And it is. Saying a region is less competitive doesn't mean the aliens from that region are less competitive.
Most people say that based on simple numbers and lap times. If you check any given top10 from dailies or FIA races you see the Americas has the biggest gaps between top1 and top10 and never has a top 10 average faster than Europe and Asia. And that's not because there's less skilled drivers, but because there's less drivers.
Japan has less people but they are super crazy with lap times and TTs. Europe has maybe 3 or 4x as many players as the Americas, which makes it more competitive between European players.
The gaps between 1st and last in any given European lobby are closer than in American lobbies (I know because I've raced in both regions and put top10 times in both regions too).
Also, in Europe, only 3 drivers per country could reach the regional finals and some countries have almost as many drivers as the US alone. Some have 2,3 or 4 times more drivers than Brazil, for instance and Brazil took more than 3 drivers to the regional finals.
To sum it up, the competitiveness argument is not related to the people in the world finals or the aliens, but for everyone playing in those regions and the access to a regional final, at least.
It looks like we'll have some great races at least.