FITT M Power Challenge - Mystery Solved - Congratulations to the Winners

  • Thread starter shaunm80
On an previous build of a 135i I experimented with a locked accel (30/60/30) and got really positive results. The car came to life and got rid of the vast majority of wheelspin coming out of the corners, the only problem came on the fast chicane where you were on a knife edge between fast and a massive crash :scared: Felt great to drive though, tricky but hugely gratifying when you got it right 👍

Damn, I didn't mean that much, You're crazy! Don't think I've ever driven a car with the LSD maxed out.

I got jealous of all your TV Tray fancy pants contraptions, so here's my compact and portable instrument of precision.


I'll probably finish the rest of the cars either by Monday-ish or a little later in the week. Might even be done tomorrow, really not sure.
Damn, I didn't mean that much, You're crazy! Don't think I've ever driven a car with the LSD maxed out.

I got jealous of all your TV Tray fancy pants contraptions, so here's my compact and portable instrument of precision.


I'll probably finish the rest of the cars either by Monday-ish or a little later in the week. Might even be done tomorrow, really not sure.
Rockin the DeathAdder I see. :D
My game broke so I'm having to redownload all of the updates again. So I haven't gotten to try the Tomahawk yet.
Dang I'm sorry did you loose any save data or just the update files?

Back in my EQ/WOW days I used a G35 with a NT52
Killer combo 12 button mouse weighted how I liked with a programable game pad.
Just the updates I think. But hey, maybe this will fix Goodwood for me so I can finally complete those events. I mean, I'm 90% positive that its actually my scratched disc thats causing that problem, but I can hope right?
Well if it's a scratch get a disk polishing kit
My testing is complete. Deciding on wether or not to retest one or two, and struggling with handing out DC. Likely will get to posting tomorrow.
Should we really be re-testing cars here or there? My view is that I want to get my initial impressions about the car. After a couple of laps, getting to know the car a little bit, I then give about 10 laps to really push the car and judge its performance. I'm definitely not articulating this well, but I somehow feel that going back and re-testing a car here or a car there might somehow give that vehicle an unfair advantage. I'm sure you guys have had this type of discussion in the past. I don't mean to stir up anything. 👍
Should we really be re-testing cars here or there? My view is that I want to get my initial impressions about the car. After a couple of laps, getting to know the car a little bit, I then give about 10 laps to really push the car and judge its performance. I'm definitely not articulating this well, but I somehow feel that going back and re-testing a car here or a car there might somehow give that vehicle an unfair advantage. I'm sure you guys have had this type of discussion in the past. I don't mean to stir up anything. 👍
I'll sometimes go back and test the first ones again just to make sure there wasn't any element of track learning going on, just something to make sure everything is as fair as it can be. Never a full retest, just a few extra laps 👍
I'll sometimes go back and test the first ones again just to make sure there wasn't any element of track learning going on, just something to make sure everything is as fair as it can be. Never a full retest, just a few extra laps 👍
I actually did the same exact thing. Before running a single lap, I put all of the cars in a randomly picked order. I drove the first couple for about a handful of laps - running them seriously, but I didn't document anything. I just wanted to get a feel for the track and Sport Medium tires. Then, I moved them to the bottom of the order and officially began my testing of the cars.

That's the only thing I wanted to make sure I did right for my FITT testing debut -- be fair to every tester.
Should we really be re-testing cars here or there? My view is that I want to get my initial impressions about the car. After a couple of laps, getting to know the car a little bit, I then give about 10 laps to really push the car and judge its performance. I'm definitely not articulating this well, but I somehow feel that going back and re-testing a car here or a car there might somehow give that vehicle an unfair advantage. I'm sure you guys have had this type of discussion in the past. I don't mean to stir up anything. 👍
Up to the tester. I will generally retest the first few, since there is a chance of finding a new line after many many laps on track. The first few may or may not benefit. I also like to retest cars I struggled with, to make sure I wasn't just having an off day. Comfortable for the most part with what I have and may not take another look. If I do, it's 3 or 4 laps, that's all.

I understand your point, but if I tested your tune first, and there was a chance of maybe dropping 2 or 3 tenths, wouldn't you want that chance? I am just looking for fairness. With 16 tunes to test, the last car tested has an advantage in my opinion. Although I usually save my tune for that, means I've gone a long time without driving it and may not be as familiar with it. Usually, I fall short of my best lap in testing. Once or twice only did I actually improve. This time around, it was not last.
I actually did the same exact thing. Before running a single lap, I put all of the cars in a randomly picked order. I drove the first couple for about a handful of laps - running them seriously, but I didn't document anything. I just wanted to get a feel for the track and Sport Medium tires. Then, I moved them to the bottom of the order and officially began my testing of the cars.

That's the only thing I wanted to make sure I did right for my FITT testing debut -- be fair to every tester.
Sounds perfectly fair to me.
@shaunm80 @Bowtie-muscle @Otaliema @chrisspeed281 @DolHaus @Brewguy44 @fordracer @DaBomm4 @MrGrado @787bcgr @xande1959 @ugabugaz @brian wolf @Voodoovaj @jblackrevo9 @sinof1337 @Motor City Hami @coryclifford

My impressions, all tunes tested a minimum of 10 laps, some more. I tried to get the most out of each tune that I could, if my time is lower than your own time, I apologize. Never claimed to be the fastest.

FITT M Power Challenge Reviews

All testing done at Nürburgring GP/F. Grip set to real.

Tuner #1 - M3 Chrome Line
Lap Time: 2:08.352
DC: 8.5
Comments: Good tune, and it kept getting better until lap 4 or 5 and then it maxed out. Brakes worked well, and a little mid corner push depending on my line. Could slide the nose if pushing too much, so I did and used it to my advantage. Early bird test, so it received a 3 lap retest, dropped .15. Well done, I enjoyed this one.

Tuner #2 - M4 Coupe
Lap Time: 2:08.328
DC: 9.0
Comments: Stable and predictable with a touch of exit oversteer which actually helped and made the ride enjoyable. Nothing a little throttle control couldn't fix. I did feel as though I was leaving some time on the track, maybe 1 or 2 tenths. Braking was the key for me as it was fast when I hit the marks but suffered if I missed. Easy in and hard out tune which fits my driving style. Ballast was just enough to help entry and midcorner, but I had to adjust my line on some of the high speed corners. Very Well Done!

Tuner #3 - M3 GTR
Lap Time: 2:06.200
DC: 9.25
Comments: Not going to sugar coat it, I really did not care for this tune for some reason. Bouncy and twitchy, and it walked a fine line. Fast as heck but a little demanding. It found it liked to slide and show off a lot of smoke, brakes were good but finicky. If I broke too late I missed my entry, too early and stopped too short, was not easy to find that sweet spot. On exit, if I got on the throttle too early, it developed a mild push ruining my exit line. This was a fast car, made faster with the tune but not easy. The time does speak for itself though and I likely should have been even faster. Really good TT tune, could set an unbelievable time, just not the type of tune I really enjoy. Was the top dog for a while though, so it has to get some DC love.

Tuner #4 – M3 '07
Lap Time: 2:07.943
DC: 8.75
Comments: Just a really good solid effort here. Every other lap was a new fastest throughout the test. Just fit my easy in driving style, some mid corner light throttle then hit it on the way out. Minor rear end sliding, mild compared to the others.

Tuner #5 - 135i Coupe
Lap Time: 2:09.597
DC: 8.5
Comments: A handful with my ability, or lack there-of. Fun tune but had to be careful with the throttle and steering inputs. More the car than the tune. This thing did love to rotate through the corner, and felt quicker then what the clock told me as it kept getting better. Never felt as though I got corners 1-4 all correct on the same lap which likely cost me time. But was fairly quick the rest of the way. The only 135i in the field, to which I applaud the effort and am glad you decided not to change cars. This deserves a better time than what I got out of it.

Tuner #6 – M3 '07
Lap Time: 2:08.088
DC: 8.75
Comments: Nicely well balanced tune that had the ability to get wild in the rear if pushed. Throttle control tamed most of it, the rest I tried to use. Hitting my marks and proper braking helped as I was putting up consistent laps from lap 2 (2:08.214) but struggled to gain significant time until lap 9. Most laps were no lower than 2:08.4, except when over pushing and loosing it trying to get more. Still, I liked the tune for it's consistency.

Tuner #7 - M3 CSL
Lap Time: 2:07.073
DC: 9.5
Comments: This was the first tune tested, after testing the second, I had to come back to this tune and make sure I had my setting correct. It was easy to drive and effortless compared to those that followed. A quick retest resulted in matching the best lap on lap 3. It did what I wanted and was easy to get the power down. More deserving than the time I got out of it, but this was one of my 2 favorites. Regardless of not being the fastest. Bravo Sir 👍

Tuner #8 – M3 Chrome Line
Lap Time: 2:08.517
DC: 8.0
Comments: This tune frustrated me, and not because it was a bad tune. But because it felt better then the time, and faster. I just could not get it to give a better lap and I spent more time with this tune than any other. Retested it, twice. Best I could do was keep up and match the ghost. Could get wild in the rear if you used too late braking or if you jumped on the throttle too early. I grew to really enjoy it, just was slower with it for some reason and cannot point to why. There is always at least one tune in every test session for me that does this, unfortunately, yours was it. I hope another tester does it justice. :guilty:

Tuner #9 – M4 Performance Edition
Lap Time: DC:
Comments: No tune submitted - Too busy with life

Tuner #10 – M4 Coupe
Lap Time: 2:07.687
DC: 9.0
Comments: Fast and stable if you like a grip tune, this one has plenty of it but sometimes too much. Does what you ask, with some mid corner understeer. Perhaps a little on the safe side but fast and consistent to drive.

Tuner #11 - M3 CSL
Lap Time: 2:06.191
DC: 9.75
Comments: Fast and effortless. Almost felt slow. But was just the kind of tune I enjoy. If you like wild, this one may bore you until you look at the low lap time. Simply brilliant tune. Loved it.:D

Tuner #12 – M4 Performance Edition
Lap Time: 2:08.239
DC: 8.5
Comments: Best lap left 2 tenths on the final corner running wide. Never was able to match and find that time. Low brake setting worked and never seemed to hinder the tune. Easily corrected mild rear slide on exit, and understeer on others and mid corner. Handling was just the way I liked it, even clipped the grass and never spun when most of the others would have killed the lap. Nice job. :)

Tuner #13 - M3 Chrome Line
Lap Time: 2:07.870
DC: 9.25
Comments: Not my style, but it worked for me. Looser than the other Chrome Lines but soooo much fun. Just had to use the sliding front end to my advantage and power through the rear slide. My only fault with the tune was the brakes, as they seemed to work well and then give up. I adjusted for this and the lap time dropped. Final chicane however was always tricky. I believe I got everything out of this one that I am capable of. Well done Sir, well done indeed.

Tuner #14 - M3 CSL
Lap Time: 2:07.319
DC: 9.0
Comments: Another tune that was better than what I got out of it. Was up after lap 5 several times by as much as .450, but would loose it somewhere after the S corner. The rear loved to rotate and fly around until I figured out how to control it. Power was easy to get down and the trans was flawless for me. Everything about the tune was great, except it should have been faster.

Tuner #15 – M4 Performance
Lap Time: DC:
Comments: No tune submitted

Tuner #16 – M4 Coupe
Lap Time: 2:07.938
DC: 8.75
Comments: Stable for the most part, but not as predictable as the other M4's. Could get unpredictable in strange places for me, but was fast when right. Likely left .100-.150 out on the track, mid corner understeer as per usual was the likely cause. If I got too much throttle too soon, it picked up a mild push which could hurt exit just enough. i also felt as though my gear selection was always 1 higher than the others. it may have helped get the power down though and I enjoyed the tune. Good effort.

Tuner #17 - M3 GTR
Lap Time: 2:08.949
DC: 8.0
Comments: Too heavy, felt just as easy to drive as any other but lacked speed. Nothing to complain about otherwise as it was not hard to drive, just hard to make faster.

Tuner #18 – M3 GTR
Lap Time: 2:06.938
DC: 9.25
Comments: I liked it, really liked it. And found it to be very easy to be consistent. Could be snug on entry and had mild mid corner push in the slow corners (as did almost all of these cars), with just enough wildness in the rear to keep you honest. Throttle control made this fun and easy to drive. And never really struggled after lap 2. Just felt as though a better lap is in it then my time. But it was third fastest for me.:D
I ran the traditional 10 laps. Getting to know the car and setting up some solid laps and my DC, taking notes. Then weny back for 5 laps with no other purposethan to push it as hard as I can make it go. The first 5 tunes gained, so I re-tested the entire field. The last 5 picked up no time. All because I found a better line.