FIA Events '18 - World Finals Monaco Finished! Congrats to Team Lexus and Igor Fraga for Brazil!

  • Thread starter Wardez
I'm sure the Nissan trio will still find a way to get near the pointy end. After all, they are the #1 seed thanks to Akagi and IOF dragging the car up there, and Lightning probably could've made the gap to the #2 seed larger had he not been short on practice time in the final season. But it's really the drivers and not the car that makes this team a contender. Speaking of, if this current BoP is indeed the one being run at the Worlds, I think Porsche is going to take some catching. 'Solid' driver trio (pun intended) and a somewhat favourable BoP. 103% was too weak but 104% is proving to be too strong. PD should introduce half percent increments ;).

There's no such thing as seeds on this format ;)
Kind of off topic but I was just watching Inside X018 and Julia Hardy was one of the event presentors and was wearing the same clothes she wore at one of the GTS live events. ^^

It was awkward watching her talk about Forza. :lol:
Got nothing.

It was basically a brief summary of the regionals and a hype-builder for the finals in Monaco. Showed showed footage of each region's winner's good moments, and then finished with some aerial shots of Monaco, and I believe the dates of the finals and some sort of "who will win?" type phrased text overlaid. Nothing new to report, just promotional material.
Personal thoughts now that the full competition schedule has been revealed to the rest of us mere mortals;

Nations Semi: So they've elected to only have one race per block after all. But with only two block races and one repecharge, PD should hopefully be able to return to Asia-Oceania length block races without going over their stream length target. I know from my sleuthing that the repecharge is a relatively long 12 laps...

Manufacturers: Not sure what the point of the superpole is. I would've preferred to have watched all 16 cars qualify on the live broadcast. Nonetheless, this should be a very enjoyable race to watch and it could easily steal the show. Quick question for the competitors: Do you have to use a different driver in the superpole round if you qualify inside the top six?

Nations Final: GRAND VALLEY CONFIRMED :P. Hopes and dreams aside, why is PD still trying to cram N500 races into these events? It's clear that the BoP is a hot mess, and that if you're going to have a race like this it's one-make or bust. Rest of the Sunday schedule looks alright, though the entire competition may hinge on whether or not the car draft is still a thing (that's another question for the competitors).
Generally a good format and an improvement to some recent events. Gr.4 at Red Bull Ring might not be well balanced but we'll see, as there were the same thoughts about Gr.B and that was fixed. Hopefully tyre wear won't be involved too much in the Repechage.

Shame for the players that N500 is still used, but honestly the N500 races have often been great for viewers, and interesting that we might have a new track too.

Having longer Block Races, with more competitors, should be great. I was worried they would do 3 Block Races (one for each region), which would have been pointless as we've seen people from the same region race eachother so much now.

The added points for the Block Races and Repechage seem like an alright addition. It means you won't seen conservative driving from the Top 6 in the Block Races.

Gr.1 at Monza (No Chicane) isn't a great choice though. I fear this will be more unbalanced than N500, Gr.B or Gr.4.

Manufacturer event seems pretty good except that I simply don't think Nords is a good track for racing.
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Stupid question: The finals will be open to the public or not ? :confused: I'm interested in going since I'm live only two hours from Monaco :)
Event is off to public or anyone except competitors and staff, even family members. That is what I was told anyway.

I will be cheering for tryhards and underdogs in manufacturers race, so go @mclarenLB @mthomas_95 :P
Yes, I spoke with the organizers at breakfast this morning and can confirm the event will be closed to the general public.
Wow, what a schedule!

The top 6 in Block races and top 4 in repechage race going forward to the finals sounds quite fair. And 4 races at the final is also much better then 3.

Monza without chicanes? That surprised me, but good choice imo

Manufacturers in N24H will be quite intersting also.

I wish you good look guys! Try not to pressure up yourself to much, because even if you finish last or in the back end or perform below your expectations, remember you made it so far so just try to enjoy it anyway!
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So which manufacturer will everyone be supporting?
Are you supporting them because of the drivers or because you were participating with that particular manufacturer in the official season?

Personally supporting Honda as that was the manufacturer I went with and I do like driving the NSX. Other than seeing Slent on the forums sometimes I don't really know the drivers too well but I'm sure they'll put on a good show.
So which manufacturer will everyone be supporting?
Are you supporting them because of the drivers or because you were participating with that particular manufacturer in the official season?

Personally supporting Honda as that was the manufacturer I went with and I do like driving the NSX. Other than seeing Slent on the forums sometimes I don't really know the drivers too well but I'm sure they'll put on a good show.

Nations seems a bit unpredictable but Ill go with someone from europe winning. Not sure who though.

Damnit man i almost jumped out of my seat lol

Why is PD still trying to cram N500 races into these events? It's clear that the BoP is a hot mess, and that if you're going to have a race like this it's one-make or bust. Rest of the Sunday schedule looks alright, though the entire competition may hinge on whether or not the car draft is still a thing (that's another question for the competitors).

As someone who's been watching all these live events i have one answer,they are the most entertaining races to watch.Since the Interlagos race back in may for the nurburgring event all the N-Class races had lots of overtakes and door to door rubbing,the Photo Finish at Fuji at the Asia Finals was mindblowing.

I understand the frustration from the drivers about the BoP but i think the audience loves these races and PD knows it.
What a better way to celebrate my 1000th post than with the three letter codes for each drivers?

ASIA/OCEANIA NATIONS FINALISTS (NAT/MF (if top representative)/PSNID/GTPID (if available))
KOK: Ryota Kokubun (JPN/Nissan/Akagi_1942mi)
YAM: Tomoaki Yamanaka (JPN/Toyota/yamado_racing38)
WOJ: Kai Hin Jonathan Wong (HKG/saika159-/@saika159)
YOS: Shogo Yoshida (JPN/Mitsubishi/gilles_honda_v12)
LAT: Cody Nikola Latkovski (AUS/Nik_Makozi)
SHI: Yuki Shirakawa (JPN/Ferrari/yukiku)
LAW: Yat Lam Law (HKG/NegiFISH_NaF)
WIA: Adam Wilk (AUS/Adam_2167)
HOL: Daniel Holland (AUS/TRL_holl01)
DEJ: Joseph De Jesus IV (AUS/Bass_71CKL)

SUS: Adam Suswillo (GBR/GTP_Aderrrm/@Aderrrm)
MAN: Giorgio Mangano (ITA/Ford (Not qualified for MFS Final)/Giorgio_57/@Giorgio_57)
LOP: Jorge Lopez (ESP/Renault/Williams_Coque14/@Coque14)
LEN: Pierre Lenoir (FRA/RC_Snake91)
SAL: Carlos Salazar (PRT/pcm_stj)
BLA: Patrik Blazsan (HUN/TRL_Fuvaros (Now Williams_Fuvaros)/@Fuvaros)
PAG: Florent Pagandet (FRA/Jaguar (Not qualified for MFS Final)/Jomas_74/@Jomas)
DUV: Anthony Duval (FRA/RC_Atho/@Atho)
GRA: Martin Grady (GBR/Peugeot (Not qualified for MFS Final)/GTA_Tidgney/@Tidgney)

FRA: Igor Fraga (BRA/Nissan/IOF_RACING17/@Igor Fraga)
POT: Fabian Portilla (CHL/FT_Mcqueen91/@perrolocomcquee)
MCA: Andrew McCabe (USA/TRL_doodle/@Doodle)
MCM: Nick McMillen (USA/Mercedes-Benz/GumballCGT/@GumballCGT)
RUN: Nicolas Rubilar (CHL/BMW/FT_NicoR)
CAR: Adriano Carrazza (BRA/CRT-Didico15)
BRO: Andrew Brooks (CAN/Ferrari/Deafsun96)
SZK: Jamon Szkoruda (USA/Mitsubishi/Z28/@Z28)
GOE: Jacob Goertz (CAN/JGOERTZ5)

MANUFACTURERS FINALISTS (Excluding Nations Finalists)
BUC: Jonathan Bucha (USA/Aston Martin/hendrix323)
MCP: Thomas McPherson (GBR/Aston Martin/cubertom/@Cuber Tom)
IMA: Yoshiharu Imai (JPN/Aston Martin/legacy0193)
ZOC: Mike Zocher (DEU/BMW/Der_Heizer)
OKA: Takuya Okamoto (JPN/BMW/okasan_joestar07)
FEL: Anthony Felix (USA/Chevrolet/FT_Ant/@anthaliscious)
BEN: Lewis Bentley (GBR/Chevrolet/mclaren6/@mclarenLB)
YMA: Kentaro Yamaguchi (JPN/Chevrolet/GSN538)
SCH: Nicolas Schwendimann (FRA/Citroen/Oscaro_MansoN)
YAG: Fumitaka Yagi (JPN/Citroen/W-4MtcA)
PIN: Mark Pinnell (CAN/Dodge/Turismo-lester)
PUS: Alessio Pusceddu (ITA/Dodge/OvrD_Thunder98)
KOB: Takato Kobayashi (JPN/Dodge/luca3331)
THO: Matthew Thomas (GBR/Ferrari/mthomas_95/@mthomas_95)
RUD: Diego Rubilar (CHL/Honda/FT_DieGodLike)
LEO: Thomas Leonhart (FRA/Honda/Oscaro_Slent/@Slentom)
SUG: Shohei Sugimori (JPN/Honda/s-shohei_)
MEA: Tyrell Meadows (USA/Lexus/GT_Academy2013)
RIG: Vincent Rigaud (FRA/Lexus/Oscaro_SkyPikmin/@SkyPikmin)
KAW: Kanata Kawakami (JPN/Lexus/Kawakana222)
WIL: Edward Williams (GBR/Mercedes-Benz/force_ewerby/@force ewerby)
NAK: Yusuke Nakao (JPN/Mercedes-Benz/CLS63AMG-sc)
ADM: James Adams (GBR/Mitsubishi/JAdams2010)
GON: Thiago Gonzaga (BRA/Porsche/FT_Solid)
FON: Sergio Fonseca (PRT/Porsche/serfonseca)
SUA: Tatsuya Sugawara (JPN/Porsche/blackbeauty-79)
DUD: Facundo Dudulec (ARG/Renault/JIM_FacuDudu)
MIA: Haruto Miyake (JPN/Renault/mish12calsonic)
LAU: Joseph "JT" Lauro (USA/Subaru/BLKJ_Evolution/@BLKJ Evolution)
KOI: Ilkka Koikkalainen (FIN/Subaru/TgTenka/@TgTenka)
MIY: Takuma Miyazono (JPN/Subaru/Kerokkuma_ej20)
CAJ: Agustin Cajal (ARG/Toyota/ORMA_Aspicito/@Aspicito)
DER: Rayan Derrouiche (FRA/Toyota/RC_Miura)
BIC: Thiago Bica (BRA/Volkswagen/Thiago_Bica/@Thiago Bica)
DRH: Jaroslav Drha (CZE/Volkswagen/derek737_DK_)
GOT: Kenji Goto (JPN/Volkswagen/ilovecat-k)
I think Nico should be considered one of the favorites to win at Monaco. He made mistakes during the America's finals, but he's normally the fastest in the Americas alongside with Fraga. Curious to see how both will do in the world event.

You´re right, maybe I put him too low in my "power rankings". He should be in the top 10 surely.

Nations and Manufacturer are gonna be down to the car people are in again more than anything... I completely agree you can't really analyse the best in the world from this event. (I've seen the car selection for Nations, its pretty dumb other than the Final race)

Thanks dude, I´m happy I´m not the only one noting this. I think we the players must somehow inform the spectators or fans how this procedure may create a good show, but it is likely to fail to define who the bests are.

What about L-Shooter? He's probably the person with more WR in daily races, often puting in 2 WR on 2 different dailies, not to mention his WR in previous GT games. He also has one of the highest % of wins per races in sport mode, including FIA races. But I don't know him and never saw him racing other people. I'm just curious about your opinion about him because you don't even mention his name

Hello my fellow Portuguese GT friend. Yes, RB26 is with no doubt one of the bests in the history of this game, but in my rank I´m just talking about FIA Nations finalists. RB is also undoubtely the best in hotlapping in Time trials. With him we may have a notion of the times TRL_IMMORTAL could reach if he was active in this game. So yeah, my ranking was for the finalists, not for the best GT players in general.
Event is off to public or anyone except competitors and staff, even family members. That is what I was told anyway.

I will be cheering for tryhards and underdogs in manufacturers race, so go @mclarenLB @mthomas_95 :P

This is a shame. I think that what really can creat a fanbase of spectators apart from those who play the game and have an interest to watch the best players in the world would be opening this events to the public. Although it is obviously difficult to schedule 3 regional finals and a world final within almost a month and making all them happen in a videogame/esports event, I think we should follow the Madrid final example. I think PD should do the FIA Final in a country with motorsport culture + interest in simracing + an event of esports/vgs such as the one in Madrid + doing it in the countries of the very best drivers who are favorites to win, so spectators have more reason to cheer: Japan, Brazil (Fraga), Spain (Coque), France, Germany (Hizal), etc.
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all the N-Class races had lots of overtakes and door to door rubbing

Paint drying would've been more entertaining than the Tsukuba repechage races at the Asian Finals :lol:

The general pattern of the N class races are 2-3 massively OP cars having a battle at the front and the rest all 1-2 seconds a lap off the pace either on pure pace or tyres that are destroyed (thinking @LLOYDZELITE69 with that Subaru on Blue Moon Infield, was actually painful watching him fall out of the lead battle knowing how impossible it was to compete in that thing).

If that's really what the audience wants fair enough but there's so much scope for improvement, to make it more fair and provide a good show to viewers. If only there was a way for everyone to be in the same car 💡
In case why Portilla is given the POT three letter code instead of POR (plus a few other codes)
POR: Maurizio Portabene (ITA/Endless_GTExD)
MAT: Yuto Matsui (JPN/L-Shooter_RB26)
ADA: Patryk Adamczyk (POL/TX3_Popsu (now simply Popsu_))
WOC: Chak Ming Wong (HKG/WING-OF-BUG86)
WOW: Wang Chuen Wong (HKG/Winson12Wong09)
BRW: Matthew Brown (NZL/Lion-Face/@Lion-Face)
Paint drying would've been more entertaining than the Tsukuba repechage races at the Asian Finals :lol:

The general pattern of the N class races are 2-3 massively OP cars having a battle at the front and the rest all 1-2 seconds a lap off the pace either on pure pace or tyres that are destroyed (thinking @LLOYDZELITE69 with that Subaru on Blue Moon Infield, was actually painful watching him fall out of the lead battle knowing how impossible it was to compete in that thing).

If that's really what the audience wants fair enough but there's so much scope for improvement, to make it more fair and provide a good show to viewers. If only there was a way for everyone to be in the same car 💡

Don't worry,if next year i get qualified to a regional finals i will start complaining about the N500 races just like you lol but right now i'm enjoying them :lol:
So which manufacturer will everyone be supporting?
Are you supporting them because of the drivers or because you were participating with that particular manufacturer in the official season?

Personally supporting Honda as that was the manufacturer I went with and I do like driving the NSX. Other than seeing Slent on the forums sometimes I don't really know the drivers too well but I'm sure they'll put on a good show.
I will personally go for Porsche in this one because of the latter.

All season I've supported Porsche. Been my favorite manufacturer since Porsche Unleashed days and the day GTS finally got Porsches, that's where I immediately joined them for the Manufacturer Series.
For Manufacturers, I will support the following:

Toyota: My 2018 Series Manufacturer, and their cars are really great, especially the 86 Gr.4, that thing can gun for Megane Trophies in certain handling tracks! Yamanaka, who will be the fastest driver for this manufacturer, has been a GT Live Event veteran all the way back to the PS3 days!
Nissan: The manufacturer that made the legendary GT-R series. Although their cars are heavy, they will fly by the straights! Unless there is a Chevy or an FT-1/GR Supra attacking them that is. Not to mention that the fact they have Regional Champions under their belt just makes the team the strongest when it comes to the drivers!
Why does PD (or FIA?) not allow of duplicate car choice?
My guess is they don't want to promote or limit themselves to just one manufacturer. It takes time to create those nation liveries as well, which is why red bull car is used heavily in nation cup live events. Do we really need manufacturer cup then?
Tough to decide for the manufacturers no kidding...
Nissan is quite favorable honestly but i wished there was Alfa, that'd be no brainer lol.

I am sticking to 3 different manufacter (1 each continent):
Also to add:
I cheer for everyone and that they have fun!
Will miss saturday race sadly but friday and sunday will get me pumped ti watch

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