So you tuned his for the Freshman Cup did you? Well, I originally had other plans for this little slice of history but as it was tuned for a purpose I thought I'd use as it was intended.
Off to Tsukuba then. The first thing I noticed about this car when I applied your tune was the brakes. You know what I'm going to say already don't you? Racing brakes set 8/10

, I'm not going to be trying this one with no ABS any time soon

. Anyway, I had noticed this and was expecting a short stopping distance and was not in the least surprised when the seatbelt cut my chest near in half and my nice new GT Official Helmet smashed against the windscreen

OK, this may take a bit of getting use to. It took the best part of that race to get a hang of the brakes but the rest of the time was spent trying to avoid all the moving chicanes that seem to have been added here since my last visit

. The little S500 just ate up the corners with ease 👍. On any other track this race would have ended rather differently. I probably wouldn't have ended up driving round the outside of the final corner practically flat out to take the lead and win. Priceless!
Now to Silverstone, the really, really short circuit.(Stowe for the purists.

) Now I new how to handle those brakes so there would be no excuses here. None needed. Other than a slight excursion off the track and me almost wiping out some poor souls, there were no issues at all. Yes the car could do with more power...what car can't!? But the way it goes through those corners and bends more than make up for it's lack of horses. An easier win could not have been had, even after throwing away a good 6 or 7 seconds I still had the race in the bag with two corners to spare. I'm really beginning to like this car now.
Special Stage Route 5 (Clubmans...Booooo!

) Right first thing's first. For some reason, even though I had noticed you had been so kind as to give my pit guy the final drive ratios for the track. He somehow seemed to forget to apply them. Then he forgot to mention anything when I asked him why I was topping out waaay before the finish-line

....Yeah OK, you got me, I forgot to change the settings tab to B

No major issues despite having to fend off two gargantuan beasts chasing me up the start-finish straight. I could pick any line I wanted through any of the corners to negotiate the traffic and was confident the car would do as I wanted. Very stable, very precise and no chance of spinning up the wheels now is there

Won the race by 0.3xx seconds with 3rd only a further 0.1xx back. I would have been passed if it wasn't for some danbojte inspired "Defensive tactics".
So, what about this car then. Well, it's never going to win a drag race with that chain drive, unless I go up against your Mazda Carol

It handles like an S2000 which is A: Never going to be a bad thing in my Honda loving eyes:tup: and B: Not really a surprise, this is after all the Great Grandfather of the S2k. The family genes are still going strong, 50:50 weight distribution and rear wheel drive, what more could a guy ask for...besides a whole heap more power
Great fun testing this out. thanks for sharing dude
I'm sure there was something else.

Oh yes I remember, I had something else in mind for this didn't I?
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Beginners Level Non-Racing Car Challenge - Suzuka East Course 450pp - WINNER!
Unfortunately my old nemesis and compatriot G.Monroe didn't leave me the space to go round the outside this time.

He came back at me but at the line I still had half a car length. Granted not that big of
a car but half a length none the less