today I got kidnapped by assassins and told to kill someone out of 3 tied up people with bags over their heads. Then later on found a dog that could talk that gave me a quest. How quaint :D oh and met what looked like a young girl who is actually a 200 year old vampire who is an assassin ;D

How can you get bored with that :P

Sounds S*%*
Nope its amazing.

Although the dog thing was a bit far fetched. And the killing bit was a bit disturbing. And I went into this house today to find a boy chanting around his dead mothers corpse.

But that's the fun in it. How unexpected these things are ! :D
Tony- I cant practice until the day of the race, you practice so much the rest of us dont have a chance!

Ellis- Well, what can you say to all that :dunce:
I know I should practice. I have time to practice. But I cannot be bothered:lol:
Practisng can be a good laugh though, its not a chore. You run loads of short races with a few people and often race go karts against tank cars after :dunce:

You like winning right?
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Its ok babalu, buy it anyway for the future but as a reserve your initial car colour is irrelevant 👍
There I was, walking with caution towards the village of Markarth for a casual pint of Mead and a slice of goats cheese at the local inn. I then got talking to a pleasent nord-type chap called Grindle. After a few hours of chit chat & a few more pints of Mead he insisted that I stayed at his gaff for the night. I woke up half way through the night to go for a leak but couldn't seem to find his toilet, however, I was distracted by a strong stench coming from his basement. As I entered I grasped my Daedric bow and loaded an arrow just incase. There was a coffin shaped box with something in it. I progressed with ease and saw that it was a female asleep in this 'coffin'. I reached out to see if she was dead and all of a sudden she awoke and charged towards me with her sharp fangs! I released several arrows into the woman to then find she was a vampire! Luckily I didn't get bitten. Grindle came charging down the stairs wandering what happened! He saw the dead body and starting shouting at me asking me why I had killed her wife, Ava. I grabbed my coat and moved onto the next village.

The wonders of Skyrim. It's amazing what you can get yourself dragged into...
I still don't think you can top walking into a house to see a boy chanting round his dead mothers body :lol:That was just odd :lol:
Oh wait sorry I can top that :lol: Walked into a room today to see 4 people chained to the wall with only underwear on bleeding to death :lol: I just turned around and said no i don't think I should be here :lol:
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