First impressions......

  • Thread starter seadog777
PS5 version, some improvement in these area:
  1. The car is way to clean when using the outside view. It s clashing against the beautiful wet and dirty track.
  2. Cockpit view, the rain drop is horrible, there wiper doesn't event contact the rain drops and the windshield is clear, no water splash or marks. So it feel cheap and not realistic since visibility is suppose to be very poor.
  3. Probably a sound bug but there no sound at all when you receive a car gift in the racetrack garage scene.
  4. UX issue in the license mode, the instructor cut right in when you watch the demo for the first time, it s really unpleasant, also when going back to the license screen he start repeating the same thing again. Another back example is when he said, using the street panel as your reference to break, but the problem is you get distracter by the big yellow map marker that is place everywhere.
  5. The UI when you complete the race and gaining credits look totally different from the reset of the traditional menu style...i tough i was playing Destiny.
  6. Let me disable the haptic vibration when navigating in the menu, s super not pleasant and draining my controller batteries lol
  7. Car colors still doesn't match the reality. Example the lancer evolution X, the painting is way to glossy and saturated vs my real life Evo X in Blue and my friend Red version.
  8. A.I is not SoPhy yet.
  9. A.I on easy mode is pure ****, are they reusing the same GT 1 a.1? It s super hard to catch up the 1st pos. A.I even on EASY mode!
  10. Is it just me or the car assist that your stuck with in the License mode is just there to block you? The assist is making the car very hard to turn...

-Major improvement in the cockpit view, it s really fun to drive now in that view, but still fin it useless the car roof view lol
-Great loading time, almost seamless
-Better sounds as well
-Getting use to the happing will driving, nice touch.
-the ray trace is incredible

Have not receive my credit with my pre order...glitch?
I just had to close the game, re-launch and my preorder cars and $1.2million appeared...
I completed all 39 Menu's and messed around with some online racing and completed all gold on B license test. I mainly played GT 1 and 2 back in the day. I really liked Project Cars 2 and HATED GT Sport when I first touched it. Checked back in a few months ago and it wasn't quite as bad as my first impression of it. This feels much better and more competitive as a racing game. Graphics look great if not a little bit underwhelming. Love the Circuit Experience feature and will have to balance grinding for currency vs grinding for improvement. Back on track for sure.
I've played a few hours on PS5 since Friday, maybe 6 or 7. So just a few Menu Books in at the moment.

It's just so.... classy.

The graphics, music, and just general feel of the experience is so slick. Pad controls really clicked today when hooning around Sardegna on a Menu race driving my freshly tuned 1960s Mini Cooper. The triggers and steering feel so natural, and it's a joy when you get a corner just perfect.

The flip between pedal-to-the-metal racing and chilling out in a cafe shouldn't work...but it just does.

The sunset race at Goodwood was a real 'shiver' moment. I live very close to the track and have visited the Revival a few times so I know it pretty well.... and the recreation in GT7 is absolutely perfect.
I had to go to this just because the brake indication thingy in HUD is not working as it used to, it lights up way too late...
Yeah, I find you have to pre-empt it. If you wait for it to flash, then brake you're too late. However, if you can hit the brake pedal at exactly the same time it flashes by pre-empting it, it is generally ok, but it's the very last possible braking point. I tend to instead try and brake once it turns bright red, just before it flashes.
I had to go to this just because the brake indication thingy in HUD is not working as it used to, it lights up way too late...
You should look at markers around the track.. I wouldn’t rely on that brake indicator.. you might be slow at first but when you catch you your times will go down fast!
I'm getting seriously fed up with the UI and nonsensical PP.

I'm on menu book 32 I think, had to do a race at RBR in heavy rain for a championship. First of all, I can't find any info for weather conditions at the race, so I started on the default Sports Hard tires in the Ford GT (dunno how I got it, but was in my garage) since that one as closest to the requirement (max 600pp). Well, the Ford on Sports Hard tires in heavy rain is a death trap. Point a finger at the throttle and it spins. Impossible on the controller. I still finished 7th while ice skating on inline skates, crawling around the track.

So I caved in, quit out (can only do that after clicking through a ton of menus and advance to the next race first, why???) went to the tune shop to buy a set of heavy wets for 28K :ouch:I go back to the race and now I can't enter, the tires put my PP over 600 :confused:

How does that even work with races with multi compound requirements. Tire compound affects PP, change tires and you don't qualify anymore :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Instead on spending more money to be able to downgrade the Ford GT (so stupid), I looked for a lower PP car to put the tires on. Erm no, can't from the race menu, quit out again, go to the garage, sort on PP again (why won't it stick), picked the Corvette C7, go back to the race, can't select the rain tires... Err why not, back 10 menus again to the garage, select the Ford again, change it back to the SH tires, switch to the Corvette again, can't select the heavy wets. wtf.

Switch back to the Ford, go to the tune shop, how do I remove the wet tires. I can't, can't sell em, they're just there. I look in the garage tuning parts, not there either. Just some useless junk tail pipe from one of the awful roulette tickets. I switch back to the Corvette, go to the tune shop, heavy wets are simply back for sale. 28K again please, smh.

20 minutes of navigating menus and scratching my head later, I'm back on RBR on heavy wets, in first in lap 3 lol. Sigh.

Next race is apparently in the dry again, trying to do Suzuka on heavy wets on a dry track doh. I had to quit anyway, so I back out, but you can't back out of the championship. Is it saved, I don't know. I quit the game, will find out later whether it resumes the championship. You can't go back out to buy RH tires anyway, but at least you can switch to tires you already have (SH).

Anyway, starting to hate the menu structure and constantly having to back out to the garage to switch cars and the tuning shop just to buy tires.

@JDMKING13 The flashing indicator was a simple non intrusive 'crutch' to learn a new track and spot the markers to use for actual racing. It worked 99% of the time in GT Sport (was off in just a few corners) and was very helpful to quickly get you up to speed or as a refresher on a new track. After 2 or 3 laps you had all the real markers locked in memory and no more need for the flashing indicator.

In GT7 you have to change settings in menu to race with invasive markers or what I do, watch where the AI starts braking. (Not all that reliable but better than waiting for the flashing indicator) My first laps on Daytona infield were 'interesting' :lol:

Update: It did save the championship progress on resuming the game. Everything is greyed out / locked, just the option to navigate back to the championship is available on the world map. (So if you need heavy wets for race 3, you still need to quit the entire championship to buy the tires and redo the first 2 races)
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Every GT was bettery than the previous one, and GT7 is no exception. That's why I loved the game for the last 25-years.
Rolling starts are trash.
AI is trash
Not being able to sell cars is trash.
The new roulette is awful.
Everything screams buy credits.
Best GT yet ruined by grubbing.
I don't know if it's just the cafe missions but the AI doesn't seem to pay attention to me at all in GT7. They simply stick to their lines when I come up from behind, wandering over my path practically pushing me off the road when I come alongside. Then they 'activate' and speed up. Especially the front runners suddenly start driving twice as fast... You start 40 seconds behind the leaders, maximum rubber banding. The custom race AI seems to behave better (picking a line instead of wandering across your path)

I finally won a car in the Roulette, a duplicate or variant of one of the gift cars :lol: Still better to get the smallest pile of credits every time. I have bought two cars so far. The one the game makes you buy and the GR.3 Lexus to make a comparison. And now have 67 cars already doing the cafe nonsense. So much for the classic GT campaign. I've used the Used Car Dealership once, and Brand Central once so far.

At least I'm up to the faster races now and can use the GR.3 Lexus next :)
Guys I just got Gold on S-10 License and guess what? Stupid game CRASHED! It shows my reward cars and then my Trophy, but when I tried to back out, it got stuck on the loading screen! I waited for 10 minutes before restarting my PS4, only to see that it didn't save and now shows my having only silver on S--10 :( Please help! Can this be fixed? Was the game saved to the cloud before it crashed? If so, how do I get it to register?
I don’t know what you call the view I’m using a wheel so I recycle using square when I do it the view I want is not there the dash and steering wheel then n just the hood cam chase cam the one I’m looking for is just the gauges are there like speedometer tachometer and which gear your in there’s no dashboard just these that I mention don’t understand why I don’t see it please help thanks
I don’t know what you call the view I’m using a wheel so I recycle using square when I do it the view I want is not there the dash and steering wheel then n just the hood cam chase cam the one I’m looking for is just the gauges are there like speedometer tachometer and which gear your in there’s no dashboard just these that I mention don’t understand why I don’t see it please help thanks
You mean bumperview. It's in the game.
I just googled “GT7 bumper cam view” for you….

That isn’t GT7 but it’s very very similar.


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The snap oversteer kept killing me on the MR and FR cars. Now I just leave TC1 on and that tends to keep the road cars under control. Other than that annoyance, I coast more through the apex now and apply the throttle later. The brake indicator light blinks way too late now, so now I have to learn brake markers for all of the courses and layouts in different cars.

Once I go back to my normal 1hr a day driving schedule, it'll probably take me longer to come up with a tune and learn braking points during the week before I can be competitive. Hopefully, all of it doesn't ruin the pick-up and play fun of GT Sport, but it probably will.
The snap oversteer kept killing me on the MR and FR cars. Now I just leave TC1 on and that tends to keep the road cars under control. Other than that annoyance, I coast more through the apex now and apply the throttle later. The brake indicator light blinks way too late now, so now I have to learn brake markers for all of the courses and layouts in different cars.

Once I go back to my normal 1hr a day driving schedule, it'll probably take me longer to come up with a tune and learn braking points during the week before I can be competitive. Hopefully, all of it doesn't ruin the pick-up and play fun of GT Sport, but it probably will.
Don’t feel bad man I am no alien but I got pretty good pace.. my league members are also good drives and we do have some aliens. That being said we are all using TCS 😂 and don’t feel bad about it it’s actually a good thing! When you play more dedicated sims such as AC ACC you will need TCS in those games to be more efficient! Depending on the car I will run TCS I just picked up a LaFerrari and I keep TCS on you can’t play with that girl she will have you in a ditch somewhere!!
Don’t feel bad man I am no alien but I got pretty good pace.. my league members are also good drives and we do have some aliens. That being said we are all using TCS 😂 and don’t feel bad about it it’s actually a good thing! When you play more dedicated sims such as AC ACC you will need TCS in those games to be more efficient! Depending on the car I will run TCS I just picked up a LaFerrari and I keep TCS on you can’t play with that girl she will have you in a ditch somewhere!!
Oh, no shame here. Most of these production cars were never meant to be driven without TCS so it doesn't bother me much to run with it set to just 1. I think tuning is probably going to be my biggest annoyance.

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