FIFA 13 - Team GTP

  • Thread starter R35 SKYLIN3

New thread for Fifa 14?

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Figured I will add my 2 pennies.

Guys, we need to change our style of play. We could be so much better than we already are. Division 1 is well within our reach, there's no need to settle for Div 3-4. Sadly no one will listen to me because I'm not a senior member, or a Brit, and because ellis will call me an idiot and tell me that 4-1-3-2 is okay because we've won an 'alright' amount of games.
Division one is a good target yes but I think division 3-4 is good. Considering we are all (Bar ayron) GT players at heart I think its a good step for us :lol:

And I do think thats unfair to say I would say that. I could disagree, but never directly call you an idiot.

More possession, less direct football, more solid defending. We do the same thing all the time, which is force down the wing then cross to our 2 strikers. Maybe we can help ourselves defensively by playing another CDM. Chances always show themselves in FIFA if you keep possession, so just some rotation of the ball to stretch the field a bit, switching the play more often, playing a lot of quick short passes and 1-2's, and whatnot. I believe one striker would be better than two for us at the moment, with that extra player in the midfield, of course.

Possession football is something I wish we could do more of. But FIFA doesn't work well with it. Counter attack football is strongest no doubt and we are good at that. Using the pace on the wings we have at our disposal on the wings (JB xx)

Good defending is just as important as good attacking, and Joe is good in 'any', but he needs to slide tackle less, and stop creating gaps by bringing the CB forward. He also needs a bit more help, which is why I think having another CDM could help us a lot. At one point we had a pretty fluid style of play, but we've still managed to get ourselves up to Div 3 while our style has changed to more direct football. The kinds of people who play us and rip us to shreds on the scorelines do so usually by outpossessing and outpassing us.

I think it is harsh to single Joe out for this one. Joe does a fantastic job. Being the any is by far the most frustrating position in clubs. I can think of 3 people who can back me up on this (Paul, Sureshot, Joe) I have thought he could slide less but more often than not he gets away with it in typical Joe fashion :lol:

Apart from throws ;)

Too often we finish after a game night and not many people present solutions (occasionally sureshot and others) just the frequent jab at Fifa's flaws but even when anyone seems to present something better, we just seem to go back to doing the exact same thing :S

If its comfortable and it works most consistently compared to others. Feedback is great and helps us but when people suggest MASSIVE changes to gameplay, people aint gonna slide

I'd agree that we haven't tried new formations much of late (I've not on much of late, and won't be till next week), wouldn't say it's always been like that.

I agree with this. People say it like we have played 100+ seasons in the 4231 formation. I think we have tried nearly every formation thats reasonable.

I'm not convinced we can get to Division 1, that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.


We are probably too reliant on the wings, but I do find the central part of the pitch gets so clogged up. Thing is, when Ayron and I are upfront we do score a lot of, "Ayron runs wide, outpaces full back, crosses in and I head in". It's tough when you come up against player-controlled ANY's to go through the middle.

Again 👍 The middle is scrappy. Me and DJ now this of recent. There is more space on the wings and pls we have good wingers why not use them. We can use them too much but sometimes its the only option.

Plus I agree that Sureshot + Ayron is our best strike force.

4-1-3-2 has proven to be very reliable for us, generally division 4 has been our level for the last couple of months. That's no bad thing, in my eyes. This is why we've fallen back to it and do go back to it.

Already mentioned.. 👍

Of course, I'd still rather the main purpose of clubs was banter and laughs over super serious football and I have found in the past that suggestions in-game/session aren't always put across in perhaps the method they could be.

This is what it boils down to. I want to win Yes. We all do. But this is FIFA. Bigger issues are out there. I come for fun

I'm also not convinced that mentioning the names of 2 of the most flexible people we have who are willing to play in any position and role that is asked of them is the way to go either.

👍 100%

Things like that go for PM's

So then for next time, is there a formation with 2 CAMs and just the 1 Striker? I think you need a bit of strength up top (JB xx) if we're only doing 1 striker, not saying massive guy, just not a tiny pacer. Though maybe a stronger CAM would work, as whilst we don't really do long ball, headers are overpowered and shouldn't be forgotten.

Kinda in 4-1-4-1. But that formation is bobbins.

Also, we need to work on making Nel's player not an 83 :D

For crying out loud please!

Some valid points there Peter 👍

I concur

We have been stuck in the same formation for quite some time now, 4-1-3-2 seems to be the default for us now. It has it's advantages and drawbacks, it's good for attacking when we play the weaker teams. But when we play the better teams it's weaker defensively, because of one CDM as you pointed out.

I think this boils down to positioning and sticking to them, work rate. And if the team is better thyan us. Can't win em all.

Perhaps we could benefit from some variation. Maybe if during a match we are being out played with that formation, the captain could change it. It doesn't take long to do and might get us back in it.

Fair point

I remember one night where we weren't playing our best with a particular formation, and Peter called for a change and rightly so. He mentioned it a number of times, was ignored every time then some people blew their fuses and had a go at him. And Peter quit.

People don't blow their fuses at him just because he suggest stuff. People seem to forget that. Has to be said (sorry)

He was not ignored, there is no point in bringing that back up.


How about 3-1-7?:drool:💡

Seriously though all this formation chat will only work if everyone holds their shape in that given formation some sure as heck don't.:crazy:

<3 100% 👍

Listen at the end of the day, its all fun and games. I am bossy sometimes and il admit that. But having played **** lots of games, poured metaphorical blood for this team, I think when I get singled out for calling someone an idiot (dont remember doing so directly btw) It also gives a good knowledge of how it works. Thins work things dont. Thats football. And especially, thats fifa.

Cant think of anything to add, im going to play real football.
I cant quite read through all that gotta take Charlie to agility in a second but Ill see what I can do about my 83.....I swear ive done everything and I swear I haven't made him obese.

In fairness, and it really doesn't bother me, I do just get scrappy goals :lol:
Doesn't bother us either as you do score! We just have no idea how you're only an 83!

I reckon you should post how many accomplishments you've done from each of the "top 6" categories and tell us what is remaining.

Physical stats of player would be good, weight, height, lean/average/flabby.

Change to a system with a CAM so I can go there.

Yep, that's a great way of getting people to change their minds, Peter 👍

No. I said nothing about CAM, that's not our problem. I don't expect you to build the team around me or anything.

I get that possession football is difficult to play, but having another CDM could help us out a lot in terms of bossing out the midfield a bit with some force. If youngun was still palying with us, him and dj would work well together. Having 2 CDM's can benefit possesion play as well as counterattacking. Playing off the break is effective, but is always risky, as it relies on your opponent failing to convert, which depends a lot on our defending, which is a bit shaky sometimes (not because of Joe, though he does slide a bit more than he needs to). It's more sensible to have 2 CDM's whose purpose is to bully our opponents off the ball, interecpt passes around the edge of the area, and collect the ball on the edge of the box to restart attacks or have a shot, rather than having our current midfielders run around and tire out, though it doesn't mean we shouldn't still try to crowd the middle anyway to give our opponents the same problem Ellis says we have now whenever we try to develop the midfield.
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Okay so this sounds like a 4231 formation. Something I like. Where do people go in this. I.e. Pagey RAM DJ cdm etc?
Heres an idea Peter since you have created another CDM how about Joe lines up alongside DJ and you take the ANY role:idea: Be very interesting to see the outcome or if anyone else gets the ball.:D
Again, I'm not sure bringing Joe in to this is fair, at all.

What was the formation we tried with 1 up top? I'm not sure if it was 4-2-3-1?

Edit: Treed by JB.
I had a think about this at work today (Very quiet)

4231 wouldn't work for us. Not because the formation is bad. That isn't the issue, I quite like the idea of it to be honest. But it doesn't have the positions to accomodate the strengths of people who are on regularly. Also it puts the following people in a position in a position they really dont like playing:
-Paul (if either of us want to come outfield)
-Sureshot is more effective upfront but better than ayron in midfield.


Heres another rather plausible formation. But heres the thing. And while this is all well and good I know this will happen.


Pagey and JB will do as they do :tup
Sureshot does as he does tracking back anyway
DJ will play defensively because he excels at that
I will play box to box because thats what I do, but supporting more attacking wise.
Crowded Fifa carnage in the middle.
Ball goes out to space on wings as per because it make logical sense.
People complain :lol:

So what you end up with is this formation and style of play


Look familiar?

Disagree if you may. Its what has happened and will again :lol:
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So what we essentially end up needing to do is just trying out new styles of play.

I do think we can bomb forward too quickly at times, on the other hand we score some awesome counter-attack goals. And yeah, we can be a bit one-dimensional at times, but it's what we've done for a lot of seasons, so it won't be easy to just turn it off and switch to another style.

One other thing to consider is a 5-3-2 with wing backs, I think we've had relative success in it with small sample sizes. Does that have CDMs or flat midfield?
I'd rather accommodate people before a formation but my priorities may be different than some.:indiff:
No harm in using/trying the said formations if numbers are low otherwise im probably in agreement with Ellis not much else works.:nervous:
And I go where? :crazy:

Not that all those people would be on at once but you get what I mean.....

You are on the sideline chasing a butterfly :D

I didn't leave you out as such. These where just the players that popped into my head at the time :)

One other thing to consider is a 5-3-2 with wing backs, I think we've had relative success in it with small sample sizes. Does that have CDMs or flat midfield?

This was something I thought about a while back. It is something I want to try. I couldn't figure who would go where though. and what the rest would look like. Something to consider on a quiet night!
For my few points, As JB said somewhere a page or so back, formations only work if people actually stick to them to be fair, not saying were bad at it but just pointing it out. And a point teamie made about where does he fit in, not meaning to blow my own trumpet but id say ive been putting in good performances on the wings or CAM/CM positions creating chances for people and if I want to come out of goal where am i supposed to go? Dont get me wrong id be more that happy just to grin and bear an endless grind of being a goalie if needed but I am getting a bit better outfield. The formation i always went back to using when I had trouble with a lack of depth in midfield (which is basically our problem) is I revert to 3 at the back, although I suppose it doesnt work aswell as offline and recently when I have suggested it, It is quickly refused without trying it. But about the accomidation thing for me and nel, although someone said there will most likely be space id tell them to look at the line up and say out of those people on a game night would really be missing, because when we have a "scheduled night" there is virtually no space for anyone
There is easily, But that would present issues for times of the day on which either team plays, who plays in what team and stuff like that. And i dont want that kind of divide in our team since the only real way to get around it is creating a whole new club as a B team
There is easily, But that would present issues for times of the day on which either team plays, who plays in what team and stuff like that. And i dont want that kind of divide in our team since the only real way to get around it is creating a whole new club as a B team

I bet come F14 we could accommodate 2 teams easily maybe even end up playing one another:crazy: Wouldn't worry me if I had to slot into a "B" team understand it would take some organisation granted.:scared:
Yes, Fifa 14 if we can expand but remember, with another team we can play friendlys against each other, which could be key.
Came on and saw things were quite busy and it looked like you guys were trying a new formation night night kids.x
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A very good night. Good play by all involved. Apologies to DJ and JB. There was space but having tried 5 at the back, it was limited to defence. And you know the first come first serve policy as a rule of thumb :)

Tomorrow night?
Indeed, really enjoyable. The new 5-4-1 system worked really well and we scored some cracking goals. Ellis' goal was sublime!
A very good night. Good play by all involved. Apologies to DJ and JB. There was space but having tried 5 at the back, it was limited to defence. And you know the first come first serve policy as a rule of thumb :)

Tomorrow night?

Not a problem luv glad you's had a good night.👍
How did wing backs work?

After a highly strung week there's a possibility I'll be on tonight. Won't know till tonight though!
Didn't notice them too much. Just an extra defender really :)

I was quite proud of that goal ;)
4 wins and a draw on the bounce after 4 points from 5 games getting us promoted :D

Probably one of my better nights too enjoyed the 29 minute hat trick ;)

Oh and my player is an 84 now :)