FITT: "British Invasion" Congrats to - praiano63, DolHaus, Motor City Hami, Otaliema

Test Driving results for the FITT British Invasion hosted by @Bowtie-muscle Driven at Autmn Ring Reverse

All cars received 5 Laps warm up and learning. All cars then driven for 5 Laps or till I got all I could from the car on the majority of the track. Which ever came second.

Track and driving aids. Grip= Real, ABS=1 all other driving aids off that impact handling.

DC scoring is as follows. Stock suspension & LSD with power and weight upgrades. (3 Stock Laps max to get a feel on it)
1-4 worse than stock and why.
5 as good as stock.
6-7 better than stock but….
8-9 Great tune.
10 WOW one of the best I’ve had the privilege of driving n GT6

Street Sport


@787bcgr - Tuscan Speed 6 No aero

Stock Lap;1:26.179 Lap Time;1:26.324 DC; 7.4

Entry; Precision is the name of the game here, miss your mark by even a little bit in anyway and your toast. French toast. -_- Get it right and it’s magic, it just glides like it’s nothing.

Mid Corner; Throttle driven here, if you try and coast it you will understeer like a mad man, too much throttle and you spin it. Precision required. Get the throttle application just right and rotates wonderfully.

Exit; If I was in any condition other than straight I would fish tail I lost more than one lap in the chicane section from sudden over rotation in between the turns. Little softer tail or less on the LSD accel setting would have helped this a lot.

Overall impression; Over all this is a high very high skill tune, I could feel and tell the car was not happy with my moderate driving skills and it wanted to go faster. The 4 gear transmission settings where a brilliant move, it gave the car the highest top speed of any car in the group. But this came at cost of earlier braking and harder to control it out of the turns. Despite the tuned lap being slower than the stock lap I could tell this car was far better than stock settings I just couldn’t drive it.

@Bowtie-muscle - Espirit V8 '02 front aero

Stock Lap;1:27.855 Lap Time;1:25.228 DC; 8.0

Entry; Stable but stiff is the way I would put it for taking this car into a turn, it resposed very well, and carved out the turns like a knife through butter, but it was not nice if I came in hotter than the car wanted and I would slide through the apex like I had grease on the wheels.

Mid Corner; Get my throttle point right and it just zipped through the turns like nobodys business, miss my throttle point and I would under or over steer, Thankfully the lift rotation would save me on the understeer and stability offered by the car saved me in the oversteer situations.

Exit; easy does it, lots of the throttle control needed here, get it right and it’s a thing of beauty, get it wrong and you’re likely looking at the turn you just left.

Overall impression; This car reminded me of my Type 72, toss it hard give some gas and hang on, get it right and the turns mean nothing to this car, get it wrong and you’re mowing the lawn. Great fun sir.

@DaBomm4 - Tuscan Speed 6 No aero

Stock Lap;1:27.549 Lap Time;1:25.594 DC; 8.5

Entry; Slide a rific! this car loved to slide an entry as much as stick them. Once I got the entry speed dow for each time of corner this it was a fast set up.

Mid Corner; Throttle induce understeer and Lift off rotation, used in conjuction would get me through any corner in short order.

Exit; As long as I was a gear higher than I thought I should have been it stuck the exit and got out fast, if I was in the “correct” gear for exit it would spin and fish like a mad man.

Overall impression; Good fun tune to drive around. It would slide when asked and stick when needed. Well balanced and good acceleration, a touch longer the final gear to get some more speed and little less wheel spin would make this a great car. To toss around.

@demonchilde - Espirit V8 '02 front aero

Stock Lap;1:28.232 Lap Time;1:25.041 DC; 7.1

Entry; Grip? What’s grip? is what the outside front said in every turn, it was either sliding or skidding in every turn, once I learned to accommodate this I started to get faster, Rotation I noticed was either too fast or too slow at entry and this lead to issues in mid see below.

Mid Corner; Due to the lack of grip and rotation issues at entry mid was always a bit odd, I was sliding through the turn using the throttle to keep my tail in check or I was off the throttle trying to get some lift off rotation to get me through a turn. Grip was good here once the outside front got it’s grip back it would hold any line that I was one good or bad. It would loose a bit of grip if I jumped on the throttle too soon and start to over rotate.

Exit; As long as I didn’t jump on the throttle at or just after the apex grip here was very good, Never had issues that happened at the exit of a turn that didn’t start in mid or entry.

Overall impression; Good tune, little unstable and the low entry grip forced me to slow more than desired to take the turn thus costing me time, once I got used to how to slide the car around the turns it got decently quick, weight transfer was the biggest issue here it was either transferring too much or not enough. If it was a low speed it was over loaded, if it was a high speed it wasn’t getting enough. I think the ballast location was the problem move it back and would help this a lot.

@DolHaus - Espirit V8 '02 front aero

Stock Lap;1:27.179 Lap Time;1:25.124 DC; 6.2

Entry; Excellent entry rotation, brakes felt weak but did the job in the same distance as the rest without the ABS screaming at me. As soon as I started to transition to mid corner it almost always started falling apart for me if I was pushing to get a good lap time.

Mid Corner; The weight transfer on the car was the culprit here, like my Type 72 it was hard to manage, if I did it right it was fantasticly fast through the midsection of a turn, but more often than not I lost it at some point during the turn.

Exit; The high RPM turbo really made exit hard, Lots of torque on a squirly car meant lots of wheel spin. Between the weight transfer and the wheel spin I had a hard time on exit if I was pushing for a fast lap.

Overall impression; This would be a great a drifting car, it rolled with the turns really well was stable in a slide and actually prefered being sideways to straight I think. What I found was I had to let the car settle between turns or it would just roll past the grip of the tires in the next turn, so I had to take it easy around the entire track or I would lose the lap. Still a very quick car for not being able to push the car hard.

@nijalninja - Espirit V8 '02 front aero

Stock Lap;1:26.215 Lap Time;1:24.841 DC; 8.2

Entry; Solid brakes and entry grip, rotation was spot on, -IF- I was on the throttle. It recovered decently if I cooked an entry. This car had lift off understeer which saved me a few times from over rotation.

Mid Corner; As long as I was on teh throttle in same way this car rotated and glided through the turns like a butterfly on a gentle breeze. But I found soon as I started diving in and going hard on the car, it would just freak out and slide and spin.

Exit; Grip was phenomenal here, I could jump on teh throttle and pretty much not worry about tire spin or slip. Acceleration was very good as well, a tad longer of a 2nd gear would have allowed for a soon throttle use.

Overall impression; When I set this car up, I was like :confused::confused::confused: Settings that I would not have considered for this car. The LSD was crazy the toe settings :odd: yet it all worked, I had to be on the throttle at all times or I would start to lose it this included braking, so the zones were a bit longer but that didn’t hurt the time much at all. If I went bombing around the track I found the car to be unstable and unpredictable it never settled in, if I took it easy it would glided around the track with no hesitation or complaints. Well done.

@praiano63 - Espirit V8 '02 front aero

Stock Lap;1:26.858 Lap Time;1:23.536 DC; 8.8

Entry; Solid, stable and predictable. The only thing I found that this car didn’t like on entry was a cooked entry it would slide out on me.

Mid Corner; Stable would hold any line I was on with throttle control, I could move my line easily by adjusting how much throttle I was giving the car.

Exit; Suburb grip only had grip issues if I jumped on the throttle too soon, it would start to fishtail on me, if I was a gear higher I could be on the throttle from the apex on with no issues.

Overall impression; Fantastic tune, easy to drive quick as all get up. It just didn’t like me when I went bombing into a turn it would put me in the grass every time. I could drive this one all day without getting tired of it.

@Ridox2JZGTE - Espirit V8 '02 no aero REMOVE WING

Stock Lap; 1:28.898 Lap time; 1:26.815 DC; 6.5

Sharp turn in, and excellent grip if I was at the right entry speed, which I found to be lower than most of the other cars, it felt like it was skating around all the time if I was at the speeds that most other cars could do. I learned to slide it in some of the turns which took seconds off my time, but it was risky I spent more time off the track than I did on it.

Mid Corner; Good control through the midsection of the corner, didn’t do anything crazy here, solid and stable little of understeer otherwise very good.

Exit; Unless I was a gear high exit I found myself spinning my outside rear at every turn, too stiff and too much torque from the turbo. I did find that I could use this to get around some of the turns much quicker than I could otherwise but most of the time it just killed me.

Overall impression; Good fun tune to drive, Great for photo op’s lots of sliding and countersteering giving the impression of great speed in a pic :D . But not a car I would take to the track, it was prone to sliding and fishtailing on a DS3, I think the force feed back into the wheel lets you know when your tires are breaking loose so you can control the car much much better. I found I had to slow down too much to keep this car under control if it was smoking and squealing like a stuck pig it was fast, If it was well behaved and squealing it was slow. Like 3 seconds slower.

@shaunm80 - Tuscan Speed 6 front aero

Stock Lap;1:27.952 Lap Time;1:25.178 DC; 8.1

Entry; The brakes were solid and didn’t cause too much lock very well balanced, entry rotation was hit or miss for me, if I was fast it under steered if I was slow it over steered. Lateral roll of the car was minimal and the grip was fantastic as long as I didn’t cook it.

Mid Corner; I found a little bit of understeer present here based on the entry line it made it better or worse, With a solid entry it held what ever line I was on but didn’t like to change it very much if at all which hurt it on exit.

Exit; As long as I didn’t jump on the throttle it held itself wonderfully here, the acceleration was great, it only complained if I smashed the throttle at the apex which would cause me to spin out.

Overall impression; Very well balanced tune. It didn’t do anything unexpected and I set my second fastest lap on lap 3. Personal pref would have been a little less on the LSD acceleration setting to let me jump on the throttle a little bit sooner with less fear of finding myself fishing. Well done Sir.

@sinof1337 - Espirit V8 '02 no aero

Stock Lap;1:26.354 Lap Time;1:25.686 DC; 6.5

Entry; Stable but poor rotation. The outside front would turn red on most turns for me, if I slowed down more than I thought it did ok. The car had no rotation without throttle use.

Mid Corner; It would hold what ever line I was on, and I could adjust it out by letting off the throttle due to the lack of rotation this car had. If I tried to bring it in with more throttle it simply would spin.

Exit; I would lose the tail a little on every exit, I could counter steer it back in most of the time tho so seldom caused issues just slowed me down a bit. I think the issue was the stiff rear and ballast location in the nose of the car.

Overall impression; This was a very easy to drive car just not fast about it. Once learned this car didn’t do thing I didn’t expect. Until I started pushing the car harder for a better lap then I started to run into little random issues at various points caused by weight shifting from braking or throttle use.

@xande1959 - Tuscan Speed 6 no aero

Stock Lap;1:26.551 Lap Time;1:26.032 DC; 7.2

Entry; This car liked the sweepers more than the tight turns, it took them better and faster than any other Tuscan, it has medium grip at entry-mid but the lower speed turn it’s developed understeer that built up during the turn slowing me down.

Mid Corner; In the low speed turn it built up under steer through the turn till the start of the exit, at which time it often transitioned to oversteer requiring precision on the exit. If the cars balance was upset for any reason during the mid section of the turn it wouldn’t settle back down at all.

Exit;Smooth throttle use needed here, smashing the throttle would fish it, as long as I had held a good line through the mid part of the turn it was fantastic on exit and would just fly out of the turns, if I was off my line for some reason I had trouble getting the car back into place and going the direction I needed to set up for the next turn.

Overall impression; Good tune, little too unsettled for me to really lay down a good lap, it would recover well from a cooked entry, but didn’t like recovering if I cooked an exit. Felt like I was in a MR car a lot of the time from the outside front lighting up on most turns to fish tailing at exit.
Thank you very much. I was expecting more testers saying that it was too slow and predictable, which is what I was kind of aiming for, but you seem to like it. This makes me happy.
@Ridox2JZGTE - Espirit V8 '02 no aero REMOVE WING

Stock Lap; 1:28.898 Lap time; 1:26.815 DC; 6.5

Sharp turn in, and excellent grip if I was at the right entry speed, which I found to be lower than most of the other cars, it felt like it was skating around all the time if I was at the speeds that most other cars could do. I learned to slide it in some of the turns which took seconds off my time, but it was risky I spent more time off the track than I did on it.

Mid Corner; Good control through the midsection of the corner, didn’t do anything crazy here, solid and stable little of understeer otherwise very good.

Exit; Unless I was a gear high exit I found myself spinning my outside rear at every turn, too stiff and too much torque from the turbo. I did find that I could use this to get around some of the turns much quicker than I could otherwise but most of the time it just killed me.

Overall impression; Good fun tune to drive, Great for photo op’s lots of sliding and countersteering giving the impression of great speed in a pic :D . But not a car I would take to the track, it was prone to sliding and fishtailing on a DS3, I think the force feed back into the wheel lets you know when your tires are breaking loose so you can control the car much much better. I found I had to slow down too much to keep this car under control if it was smoking and squealing like a stuck pig it was fast, If it was well behaved and squealing it was slow. Like 3 seconds slower.

:) Thanks for the well described feedback on the car, it seems DS3 users shared the same feeling when driving the car, the slide / skating and wheelspin. I will have to make adjustments on my next replica ( stock factory version ) to balance it for DS3 ( as an alternate suspension setup )

With my current stick controller, I have zero issues with throttle and brake, even with my test drive on CM tire ( it was originally made for CM stock power ) On CM tire, the car indeed requires half throttle on most mid corner and can exit on full throttle quite early if the car is straight enough - needs quick shift from 2nd to 3rd to avoid bouncing on the limiter. I can see huge issue with DS3, I tried to drive with DS3 when GT6 came out ( on my 1st drive on new game ), and didn't like it at all ( left analog stick way too light - not enough resistance and face buttons are way too sensitive ), and stuck with DS2 instead and will never go back :lol:

Looks like I was focusing too much on replicating the real life Esprit handling traits when driven on track with similar setup ( springs, damper and alignment ) Stiffer front damper compression + extension and more stable rear damper setup would fare better on DS3.

Here is a short walkthrough of my lap on CM tire, that should be useful :

1. The 1st braking on the big esses that goes down and up, I stick to the left curb near the wall and brake on straight line as possible, just quick dab to reduce speed from 120+mph to just over 78mph and clip the apex / right curb, maintaining partial throttle to keep the diff engaged and not to lose speed on the up hill.
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2. Stay on the right side going up hill, full on throttle for a short moment ( I am not a full pace, so I was a bit late on full here ), then another quick dab on the brakes to reduce speed for the left hander up hill, it should maintain above 60mph at half throttle ( stay on 3rd for better traction ) then quickly full throttle right after the apex.
View attachment 262065

3. Reach 85mph going straight, brake right when you past the last tree shadow ( brake point ) to around 65+mph and clip the left apex ( 1st ), then maintain half throttle throughout the 2nd left apex and aim for the right 3rd apex so you can full on throttle early on the downhill run.
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4. Keep to the left and shift to 4th reaching close to 100mph, then brake hard for the long right hander.
Maintain speed around 45+mph in 2nd gear ( half throttle ), hug the right curb, steady on the steering and throttle, smooth driving means no loss in time.
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Be ready for full throttle when you see the bridge/tunnel in full view. Quick shift to 3rd when you see the rev limiter warning blinking.
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5. Stay on the left and 3rd gear throughout the big right curve, ease off the throttle when you are leaning to the right ( after the left curbing ends )
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Speed should be above 75+mph, apply full throttle again as soon you feel safe, a short moment later ( reached 85mph ), be ready to brake for the right corner up hill.
View attachment 262076

6. Brake hard for a short moment, then coast at 50+mph staying on the right apex, don't touch the curb.
View attachment 262077

Do it smooth, and you can full throttle early when the car is straight up hill. Quick shift again to 3rd and follow the dark lines on the tarmac.
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Brake early when you reach just over 70mph.
View attachment 262080

Clip the left apex at close to 40mph ( half throttle is crucial here ) Apply full throttle when nearing the right curb on exit.
View attachment 262081

7. Full on until past the Castrol, PD banner, the last sector here should be at least in 1min range. Stay on 3rd and reach just over 93mph, and brake just before the track light shadow on the tarmac. Stay close to the left 1st apex in 2nd, maintain throttle at half and speed around 57+mph.

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Shift to 3rd right away, and maintain 50-60% throttle all the way clipping the 2nd left apex (65+mph), a short burst of full throttle before applying small amount of brakes to clip the 3rd apex on the right 70mph and half throttle again, hovering at 60+mph.
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This is where the Esprit shows it's neutral balance with proper application of throttle. Clip the 4th apex on the right, reduce speed slightly if necessary by split second reduction in throttle ( getting tighter ).
Then immediately clip the left last apex on this series of esses. If you hit over the curb, ease off the throttle a bit to maintain balance.
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8. Keep to the left as much as possible while on full throttle in 3rd gear ( I wasn't pushing it, so I stayed in the middle ) By going on the left most, you can make full use the width of the road to maintain higher speed on the next right turn.
View attachment 262089

No need for brakes here, simply ease off the throttle to halfway, and speed will bleed to 60+mph, get close to the right apex and exit as close as possible to the right. Short burst of full throttle here reaching close to 70mph, before braking for the final left turn.
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9. I stayed rather close to the middle of the road here as I wasn't on full pace ( 1st lap cold tires ), apply brakes in small amount, shift down to 2nd and hold speed above 40mph, clip the apex a bit late ( right at the tree shadow on the tarmac ). Once you passed the clipping point, apply full throttle gradually. Remember to quick shift up when reaching 55mph to 3rd gear and full on to the finish line and post at least 1:33s on 1st lap :D With SM tire, use similar approach at higher speed and earlier throttle with much less time on half throttle, 1:23s is easy to achieve on 1st lap without any wheel spin.
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I hope the picture illustration are enjoyable to look at and I also included the replay of the run with the tune posted and CM tire fitted. Time at 1:33s. I also tried some other tuners Esprit on CM and SM, and let's just say, they lost the feeling of rear heavy MR car ( a trait of an Esprit V8 & I wonder if I was driving an Esprit or a Corvette with Esprit body :lol: ), but somewhat loses traction on throttle similar to a stock Esprit V8 ( open diff ) and drive like slightly rear heavy FR that often becomes unpredictable with ABS 0 ( under braking ). They are quick, perfect for the job posting quickest lap times with minimal fuss ( easy on the driver ), but those are not always my prime concern when tuning cars.


    343.1 KB · Views: 10
I would have sworn it was from the '12 GT-R Black Edition, but thats not it, and I'm not seeing it on anything in the dealership. I feel like I've had the that paint available for ages though, so I don't think its from seasonals.
Night Shade is not a GT6 special or limited edition paint, Can you confirm the name is Nightshade? most paints in GT6 where in GT5 and I can't find it in the car and paint chip data base I did find several that could be it based on the name
Midnight purple Nissan (slieighty '98)
Nightfire Red pearl Mini *too red
Nightfire Red MG *too red
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Night Shade is not a GT6 special or limited edition paint, Can you confirm the name is Nightshade? most paints in GT6 where in GT5 and I can't find it in the car and paint chip data base I did find several that could be it based on the name
Midnight purple Nissan (slieighty '98)
Nightfire Red pearl Mini *too red
Nightfire Red MG *too red
Its definitely Night Shade. I'm going to do a more thorough search through the cars that I've bought later today, see if I can figure out where I got this thing.
Toyota MR2 1600G

(why does no one listen to me? :lol:)
I'm not seeing it as an option at the dealer; you mean the 1986 right? It also still doesn't explain how I got the paint, since I don't own an MR2.
I'm not seeing it as an option at the dealer; you mean the 1986 right? It also still doesn't explain how I got the paint, since I don't own an MR2.
I'm fairly sure its on an old MR2, I picked it up during the drivetrain challenge
Thats all the Jags tested. Only 2 DB9's to finish off and then I shall be able to post reviews.


I dont think I'm giving too much away with this, apart from the fact that in my hands, jags seem to be faster.. I feel like I'm betraying my beloved DB9.. Its a sad day indeed. :(
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- ASTON MARTIN DB9 Coupe '06

Performance Points:
597 PP
Max. Power:
638 HP
1400 kg
Weight Distribution (F/R):
5149 / -5049
5935 cc
Max. Torque:
525 ft-lb
Game Version:
Controller Type:
Game Controller
Tires (Front):
Racing: Hard
Tires (Rear):
Racing: Hard
Parts & Modifications
Flat Floor:
Type A
Wheel Model:
RAYS 57Xtreme
Suspension Kit:
Height-Adjustable, Fully Customizable Suspension
Fully-Customizable Transmission
Triple-Plate Clutch Kit
Stage 3
Racing Exhaust
Other Parts:

    • Racing Brake Kit
    • Carbon Fiber Driveshaft
    • Fully-Customizable Mechanical Limited-Slip Differential
    • Sports ECU
    • Intake Tuning
    • Isometric Exhaust Manifold
    • Catalytic Converter: Sports
Ride Height (F/R):
111 / 116
Spring Rate (F/R):
9.35 / 11.55
Dampers - Comp. (F/R):
3 / 8
Dampers - Ext. (F/R):
9 / 6
Anti-Roll Bars (F/R):
3 / 5
Camber Angle (F/R):
0.0 / 0.4
Toe Angle (F/R):
0.10 / -0.14
Brake Balance (F/R):
5 / 5
Max. Speed:
200 kph
1st Gear:
2nd Gear:
3rd Gear:
4th Gear:
5th Gear:
6th Gear:
Final Gear:
Special Instructions:
reset default /3.000 .200Kn/h final Fear= 2.200
Initial Torque (F/R):
00 / 06
Accel. Sensitivity (F/R):
00 / 10
Braking Sensitivity (F/R):
00 / 09
F/R Torque Distribution:
5149 / -5049
Power Limiter:
Downforce (F/R):
/ 15
Ballast Weight:
30 kg
Ballast Position:
Driving Aids
Traction Control:
ABS Level:

with ds3 fastest lap 2: 01.6 **
have a good time:cheers:👍

I can only get 4.728 for your second gear ratio. I have followed your instructions as you have put them. Can you check this and let me know if what I have got it correct? Thanks.
Thats all the Jags tested. Only 2 DB9's to finish off and then I shall be able to post reviews.

View attachment 262432

I dont think I'm giving too much away with this, apart from the fact that in my hands, jags seem to be faster.. I feel like I'm betraying my beloved DB9.. Its a sad day indeed. :(
Tight pack so far less than a second different if I am seeing that right between first and fifth.
The Jag is the car driven by bad guys ofcourse it's faster the bad guy cars always are ;)
Thats all the Jags tested. Only 2 DB9's to finish off and then I shall be able to post reviews.

View attachment 262432

I dont think I'm giving too much away with this, apart from the fact that in my hands, jags seem to be faster.. I feel like I'm betraying my beloved DB9.. Its a sad day indeed. :(
A blue Jag out front ( :D ) sounds about right.:sly:..........oh wait, they're all blue :ouch:
Tight pack so far less than a second different if I am seeing that right between first and fifth.
The Jag is the car driven by bad guys ofcourse it's faster the bad guy cars always are ;)
Don't worry, the Jag will spend a long time explaining its entire plan and an Aston will sneak a fast lap in while they're busy prematurely celebrating :lol:
Don't worry, the Jag will spend a long time explaining its entire plan and an Aston will sneak a fast lap in while they're busy prematurely celebrating :lol:
Ya most of them will but will time will tell! After all to quote @Motor City Hami "There are more miles of corners on a track than straights."
Corners win races not straights.
The jag holds a line better.
Ya most of them will but will time will tell! After all to quote @Motor City Hami "There are more miles of corners on a track than straights."
Corners win races not straights.
The jag holds a line better.
For qualifying I'd take the Jag as its just that little bit faster round Silverstone but for a race I'd take the Aston I think. Silverstone is a tricky circuit to overtake on and I think you'd be able to stay close enough through the corners in the Aston to get a run on the Jags down the straights, once they're behind you they're going to have a difficult time getting past in the bends
For qualifying I'd take the Jag as its just that little bit faster round Silverstone but for a race I'd take the Aston I think. Silverstone is a tricky circuit to overtake on and I think you'd be able to stay close enough through the corners in the Aston to get a run on the Jags down the straights, once they're behind you they're going to have a difficult time getting past in the bends
Depends on how much of a lead the Jag gets from the turn and how long the straight is only two straights are long enough the Aston got really a head, and with the draft and high exit speed of the Jag I think it would be a flip flop race and really come down to who makes a mistake or gets the best line into the last chicane.
Depends on how much of a lead the Jag gets from the turn and how long the straight is only two straights are long enough the Aston got really a head, and with the draft and high exit speed of the Jag I think it would be a flip flop race and really come down to who makes a mistake or gets the best line into the last chicane.
They'd certainly make for a fun race series, some tracks would suit the jag better, some would suit the aston
Pro Touring Class FITT Results

I will start off by saying that I am not the quickest driver out there. Ask anyone who is on my friends list and I am usually off the pace in seasonal events. All the reviews have been given equal laps and equal effort to extract the best time possible. I also use AT transmission so that will hurt the times a little as well.

Tested as per the challenge regulations and all tunes were given 10 laps each only. I have limited time at the moment but you can be assured that each and every tune tested and reviewed here were given 10 timed laps.

Okay, here is the information you are really interested in.

Jaguar XKR-S ‘11


Best time: 2.03.106
DC: 8.0


I found this tune fairly easy to drive, It required some throttle control in the slower corners to not spin up the rears and cause some over-steer. The over-steer was very easy to sort out and it never cost too much time overall. The steering was direct although it felt a little unresponsive and I had to come off the throttle to adjust my lines. I would have preferred a little more rotation in the rear to help in the slower corners, but the tune made up for that in the fast flowing corners. When I got the lines right, it was a really good to drive. In reality, the time set should have been 0.3 of a second faster but as I was really pushing to break into the 2.02s, I pushed a little too hard and ran into the sand trap which scrubbed all the speed I carried through the corner. This tune can definitely get a faster time in others hands and it deserves it. Well done for producing a good tune.


Best time: 2.02.767
DC 9.5


As I mentioned in 787’s review, I was looking for a slightly better rotation from the rear in this car. This tune has the perfect amount of rotation under acceleration and rotation when you are off the throttle. I found this tune fun, quick and easy to drive. I knew where I wanted to go and it went there. The only thing that lacked in this tune was expert driver ability. I know I had another 0.5 of a second in that tune but I wasn’t able to extract it personally. A very, very good tune and one that I could have drove around all day. Excellent job.


Best Time: 2.01.933
DC – 9.8

Everything I look for in a tune. Quick, responsive, balanced, it can be pushed, easy to drive and can be driven at full pelt by a DS3 pad effortlessly. Nothing more to be said about this tune in all honesty. I would say that If I had more time, I could probably get quicker and quicker with this tune around Silverstone. A definite contender for a tune that will find its way onto a spare tune sheet once I have finished testing. Congratulations on an amazing tune.


Best Time: 2.01.784
DC 8.3


2.01.784 is a very quick time for this car. It took a perfect lap to get this time though. The car is planted, stable and the rotation is okay. As I have mentioned in a previous review, I prefer more rotation from the back end to help with the front end steering. This car was a little too planted and it meant I had to come off the throttle for a millisecond to straighten the car up to the line I wanted. I am not taking anything away from the car as it is obviously fast, I just didn’t feel that comfortable with it as I did others. The DC I have given was slightly better due to the fact I got the fastest time (at time of writing reviews) with this car. Well done.


Best Time: 2.02.529
DC - 8.7


The tune had very good rotation, easy to drive and again proves that the Jag seems to be the better car out of the two for consistency. I enjoyed this tune but found that I hit a peak time around lap 4-5 and wasn’t able to shave much time off after that point. It is a great car for online, extremely stable and the brakes were excellent but I just wanted more speed to get a better time. I felt the car had it in it, I just couldn’t find where it was. I expect this tune can be really good in both career mode and for online races. Well done on a very balanced and fun tune.

Aston Martin DB9

@Motor City Hami

Best time: 2.02.549
DC – 9.2


Finally, a DB9 tune which took the fight to the feisty Jags. Mine didn’t quite match but this tune felt more the tune I would have liked to have on mine. It was a little too loose for my liking on the rear end, that hurt the overall lap time but I loved the swiftness and speed this car carried through the corners. I was redlining 6th gear on the long straight. This was both good and bad. I felt the power band dropped off when the red lights started flashing at me. That said, the quick shifting gears 1 through 4 helped minimise wheel spin which made acceleration out of the low speed corners a lot easier to handle with. This tune is deserving of a much better lap time, and I am sure that it will get it, but in my hands this was the best I could do. A very good tune for a great looking car, I am a sucker for the lines on this car. You did this car justice in terms of raw speed, my apologies for not extracting a more deserving lap time. Well done, One DB9 tune for me to keep, practice with and hopefully become a better driver.


Best Time: 2.03.146
DC – 8.5


No Comments to make


Best Time: 2.02.691
DC – 9.5


I sort of knew what to expect from a Xande tune. After my experience at spa with his Maserati, I was bracing myself for a red-hot smoking DB9. What I actually got was a civilised, easy to drive DB9, which set its best lap on the final lap of the test. I knew this car had a good time in it but I kept messing up the key part of the circuit, this meant I lost too much speed onto the national straight. I finally cracked it though and got the time I knew I could easily reach. Anyway, enough of my love of this particular car, The DB9’s handling was very precise, some throttle control was required but not much more than usual tunes. The looks of the car are amazing, (sorry, I digress once again) and it has a lot of speed and a whole lot of grip to play around with. I could pick virtually any line and it would stay on it once on the throttle. A very good tune that I will probably keep in my garage purely for the driving pleasure. Excellent job, you brought the DB9 back into contention with this one. Oh, a few things I forgot the mention, I loved the brakes and the transmission on this tune, they were spot on in my opinion.
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I sort of knew what to expect from a Xande tune. After my experience at spa with his Maserati, I was bracing myself for a red-hot smoking DB9. What I actually got was a civilised, easy to drive DB9, which set its best lap on the final lap of the test. I knew this car had a good time in it but I kept messing up the key part of the circuit, this meant I lost too much speed onto the national straight. I finally cracked it though and got the time I knew I could easily reach. Anyway, enough of my love of this particular car, The DB9’s handling was very precise, some throttle control was required but not much more than usual tunes. The looks of the car are amazing, (sorry, I digress once again) and it has a lot of speed and a whole lot of grip to play around with. I could pick virtually any line and it would stay on it once on the throttle. A very good tune that I will probably keep in my garage purely for the driving pleasure. Excellent job, you brought the DB9 back into contention with this one. Oh, a few things I forgot the mention, I loved the brakes and the transmission on this tune, they were spot on in my opinion.

- thanks for testing this car legend but one thing can be sure when a car and well Constructed in the case of GT6 it works great as in GT5 Starfish car always corresponded. I congratulate you for choosing to home.:bowdown::cheers:👍
Pro Touring Class FITT Results

Aston Martin DB9

@Motor City Hami

Best time: 2.02.549
DC – 9.2


Finally, a DB9 tune which took the fight to the feisty Jags. Mine didn’t quite match but this tune felt more the tune I would have liked to have on mine. It was a little too loose for my liking on the rear end, that hurt the overall lap time but I loved the swiftness and speed this car carried through the corners. I was redlining 6th gear on the long straight. This was both good and bad. I felt the power band dropped off when the red lights started flashing at me. That said, the quick shifting gears 1 through 4 helped minimise wheel spin which made acceleration out of the low speed corners a lot easier to handle with. This tune is deserving of a much better lap time, and I am sure that it will get it, but in my hands this was the best I could do. A very good tune for a great looking car, I am a sucker for the lines on this car. You did this car justice in terms of raw speed, my apologies for not extracting a more deserving lap time. Well done, One DB9 tune for me to keep, practice with and hopefully become a better driver.

Thank you for the review. I did not even stop by the Jaguar dealer for this competition. I picked the DB9 on looks alone. Happy to see you drive it so fast. You drove a few tenths faster than my time with the car.