FGTC | OVER | Congrats to Spurgina!

  • Thread starter berty1979

Shall we allow one result to be dropped this season

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  • Poll closed .
Yooooo Ellis if you burned a 'tad' in Gambia, I would have melted. I burnt today in Eastbourne haha. Guess thats why they call it sunshine coast. Not 100% sure if I can race Sunday cos I'm staying at my dads that night and it depends if my stepmum has control over TV... :lol:

Loving Romanian house music atm, jamming to it in the garden with a pack of Mahari's sweet oriental and a few buds, enjoying the weather. 👍
Did a full day excursion today. Was in the back a land rover defender. Absolutely ancient but one of the best vehicles ever built in my opinion still 👍 Shook hands with an alligator today as you do and went into a school which was the highlight of m,y day. Got a cracking video and a fair few pictures so all is good. Managed somehow to burn my foot today god knows how, damn flip flops :lol:

Again to stay on topic- Maaaaan GVS is a hard track :D
You should start a 'My trip to Gambia' by Ellis Nutt thread mate. You could put your pics on there and you wouldnt have to make weak references to GVS then either :lol:
Nah I still would make references to GVS. Set a 1:18.752 there before in the african village ;) An knowing my luck I would still get a clip round the ear for it :D
Less from you robitico :D You are missing me really. You looking after Matt and Ferg well? Are you following my instructions?

For anyone who is lost there ^ I sent spurgey a massive list of how to look after them two, it is harder than people think at times :lol:
Yep, Ive taught them to do tricks and everything :lol: Was a bit worried today though when Matt was texting a girl called Frank, that wasnt included on your list :D
It was.

Something along the lines of 'when Matt's is on about girls, laugh at him' I am sure it is on the first message sent :D

I thought you were prepared dammit! :lol: If I get back and they have lost their training you will be KILLLEEDDD :lol:
That was on your list yes, but there was nothing about girls called Frank :lol: And I might join you for practice :)
Same applies benjamin. but more because it is calld frank. It is not easy at times is it! have you fed ferg his pot noodles today? And has matt been staying away from drinking? ooooh im worrying too much :P
Ellis, HELP! Spurgey has been sweating MW3 too much!

At first we used buckets to catch the sweat and mops to mop it up, then he gradually started to sweat even more and he's wearing his arm bands and has the windows open to get rid of the excess sweat. He's going to have to get the de-humidifying team in to dry the room up, it's not good!

In other words he's about to go on 4th prestige!
Etid, just because I get angry sometimes and kill the entire enemy team in less than a minute with my rpgs and C4, does not mean I've made a swimming pool to go with my water slide :lol: ... Yet :rolleyes:
SPURGEY! I said in my message to not play call of duty too much!. Gawd it is not worth the hassle of leaving you :lol:
Struggling for pace a bit :(
Thats what you get for playing 'fugitive' when you should be practicing :D

For some reason the FGTs feel different every time. Maybe its because the physics of the game change slightly every 2 weeks. :sly:
Just got a 1:14 on low fuel, keep practicing on low fuel and you'll get the low times Spurgey.