- 686
- Bracknell, UK
- JT977
I thought so and the racing is really good when everyone is even. Had some good practice races with others before and hopefully will get that back in a new series. Thanks for the interest. 👍
I think this has lost a lot of interest. It happens when no one (except one) can win. Everyone used there own setups dispite the number of times i asked for input into a 'base setup' which would have resulted in closer racing. Then after watching replays of race 2 discovered why i was 5 seconds slower at Monza as many drivers cut chicane 2 taking the corner in 4th or 5th gear. I cant compete with that level of driving. I started the series to promote close, fair and fun driving in the FGT. I forgot that a lot of people dont care for that much and must win everything at all costs.
I may bring it back in a tuning prohibited version, but right now i dont feel like i can at the moment.
1. Banning tuning = Banning players not having steering wheel.
3. Enable the penalties, weak for the most tracks, heavy for Monza. Also keep them enabled in free run mode. Or then naturally the other way is using stewards if there is enough trustworthy and willing ppl to spend their times for it.