Sweet deal man thanks anybody know the times that the group he was running on the track today that we were at just to see how far we are off the pace. I see room has a Twitch account or a live feed that's pretty cool. Hey Pots you ever get into room a ?

. Thanks Bill and really appreciate the vote of confidence buddy

I know you didn't mean any harm in your question bud, and I'll answer your question. Yes I have made it into Room A. Actually, just 2 races ago at Monaco. However, your assumptions are correct in that, I am not as good as most of the guys here, but I'd be damned if I weren't trying my hardest to get close, and I will with enough determination and hard work along with the continued help I get from all these guys.
Most people would think from a distance, that these guys are either brash, arrogant, secretive or stuck up, being that the best drivers in the world, driving the hardest car in the game are in it. However, if anything, they are ALL completely the opposite of those negative characterisitics you would get from people that are in the position they are in. They are ALWAYS eager to help and are very personable. In fact, so much so, that I can say I have made friends with them and am hoping they are relationships that will last a life time mate!
Guys pls support me and like my facebook page and share it
Anything for you bud. I liked it and have also shared it

I did say why I left. Funnily enough you all ignored it (which is part of the reason why)
The lobbies are full of you alien friends, which isn't hard to do when you have 10/12 of them anyway. Keeping a series open to all with 2 full lobbies for all kinds of drivers, now that is what I was managing to do.
Like I said, you all saying my running of the championship was poor, look at what was, to what is now. It's really not hard to have a series dedicated to TRL and let them make all the rules, which is what they essentially do anyway.
True, I just want to say that from this moment going forward, I nor any members will be allowed to talk about any of this nonsense on the main thread going forward.
I have absolutely no problems of talking about anything that happened in the past with you over PM. However, I won't hold my breath, since I'm still waiting on your replies from the 4 or 5 PM's I had sent you, when you first decided to go AWOL in between race weekends and you left us out to dry.
All I will say here is, out of anybody here, it was me who had your back more so then anybody, and yet you left me by myself with close to 40 members to answer for, and not 1 message back to me. Not 1!
It's absolutely fascinating to me, that regardless of what the reasons were or regardless of how bad things were proclaimed to be, it was still your responsibility to answer for what you started! Sure, you say that you told everybody what your intention was when you decided to quit on all of us, but that DOESN'T make things better, nor does it excuse you, or your reputation on running leagues!
Again, I have no ill will towards you and have worked with you over the months well with this, but you have your facts wrong. Very wrong.
First off, as Tiago said, nobody tells anybody what to do. We are running this via committee, and that committee makes the rules based on the thoughts expressed by our members.
Also, you say, that we said your running of the league was poor? RIDICULOUS! If anything, all we ever did was commend you vehemently in what an amazing job you had done. I'm not sure why you would say that.
You think that the League is worst then it was before???
Well excuse me!?!? Those things tend to happen when the owner/organizer of an unprecedented massive global league decides to throw a hissy fit, shut his GTP account, his PSN account, pack up his belongings and storm out of Dodge in the middle of the season!
I say this with respect, but you have some nerve coming on here and pointing fingers at us when it was YOU that put us in this mess to begin with! Did you even for one moment think about all of the members including myself that dilligently set their work schedule months ahead to be able to be able to race on Saturdays?
To be honest. Looking back on all of this now. To me, I just don't think you are emotionally capable of dealing with the magnitude of the grandness of this League. I say that without any ill will towards you whatsoever, so please don't misunderstand me, as I'm not trying to be harsh at all. Let me be clear here. I know, I myself, am not mentally nor emotionally capable of doing all this on my own either! However, after you deserted us and left us with the giant task of picking up the pieces, I realized that a group effort was what was needed because I know my limitations.
Funny thing is, you think we're worst off then before, but if anything, it's the furthest thing from the truth for 2 major reasons.
First off, there are certain aspects of what we are now opposed to before that are better. Wether it was something that was removed, improvised or simply added. For example, we have a Club Facebook Page now, and we're continully adding more new drivers every day.
The other thing that I think you're confused about in regarding your opinion, that we're worst off now then before is, that you think our agenda is the same as yours was. Guess what, it's not. Unlike you, we plan on continuing this for many, many seasons going forward. Not a simple one n done season like you said you had planned all along.
So perhaps, your looking at us now and are thinking we failed, but in reality, we're looking at it like, we're just getting started

As Desten, Tiago and IP have said numerous times. We appreciate everything you have done, but on that same token, we also never asked or wanted you to leave either, and you're always welcome back!
Please DO NOT reply to this here! Please!
I had to reply to your message on the main thread, so that our members could see where we are coming from, since you did the same.
Thank you!