I don't exactly like being ignored completely, and being made the butt of the joke, Sureshot. I suggest something, it gets ignored, I complain, I look like an idiot and then everyone says "Good suggestions Peter, but it's all fun and games." and nothing happens, and the cycle continues, until me making a suggestion becomes nothing more than a joke to everyone.
Then why do you keep doing it and making it worse for yourself?
We've made it pretty clear by now that we are just on here for fun. That's it. We talk, have a bit of banter, have a laugh, and play FIFA inbetween. If that's something you can't get your head around then that's not our fault.
Put yourself in our shoes, we are on FIFA having a laugh, chatting to people we like, and then someone pipes up saying we need to change the formation, Joe your not defending very well you need to slide less, Ellis stop shooting so much, we should change formation so I can play here, we don't need two stikers, we need to play possession football, stop going down the wings, we need to do this, that, this and that because I said so.
And then you come on here having a good whinge because your not being listened to?
You're not in this situation because It's you saying this stuff, not at all. It's the way you've gone about it!
If you had gone "You know what? I fancy a formation change, shall we try some things out in the cup window and see how it goes?"
That would have been fine, but because you sit there having a rant at us that we aren't doing things your way and singling people out is it any wonder you think you're being ignored?