I used the Honda Prelude VTEC 94.
Originally posted by MugenMan 2002
Listen up everyone. The secret to begining a game is right under your nose and yet nobody does it. Go to the toyota used cars and buy the ****y old little 80 something MR2. Then enter the first race in the lightweight k cup. Its a very easy race and you win two grand along with a mugen beat worth five grand. So unless youre retarded and you dont want to sell the beat this easy race cranks out seven big ones. For those of you who enter endurance races at the beginig of the game that may not sound like much but this strategy is good because the race is short and easy so it is a good money maker for beginners. Getting the spoon S2000 is good to but it takes too long
Originally posted by Dudebusta
hey Viper_Slayin_Civic, id drink my piss if i ever saw a civic beat a viper