First Impressions

  • Thread starter IsmokeGT
Way different from GT5:P in terms of physics. Step forward in the right direction. I hope that when the competetion is over (24th) we will be able to change the mode from 'Professional' to 'Standard'. It's getting a bit hard for someone that's using the D-Pad.
I don't like the HUD in the replay. I've set the units to metric, but when watching UK replays, the speedometer displays XXX km/h but what actually the XXX are are miles/h

Not really helful
I've noticed that if your sliding through turn(4 or 5?) onto the back straight and go wide the tire scrub changes pitch when going over the yellow painted lines. Very niiice.:D

I agree with alot of people in that the on-grass physics are still a bit messed up, but you know what, we haven't even seen the off-road/dirt physics for rallying and such yet so I don't think this is the final product.
I'm utterly disappointed with FF on my G25. In prologue it was tons better. I don't feel any of the road effects like bumps and uneven track. On Daytona it was great struggling to keep the wheel straight when passing over the bumps. Now it's just stupid, and ICS is a bumpy track.
I have to agree with you. I experienced a lot of surface imperfections through cockpit shaking, but nothing of it in the wheel except curbs (G25).
i love how the car bounces over pretty much any bump, and theres a big difference in the tuned and normal, probably to do with the lower ride hieght and stiffer suspension. The sounds for once make me want to continuously race like i used to with the mines r34 on gt5p, i also like the twitchiness although i've been using a g25 so not sure how twitchy it is on controller, but i like the fact the normal 370 can step out at any moment.

a tip : if your finding the car too twitchy, look at the leaders replays, they tend to go through the bend in one gear higher than suggested, that makes the car much smoother and less violent on the exit, i used this help and my laptimes started falling.
A bit of topic since it is my second post here, so second impressions:

I got to know the track better and start enjoying the drive, still struggling to be consistent and fast though.

+ in the first 2 turns, if you break you get the weight transfer and slip. Indeed difficult, but realistic for this car. It seems to have been put a step further then GT5p.
+ the grass is really slippery, but that just avoids people to cut the corners, I like it. Should just be a documented feature, not supposed to be realistic.
+ the breaking before corner 4 need to be done subtle, did not experience this detail level in GT5p (Suzuka 1-2 was close, but not at this level) . Indeed difficult, but realistic.
- I still do not like the behavior when coming to the rev limit at low speeds. But this is something I avoid in real life, so not a lot or real experience.
- I also slipped at 30km/h with R1 tires and half throttle, as surprising as slipping with TCS on 7. When driving I do not find the slipping as far off.
- I used to drive a car that you would slide through corners, day to day. It is clear this would be at lower speeds as on the track, but there was a way to control it. At this moment, when I slip in the GT Academy set up I have no chance to correct. Maybe I'm still to far over the realistic speed at those times. I find the transfer from control to spinning out very "computerized", below a certain speed no issue, above complete spin out. For me personally difficult to find the limit where you can experiment slip. An other feature where I find this is on breaking points, breaking what seems 50 cm later then the ideal point, will land you 5 m further at the end of breaking. (not clear if this is to take into account rubber debris on the track)
- I sometimes get the impression there is a adherence model per corner on the track, you get to learn how the car will take the corner, but the behavior depends on corner you take. So I do not always feel consistency in the behavior.
+ When I keep the control on a lap, the whole physics work out and feel and look very realistic. It is where I mess up that the negative points come out and kick me further in the face for failing to keep control, maybe providing an excuse for my own weaknesses.

Other topics:
+ I did not find a way to check other peoples races, but my experience is when I make mistakes, my time almost immediately turns red. I did not see enormous chances for cheaters, this might impose the GTP behavior to the rest of the world (there are several other clean communities). I thought driving the GTP way might have been a disadvantage in this competition (some top times in GT5p there are definitely people that go with all 4 wheels of the track) but that seems to be avoided.
+ Definitely feels like a racing simulator and not an arcade game.
- These cars seems to have a rev limit really close to the start of the red zone, manual shift is only helping me in engine braking.
- the ghost car is interfering, happy to have found out how to turn it off (Like a driving line, I find it a form cheating, only useful for learning.)
+ engine sound changes more depending on revolutions
+ sound on sand more realistic, but should be irrelevant.

P.S.: on the correct form of posting, I do believe people could comment on incorrect postings more with private messages to the offender and try to limit the posts to comments that contribute to the topic.
Hmmm… well tried it out a bit and… not sure what to say…

Immediately graphics jumped out with a big WTF? I know this isn’t necessarily representative of what GT5 will be but why is this track looking like this? Is it still in development? A step down from GT5P begs the question why…

Then onto the race… my immediate first impression… feels like Forza… Right off the bad my immediate thought was this feels familiar and not like GT. The way the car slides out when taking a turn too fast has that slidy slick feeling of taking a fast turn on Forza vs the grippy slide feeling of GT that I am used to.

Too early for me to comment on whether I think it’s better (and the inability to adjust TCS makes it more to get used to) but it’s definitely different in a rather startling way.

Had the sound down low as the GF was sleeping at the time but it sounds good.

Initial impressions… glad this is not an actual GT5 demo… because if it was I would have some noteable worries.
the grass is really slippery, but that just avoids people to cut the corners, I like it. Should just be a documented feature, not supposed to be realistic.
Please do tell.
Ever slid off the road onto grass? In the racing world, it's referred to as "like hitting a patch of ICE"
that doesn't come from grip.
As a PC simracer i am glad that PD have focused on developing the physics rather then putting fancy stuff on the side of the tracks just to please the typical console racer. It`s more challenging to drive now and that is definately a step in the right direction. It`s not the definitive racing simulation, it`s still miles behind iRacing, but the graphics are definitive the most true to life.
i liked gt5p alot i loved the driving and the sounds and of course the graphics but i am dissapointed in this demo because first of al the sound when you drive it is ok but when you rev it just a bit around 2.000 rpm in first gear you get too much base and the craphics are a bit worse but the handling is so realistic that it is to hard. and i am not a bad driver in gt5p i was the king ;p Ps is drive whit a g25 cockpit
As a PC simracer i am glad that PD have focused on developing the physics rather then putting fancy stuff on the side of the tracks just to please the typical console racer.

I don't understand this, because many of us are thinking that GT should be good in both. Otherwise I would go for any hardcore PC sim or Arcadza Motorsport III and be happy.
Please do tell.
Ever slid off the road onto grass? In the racing world, it's referred to as "like hitting a patch of ICE"
that doesn't come from grip.

Of course grass doesn't have the same amount of grip as tarmac, I don't think that's what anybody wants. But someone in this thread said that it doesn't feel like the friction becomes stronger as you slow down, say after a spin in the grass, and I agree. It feels ridiculously slippery, especially after coming to a complete stop and trying to make your way to the track which is freaking impossible. Try going 10 mph on the GT-grass and turn the wheel smoothly, you'll be going in an almost straight line. That is not realistic, and it just seems like an unnecessary punishment for accidently hitting the grass.
Of course the point in racing is to stay on the track, but sometimes **** happen, and (this time trial aside) it doesn't even have to be your own fault.
My first impression: Love it!

This is why:
-That low rev rumble with the tuned Z.
-That whiny transmission (whines better than a lot of the posters above)
-The shuddering while braking hard.
-The harder physics (ask any nymfo , harder is better).
-GT5p like graphics (aint nothing bad about that, especially on my new Full HD Panny :))
-Every 5 minutes I play I seem to love it better.

but the handling is so realistic that it is to hard. and i am not a bad driver in gt5p i was the king ;p Ps is drive whit a g25 cockpit

Kings shouldnt drive themselves, they got staff for that.
Just send me your G25, I'll drive while you watch. Way less hard for you that way:)
A lot has been mentioned but here's just a few of my impressions:

- A bit twitchy, but it doesn't bother me even with a controller. (don't use the d pad!)
- I love the yellow and black run off at the exit of turn 5 (I think). Sometimes I run off purposely just to have a little slide :D
- I don't think the grass is as bad as some people say it is in terms of how unrealistic it is. You're thinking I've never driven a car on grass, and you're right in thinking that because I haven't even driven a car for more than an hour in one go. It's an improvement on prologue and that's always a good sign.
- I like some of the improved sounds - the tyre screeching, the rumble strips and the sand traps.

I like the 'demo' but I can't see myself playing it every day up until the last minute on January 24th. I feel my lap times I set yesterday are already at 80% of my capabilities.
After a couple of hours of trying it I must say I love the new physics

I like it very much that the throttle is so more sensitive, you really have to accelerate gradually when exiting corners or the car will spin. I can feel it very well on my G25.
It feels very real to me. I drive in real life a RWD car and it's very similar.

And you have to be really careful braking into corners, and with the balance of the car.
I must admit there is quite a lot of difference between hitting the "kitty litter" and hitting the grass compared to GT5P , the gravel just feels more weighty
I LOVE the suspention on the stock car!

It has that feeling of digging in to a corner that just isn't felt in GT5P. Also how it reacts through the first 3 gears is great.

I also love how the N3s now offer more turn-in, encouraging me to use them more if they are replicated in the real thing.

I can't copmment much on the physics since I haven't diven a real 370Z, but what I can say is that when I was watching a GT acadamy video on board a 370Z being tracked, I remember the instructer telling the driver to not put the power down as early - and I remembered thinking that's nothing like on GT5P, but I used the method on this demo and it worked a treat - so I feel its really on par. Any more realistic or hard to use and PD would be lopping off a huge portion of casual gamers, but I love the physics.
The GTP's Top Whiners review:

Hi GTP top whiner here.

heres my review, i've only had about half an hour on it so far............


Liking the new menu buttons but no need to have a pop up window telling you what they do - isn't that the job of the icon?

Track graphics:

Got to agree with a lot of people on here - not looking so good now are they - it's amazing how quickly we get used to nice graphics and how quickly they date - I'm not convinced they will look much better when the full game is released.

Car handling:

i'm loving the car handling, the way you really have to balance the car on the throttle through corners - its very throttle adjustable.

Braking is great and you can sense the amount of grip due to the weight shift.


Why did they use a grass texture graphic for the ice on the side of the track? :embarrassed:)

It is a bit too slippery and when you do little maneuvers on the grass the game turns into Canal Boat Simulator, at one point I'm sure I saw Rosie & Jim in the crowds waving to me.

Isn't amazing how fast you can get bored of a track though? it looks lifeless - it could do with some birds in the sky, or some ambient noise like wind when you are stationery to breath a bit of life into the game. It feels a bit sterile.


the tuned nissan sounds cool - a lot better and really makes a difference to the game. i like it when you go down the main straight and the car is bouncing a bit - from the cockpit view it adds to the sense of speed and realism - no more marble smooth roads please PD!!

But its not the finished product i keep saying to myself.

So to sum up can't wait to see the final 'Look' of the game when it comes out - if the graphics are the same then I think it will be a bit dissapointing but i think (hope)PD will do us proud.

The physics feel really really good. - can't wait to drive some monster cars on track (in GT5) with a friend on-line where some real skill is needed to keep the car on track.

I know I'm all want want want but I wonder if PD will throw us another bone for christmas? just another track and a few cars perhaps? We can live in hope.

Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a great christmas
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I'll sum up my impressions like this:
I could post a top 600 time in both cars almost immediately using my track knowledge alone, both cars were very predictable and smooth driving was rewarded in bucket loads. Aggressive driving was also rewarded in a similar way, fun but usually damaging to lap time.

Ticks all the boxes a GT normally does for me: rewarding, looks great, feels right. But it also impressed me in: sound (improved again, not hugely, but enough), track detail (especially grip, varying in certain parts of the track, also encourages you to try slightly different lines) and presentation (I liked the new colours and arrangement of the display).

The only thing I don't like is that I can't turn off TCS in the stock 370Z.
first off, this isn't my typical ride, and this isn't how I drive it. I generally avoid high-powered FR cars in games/sims, they're just a lot more 'challenging' than I enjoy.

The stock car just felt awful to me--no surprise there, it's not my style at all. And in a perfect world, I like a moderate amount of both traction and stability control to balance out those weak tires. Seemed like the grass was an extreme danger, more than I was expecting, so either it was wet, or PD didn't do well communicating a sense of speed to me. I just really don't enjoy driving this car at all, but I think that's a personal opinion rather than a simulated physics issue.

The tuned car bonded with me a bit better. I'd rather have thrown my own tune on it, but PD did well. Control of it was nice and 'racey' and the extra grip made me not miss the stability control at all. Still not really my style, but no trouble getting around the track the first time (unlike the stock ride).

so mixed bag from me. PD seems to be doing a pretty good job simulating cars I don't really enjoy driving, and cut me off from any real ability to raise my enjoyment of them through tuning. Can't wait for them to give me the real deal, until then I guess I'll start trying harder to like the 370z.
First Impressions, I LOVE IT, grass does seem to slippery and I'd love to turn off the rev limiter in grass just because it would be fun to flick up some grass when in the grass :(

The one thing I notice about GT is that ITS ALL ABOUT FINDING THAT ONE SWEET RACING LINE, from how you enter a corner before your current corner will determine how good your time will be, this is what I felt was missing in Forza3 where you were not punished for taking the incorrect line where there was just too much room for imperfection. GT is no friend of the sloppy driver and I LOVE IT!
On the grass issue. I have actually gone of the road onto a patch of grass in my car (was driving at 3am... bad idea). I managed to get it back one the road. Anyways the point is, that grass does not so much make you slide (unless it is wet or you are a prototype/F1 car) more than it pulls you and then sends out of control. A lot of times race cars, because they are so low, actually dig into the grass slowing the car down. I feel GT5 is missing this pull/dig effect. If I am not mistaken the 370z has a LSD which in the event of say my right rear tire hitting the grass should recognize the loss of traction and take power away from the wheel. Correct me if I am wrong (Note: I probably am :) )
I think it's great, love everything in it. Anyone have any suggestions, I can't stop my back end from coming around in every turn, so I'm getting horrible speed coming out of my turns :indiff:
I think it's great, love everything in it. Anyone have any suggestions, I can't stop my back end from coming around in every turn, so I'm getting horrible speed coming out of my turns :indiff:

Throttle control is everything is all I can say. Keep practicing mate!
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Im in the top 300 for the tuned and 600 for the stock. Just the throttle control i need to get the hang of, just keep pushing it a little too much sometimes and end up in the grass.

The Demo's great: the track is a bit boring looks wise but the car, the sound and the physics are all amazing. I have also noticed the collision physics are very much improved over GT5P.
Can somebody please tell me if it is possible to turn off the music while driving? I'm sure there is a way, but I haven't found it yet. Thank you all!