First impressions......

  • Thread starter seadog777
Enjoying the game play but still disappointing. I get it more cars coming but after GTS was such a let down as they really did not add a lot of modern cars. The list is just as abysmal as GTS not enough new cars yet. I'm ready for them to shut me up. I've played a day unlocked most stuff access built 2 cars but bored now.
Yes that’s it but when I cycle through it’s not there how do I get to it
R1 is the standard switch view.

Look at the controller settings screen and see what it is mapped to on your console it is called "Change view"
Man this game is great! The vibes I’m getting are from two games Pcars and AC.. the track environments are giving me the PC vibe.. that game had the best tracks and environment.. and for GT7, while the tracks can’t compare to PC yet the events and environment are right there in my opinion! The driving reminds me of AC the focus you need to keep the chassis balanced is right under AC for me but when you ad the GT style graphics and game play It makes GT7 top for me right now!
On my wheel it’s square I can cycle through all but bumper cam is not there

Thanks m3 I’ll check later

No bumper cam view I used r1 cycle through all views does not come up so weird
Why is Polyphony always using KW in Europe?
Nobody uses KW here, we either say PS or HP, hell even BHP would be better then KW, is there no option to switch to another measurement? :banghead:
Rolling starts are trash.
AI is trash
Not being able to sell cars is trash.
The new roulette is awful.

Everything screams buy credits.
Best GT yet ruined by grubbing.
The economy in this game is brutal, especially considering the focus on collecting cars. I came into it accepting that I was going to miss out on driving a lot of cool cars because I simply don't have the time to obtain them. I can play probably 2-4 hours per week and generally will not spend that time grinding. I'm having trouble seeing how I will get a hold of the handful of cars I had in mind as must haves. Getting a bad taste from that.

I refuse to do microtransactions on principle - I think they priced the credits so high as to discourage any rational person from considering it. I feel sorry for anyone who falls prey to that.

Then the roulette tickets. A few of them were pretty good in the wee beginning of the game, but the vast majority have been total busts. 2000cr, 5000cr and an exhaust for a car I don't care about from a nights' worth of roulette tickets... ouch.
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Why is Polyphony always using KW in Europe?
Nobody uses KW here, we either say PS or HP, hell even BHP would be better then KW, is there no option to switch to another measurement? :banghead:
There is. Change the language of your PlayStation console.
Why is there not simply an option to look at factory paint colours for the car you're in? Puzzling.

That bugs me as well! If I buy a used imola red M3 why can’t I easily spray it Estoril blue or Phoenix yellow!!!
That bugs me as well! If I buy a used imola red M3 why can’t I easily spray it Estoril blue or Phoenix yellow!!!
Exactly, it's such a simple thing I don't get how it was left out. I have the classic panda look Levin, I want to change it to a different factory spec two tone not just a generic colour all over. Can't seem to find factory options for that car. Very annoying.
Exactly, it's such a simple thing I don't get how it was left out. I have the classic panda look Levin, I want to change it to a different factory spec two tone not just a generic colour all over. Can't seem to find factory options for that car. Very annoying.

It annoyed me even more when the beemer in the cafe challenge book was Phoenix gold, but the car I got was sliver 🥲
Worst GT game ever IMO. Chock full of trash I don't want to learn, or want to see, or want to race. Crappy cars, check, great cars = missing. So many explain all the trash. Completely unintuitive. If someone were to show me this game before I bought it I would have skipped it entirely. I had the day off today and expected to really get into it, to have a great time, and instead it's just been one disappointment after another. Absolute trash IMO.
Last impressions after finishing Menu Book 39 and getting the finale (just a bunch of congratulations, but maybe I skipped the ending movie as I was spamming buttons to get past all the blah blah)

I would rate GT7 as 6/10 at best. Very little content for a mainline GT game, worse UI, worse economy, bugs in the physics and handling, weird fov in bumper cam (still not used to the change), lacking tire and kerb sound feedback, and the AI is still annoying to downright bad.

My plan to finish the game with the Mark IV race car was a total dud. Like some others, it's impossible to control at speed in a straight line :confused: On a controller it starts spinning out for no reason. Try to overtake a car, very gentle inputs, with or without throttle, or try to steer a gentle bend like on the straight on Deep Forest and it goes into the wall... I had the same issue with the Porsche on the straight at N24, why can't some cars drive in a straight line? All my credits wasted, I 'finished' the game with the GR.3 Lexus instead. (Which has no issues driving at the same speed, full throttle, weaving in and out of traffic)

The saving grace was that the last tournament at least featured all my favorite tracks, butchered as they are with the change in FOV. Also the Lexus felt quite different, shorter stopping distance, no danger from grass or kerbs, but breaking out unexpectedly now and then. Of course I'm used to the bopped version from GT Sport, which gives it a bit more power. Gearing ratios were different as well.

Anyway the final insult was the 'grand prize' for finishing the game, a 6 star roulette ticket. It landed on the car! Which I already had :banghead: The 25th anniversary edition car (which is a death trap as well) Can't sell it, just a useless duplicate.

Online is currently broken. It seems one of the bad penalty implementations is now active online while race B is dominated by cheaters that found an exploit in the PP system. Steer clear, not worth entering.

Without proper online, there is no real incentive to go on collecting cars. But maybe I'll try to set up an endurance race with dynamic time and weather. I read that you can pick cars from your garage to race against so multi-class race is possible. Might as well make it interesting instead of lapping the AI in the same cars.

Back to Horizon first, GT7 is quite a disappointment tbh. Hopefully GT Sport will still be supported for quite a while.
My last GT was GT5. I skipped GT6 and GT Sport because I had moved onto the PC sims and they were miles ahead in terms of realism compared to GT and I thought that I would never go back to GT, especially after seeing how bad the physics were on GT Sport. Then, GT7 seemed to look good physics wise from early preview gameplay I saw so I decided to give it another shot and I bought GT7 (PS4 only, can't find a damn PS5 in stock 😢) and I must say I'm glad I took the risk.

The physics are nearly as good as what you get from AC or ACC or iRacing. Actually, in terms of mechanical grip and aerodynamics, I think GT is on par with the PC sims. It falls a bit short on the tire model, in my opinion as there is a bit of an odd behavior on some RWD cars when putting the power down. The other "weirdness" with the physics are the jumps in rally, the way the cars bounce when landing a jump is just completely messed up. Not sure how that made it into the final release. FFB is good even if it's limited in adjustability. Overall, I'm impressed with the physics and FFB, I just hope PD can tweak the tires a bit and fix the stupid behavior on the jumps.

A little disappointing not to see a dashboard view available, not a fan of the bumper cam and the cockpit view on GT7 is... terrible, to say the least. Also disappointing that there is no proper damage model but it's no biggie.

Can't comment on anything else, only did the license test and some circuit experiences. Really glad I jumped in on GT7 and I'm hoping PD can improve it even further.
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Me and my friend been playing this at his place, I usually just do hotlapping and trying different cars/track combination so I can't speak for the rest of the game. The first thing I noticed is the physics, it just feels different to GTSport imo, and it's more 'simmy' to me. I think PD found the sweet spot for GT's physics in this game. It's not perfect though, some cars have exaggerated over steer, and if they can fix that issue, that would make the whole experience even better. Also, graphics is gorgeous but it's obviously held back by last gen hardware, a lot of aspect of this game have been held back like the small grid size, 20 is the max? I think PS5 could handle least 30 without major performance issues.

I highly recommend doing custom race at the Nurb with no HUD, wobble 2 cockpit settings, dynamic weather with torrential rain. It's the most immersive thing you'd ever experience. Their weather system is truly a technical masterpiece, and the fact they're able to do it on PS4 is even impressive.
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Love this game, like the progression aspects and once you've spent a few hours on it, you can pretty much do what you want. Yes you can't just access all cars off the bat but I'm a player who likes to work towards things, I get more out of achievement that way.

But the main thing for me is the driving, I don't really care about menus and what cars are missing, generally the moaners are crap drivers or have 2 hours a week to spend on the game and wonder why they aren't catered for - it's because you aren't what the developers deem important! and I have no problem with that...

Anyway, back to the physics, I am improving driving style so much now, my braking and accelerating points are coming under much more analysis than they ever have, feathering throttle on corners, learning about weight distribution etc. I am enjoying driving most cars and love the challenge of setting them up for my style.

I buy and play driving games to experience great driving, simple as. This game has great driving, so I love it.
Some report that the last patch covers those 2 issues. 👍
The patch broke all rally missions, including license tests. I figure I would complete the license tests today but it has you complete the tests in SH tires now instead of Dirt tires. I could barely scrape by a couple bronze times on the wrong tires :banghead:

Same in the missions, can't complete the sets that involve rally racing. Impossible to even pass one car on sports tires on dirt. So yep, they tweaked the tires all right.

Also what's up with S-10? I managed bronze there but the 787B so easily spins out on the straight I doubt I can go much faster. Why is it so unstable in a straight line. No way I can replicate how the AI drives through Raidillon. Wet track, wrong tires again. Or perhaps you're supposed to struggle on normal tires?

Anyway, I wanted to do the 24 min of Le Mans, but had to grind credits to afford a GR.1 car. Instead of grinding I went for the missions and license tests to hit those impassible missing dirt tires barriers doh.
Loving the handling and the focus being back on car collection/tuning, sometimes I just wana chill and race againt the AI, was never much fun and is a lot better on GT7.

My 2 biggest issues so far are the stingy credits/rewards and rhe UI.
The economy system in this game is brutal and it looks like it was set up to buy credits through micro transactions... no thanks!

Also I thought GT Sport made great progress with the UI, it was slick as GT always is but you could do things like skipping to the next license test/challenge and change car/modify car all from mostly one screen, in GT7 its like the old GT days of menu after menu.

All in all I do love it and yet another GT game I can see myself playing fot years to come, well worth my £65.
Was underwhelmed by GT Sport but figured they were focussing on developing GT7 into a monster with better AI, something more than chase the rabbit races with no context and perhaps a story scenario where you run a race team.

GT7 has proven to be really undercooked, even compared to GT Sport. Yay, I get to grind in races using cars that have to be overmatched to the competition because I'm starting 20-30 seconds behind on every race. Then they magically speed up when I catch them so why not have a grid start?

Even accepting that this is a car collecting game, the options to actually admire your car are pretty slim. Yes you can take photos of them but I was hoping the cafe option was a place you could park up your car and get a first person view of it as you enjoyed a virtual coffee. Apart from the boomer option occasionally coming up to tell you about your current car, the Cafe seems like a big miss.

Then there is the credit grinding to actually collect cars you might want to drive. I don't have the time or motivation to do the same races over and over to get millions of credits for one car.

Like with the past GT games, I'm sure there is more coming in updates but my expectations are nothing more than a few cars and a track or two every couple of months.