Last impressions after finishing Menu Book 39 and getting the finale (just a bunch of congratulations, but maybe I skipped the ending movie as I was spamming buttons to get past all the blah blah)
I would rate GT7 as 6/10 at best. Very little content for a mainline GT game, worse UI, worse economy, bugs in the physics and handling, weird fov in bumper cam (still not used to the change), lacking tire and kerb sound feedback, and the AI is still annoying to downright bad.
My plan to finish the game with the Mark IV race car was a total dud. Like some others, it's impossible to control at speed in a straight line

On a controller it starts spinning out for no reason. Try to overtake a car, very gentle inputs, with or without throttle, or try to steer a gentle bend like on the straight on Deep Forest and it goes into the wall... I had the same issue with the Porsche on the straight at N24, why can't some cars drive in a straight line? All my credits wasted, I 'finished' the game with the GR.3 Lexus instead. (Which has no issues driving at the same speed, full throttle, weaving in and out of traffic)
The saving grace was that the last tournament at least featured all my favorite tracks, butchered as they are with the change in FOV. Also the Lexus felt quite different, shorter stopping distance, no danger from grass or kerbs, but breaking out unexpectedly now and then. Of course I'm used to the bopped version from GT Sport, which gives it a bit more power. Gearing ratios were different as well.
Anyway the final insult was the 'grand prize' for finishing the game, a 6 star roulette ticket. It landed on the car! Which I already had

The 25th anniversary edition car (which is a death trap as well) Can't sell it, just a useless duplicate.
Online is currently broken. It seems one of the bad penalty implementations is now active online while race B is dominated by cheaters that found an exploit in the PP system. Steer clear, not worth entering.
Without proper online, there is no real incentive to go on collecting cars. But maybe I'll try to set up an endurance race with dynamic time and weather. I read that you can pick cars from your garage to race against so multi-class race is possible. Might as well make it interesting instead of lapping the AI in the same cars.
Back to Horizon first, GT7 is quite a disappointment tbh. Hopefully GT Sport will still be supported for quite a while.