Flight Simulators - Add your own screenshots

Great photos. Man, I would love to get back into this game. I remember flying from LA to Dallas on Flight Simulator '04 to Motley Crue's Home Sweet Home on a 777, and I loved it. Just don't have the time right now or space on my desk. Should probably replace my old Saitek controls as well. :indiff:
IL-2 is a good .. GREAT game.

By the way. I did not see single decent NEW flight combat sims on PC for 08 or upcoming 09.. what GIVES!?

I would recommend you check out DCS: Black Shark. Amazing HElicopter Sim.

4 part preview here: http://www.simhq.com/_air12/air_390a.html

you can purchase it here: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/index.php?end_pos=1322&scr=shop&lang=en

You can also check on youtube for some cool videos. Its pure sim tho, no "arcade mode" here.
nice pics viper
in real life i just flew to aus from glasgow, scotland and i really wish i had a decent laptop to do the same flight but in FSX
that would have been soooooo good
i might put some pics of my tour of europe when i get back home
I never really liked flying in a streight line for more then 10 minutes. Although landing always was crazy hard in big jets for me two. Never spent that much time in game. I own FSX on my bigger computer. Need to play it more... >.<
Thanks for the compliments everyone I will post more pictures as I do more legs. Next flight is from Jakarta to Bangkok, which I will probably do tommorrow, I build my flight plan today and flight time around 3 hours but total time around 4 (from cold dark cockpit at Jakarta to complete shutdown in Bangkok)

nice pics viper
in real life i just flew to aus from glasgow

Glasgow is a city I plan to stop at during my world tour, last tour I did in FS2004 I stopped in heathrow, but I have been there so much now I am always like change.

scotland and i really wish i had a decent laptop to do the same flight but in FSX
that would have been soooooo good

I was thinking of doing the same during my real life world trip earlier in the year, never ended up doing it :(

I never really liked flying in a streight line for more then 10 minutes. Although landing always was crazy hard in big jets for me two. Never spent that much time in game. I own FSX on my bigger computer. Need to play it more... >.<

10 minutes.... Thats just barely enough time for IRS alignment (part of the aircrafts navigation equipment) :P

Yeah, sometimes I also feel like only doing short stints so I do some of the missions within FSX, you tried any? That is the way Microsoft is trying to open up flight sim to everyone, just the other night I was racing a red bull air race course with my friend was lots of fun.
Hey Viper, got a question regarding LEX, REX, & all that other stuff. What exactly do they do, and are they free or cost required? BTW, are the aircraft generic paint schemes, or has MS actually acquired a few real-world livery/company aircraft besides some of the older ones and Learjet?
Hey Viper, got a question regarding LEX, REX, & all that other stuff. What exactly do they do, and are they free or cost required? BTW, are the aircraft generic paint schemes, or has MS actually acquired a few real-world livery/company aircraft besides some of the older ones and Learjet?

I don't know much about LEX but REX is a enviromental graphics conversion, supposed to display clouds and water more accurately, I so far don't use any scenery altering mods as I am happy with Default for now, and yes most of the good omes come with a cost, but not all. I have been thinking about using X graphics from Hifi sims but really I dont see the need, default is very nice for now. But not always good mods cost money

For example there is a few payware real life AI mods (real AI airlines rather than the FSX generic stuff), but I just use world of AI which gives you all of the same, for free and is updated everyweek


Also you can search Avsim.com file libraries for tons of good free stuff, mostly scenery and aircraft related.

The things I do mod are aircraft, ATC, Weather and the AI. The default aircraft don't model much of the detailed systems so when I use heavy iron I only use PMDG aicraft, which are expensive and long time coming but they model everything possible and come with a 2000 page manual, after you learn those aircraft you could jump in the real one without a problem.

As for Liveries, default paints in all the MS Flights sims are generic except for the house liveries (the way the plane comes out of the factory), all the real ones you may see in screenies are addons which have been painted by modders (free to download), with the PMDG aircraft I buy they come with tons of free real commercial aircraft paints and a paint kit (like most payware aircraft do) if you wish to paint your own.
Glasgow is a city I plan to stop at during my world tour, last tour I did in FS2004 I stopped in heathrow, but I have been there so much now I am always like change.

I was thinking of doing the same during my real life world trip earlier in the year, never ended up doing it :(

yeah, heathrow gets boring after a while
edinburgh airport is alright and London city airport is pretty fun trying to land on with water either side of you :crazy:

that would have been pretty good going round the world

good luck with the world tour in FS 👍
I suppose there's no harm sharing some of mine:)
More will come soon.

Off for a flight over Bella Coola

Nice View

A glacier!

Touching down...

...just in time before the rain comes.
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Man, I really need to build an XP computer and get this game. Plinking around in that old Cessna seems like it would be a great great time. Plus I'd also like to get into iRacing.

What are specs on a decent build-yer-own gaming computer these days? What OS should I run? I've never built a computer before, but I've done enough surgery on my own that I think I could do it.
Those screens look so good. I'd be really interested in doing a "round the world" trip, but not too interested in doing it in Century of Flight because the graphics aren't really good enough to make you feel like you're flying over the actual places.

An unknown British pilot returns to Volkel after another successful rat scramble mission. Clickable for full resolution. CFS3 still going strong six years after its launch...
Man, I really need to build an XP computer and get this game. Plinking around in that old Cessna seems like it would be a great great time. Plus I'd also like to get into iRacing.

What are specs on a decent build-yer-own gaming computer these days? What OS should I run? I've never built a computer before, but I've done enough surgery on my own that I think I could do it.
Same here in all those regards, with the addition of simracing games like rFactor and GTR Evo. But Duke and I digress.:dopey:

As for flight sims, I had played subLogic Flight Simulator II on the Commodore 64 when I was in my teens. My usual leisurely flight route went from JFK to Logan and back. To me, this thread brings back some memories.:)

BTW, anyone here know of anyone who has built for themselves a flightsim cockpit?:D
Peterram430 nice pics 👍

I used to do a bit of mountain flying in FSX around lukla Nepal and in some of the FSX missions, though these days I have been strickly big iron.


I did my Jakarta to Bangkok leg yesterday and my next flight it from Bangkok to Kathmandu Nepal where I plan to pass Mt Everest :D

Man, I really need to build an XP computer and get this game. Plinking around in that old Cessna seems like it would be a great great time. Plus I'd also like to get into iRacing.

What are specs on a decent build-yer-own gaming computer these days? What OS should I run? I've never built a computer before, but I've done enough surgery on my own that I think I could do it.

For FSX you would really want a Vista OS as then you can run FSX in Directx10 for the extra eye candy without much if any performance hit, 64 bit version with 4+gigs of ram would be prefered then you wont run into any out of memory issues.

Problem with FSX is it is a resource hog, especially when you run all the detailed mods I do, especially as I run all virtual cockpits. In Standard aircrafts (especially 2D cockpit) it isn't too bad for new multicore CPU's now as it does support upto 256cores after the service pack 1 (they're upto Service pack 2). FSX is a CPU intensive game and memory, too much so really so that is a real starting point if you want a system to handle FSX, top end up high price cards dont help much at all here.
As for flight sims, I had played subLogic Flight Simulator II on the Commodore 64 when I was in my teens. My usual leisurely flight route went from JFK to Logan and back. To me, this thread brings back some memories.:)

I started with Chuck Yeager's Flight Simulator which had about 4 aircraft, an infinitely flat ground plane with random pyramids, cylinders, and boxes scattered over it, and not much else. Then I got MSFS (4? - the last and possibly only Mac version) which had a little terrain, LORAN, some ATC, and basic weather in 16 colors. I played that for years, landing the Cessna on the Golden Gate and flying Bill Gate's Lear from Meigs to Las Vegas.

Seeing these screenies makes me envious!

Thanks for the basic computer specs. If I have to use Windows I prefer XP but then of course you lose DirectX ability (or at least on every one of my work computers I don't have it). I've never used Vista but after all I've heard I'm leery of it. I would prefer a virtual cockpit as well, I think, though I probably wouldn't spend too much time driving the big buses.
Thanks for the basic computer specs. If I have to use Windows I prefer XP but then of course you lose DirectX ability (or at least on every one of my work computers I don't have it). I've never used Vista but after all I've heard I'm leery of it. I would prefer a virtual cockpit as well, I think, though I probably wouldn't spend too much time driving the big buses.

I felt the same about Vista, no one I know runs it either, but I got it anyway in 64bit because I want my new top end system to be able use all it's resources.

I must say I love it, has run flawlessly, 64bit is very well supported now and I have had no driver or any conflicts. When I use my XP machine it feels dated now (not that it matter, performance really matters). I think much of the Vista problems is the same as the complaints of FSX. They both came out with nothing but performance issues that was too much for the hardware of the day and not worth it, but now they both have matured with service packs and machines have got faster they are in thier prime.

There is plenty of awesome light aircraft out there if thats your thing, even the default FSX light planes are very well done. The missions they provide are very fun, I havent got the expasnion pack as it mostly about lighter aircraft and missions but it does look like a lot of fun.
what patch/addon thing is that ^
do you get to control a winchman to save people and stuff? :D
Just come back from my relatives' house, watching my 11 year old cousin perfectly landing a 737 at Lemur airport in FSX, which I think is in Peru or something. He can land the things better than I can...
Tested CFS3 yesterday and it's hard to control those planes.
A good thing is that I can put everything on max with a high resolution.
Check out Sim OutHouse and AvHistory. Especially Avhistory. their flightmodels have been massively revamped to more realistic direction, not to mention that they look a lot better.
Thought I would post some pics of my latest flight, last flight I posted pics was Jakarta - Bangkok since then I did Bangkok - Kathmandu (Nepal, yes I did bypass Mt Everest :D ) but now I am posting Kathmandu - Karachi (Pakistan)

Larger versions available in the links below the pictures, Also please excuse the poor Jpeg compression, making much of the fine detail appear darker and distorted :(

Thought I would post a couple pics of how I 'receive' the aircraft before I configure it for flight, at this time it has external electricity and bleed air provided (until I start APU) and the screens are dimmed. (lit in the second pic)



As you can see above Kathmandu (elevation 4390feet) is not a real popular airport and every time I have been here the visibility has poor, that and the close mountains always makes for fun approaches. :D

More bad visability while taxiing to runway 02, not my departure runway choice but air traffic control 'knows best'.......


And departure.... Nothing visible, then......Is that a mountain I see there! This is the reason I wanted a Runway 20 departure, the Himalayan mountain range is on this side! (Kathmandu is at the foot of the Himalayas), Radar altimiter states I am only 1700feet above them at this point, I come as close as 1200feet which triggers the GPWS's terrain warnings. But as I said, ATC is boss......



Now we clear the low level clouds we get a nice look at the Himalayas (Lonely in the cockpit, I have a verbal copilot but no visible copilot), fifth pic shows the other more boring view from the plane, as you can tell I am at the foot of the Himalayas




The rest of the 2 1/2 hour cruise was much like this:


Lots of low level cloud all the way, which is fine until you decend for approach.

I can see, but don't have a clear view of any runway yet, and even when I do see the lollipop lights of rwy 25L at Karachi intl and I can't visually see rwy heading without instruments until 3NM's from the rwy, third pics shows the looks pretty bare out there.



Safe and sound on the ground and got taxi clearance to gate 17 heavy, I love taking snaps of the other airlines I spot.


There is the Gate and a 747 that landed just after joins me at the neighboring gate

Here's a few from my long term love Il2 1946, been playing since iL2 original

Hope this is allowed, i noticed the thread is mainly FSX but variety is good. IL2 is not just a combat simulator.





























I also have some edited ones if anybody would like to see them.
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