For Those Who Don't Know How to Do the Glitch In GT5

  • Thread starter ThE-1cY

I'm certainly getting more than one car per day on my main profile.

Still need the X1? You deserve one for putting this up.

Many thanks to this idea đź‘Ť just edited in the original post

I guess I should add what I'm doing. To get over a dozen cars a day on your main account, you'll need to set up multiple PSN's on your PS3 (or other PS3's). These new accounts all start a new game, level 0. I used my old birthday exploit PSN's.

1. From your main account, buy a 1970 Challenger and race transmission
OR buy a 2009 GT-R Spec V and tune it to the limit of what's allowed by the GT-R seasonal event.

2. Send the to one of the alt accounts and win the Challenger/GT-R seasonal event (warning, this ends sometime in January I think)

3. Once you've won one of them, buy the other car and win the other seasonal.

4. The account is now level 18 with 1,500,000+ cr.

5. Go to special events, win the go kart races (you will have a go kart), and the Gold all the NASCAR events.

6. Get a free NASCAR from getting all gold

7. Win the NASCAR seasonal event

8. Level ~ 20, with 2.5 million cr

9. Send the Challenger/GT-R to the next alt account, and repeat.

While this take a while to set up, once it is done, you will be completely self sufficient in the game. It's the best way to play if you're not into the credit earning thing.

Lol this one is absolutely great for starters!

Alright, i have spent my 1 hour in the morning reading all posts from page 1 till page 8. Yet some are furious about it and some are neutral. If you notice below, there are many guests reading it, im wondering what they are thinking about this thread.

What I can say to those who are so angry about this, you guys only can hope that PD releases a patch asap to fix this. Which probably is in the end of January 2011 because they need to reduce the rewards in A-spec/B-spec.

Of course, I was one of them who are so angry about the exploit but I got so fed up/irritated so I worked out the guide not only for me but also for u guys to refer.

I found out that trading+duplicating(for both the senders) involves quite a number of steps so I might be editing the original post with some additional guides about it. I will add a document attachment to it as well so that everyone can print it out and refer to it more easily.
(because my ps3 is at upstairs and i dont own a laptop)
Well at least you know now. I am avoiding the unrestricted rooms for this reason, unless I feel like blocking pit lane with my tank car. :)

I feel both sides though, more often than not, lack maturity when it comes to discussing this and it turns into a mud throwing contest. It's amusing how huffy people get.
One quick way to do away with duping and cloning: eliminate all trading, period. You don't get ANY car, any way, from anyone, without going out and earning it yourself, by driving.

Also, there should be no such thing as a car you can't sell. Nothing sucks more than grinding out the races, saving up the dosh, and shelling it out for that ultra-rare, ultra-expensive Bazinga X12000, only to find out that the car is indeed a piece of utter and complete trash. Well, ONE thing sucks more - not being able to sell it and cut your losses. Or not being able to go back and "unsave" that game to a time before you bought that hideous beast (and I made up the "Bazinga X12000" name to avoid insulting anyone who really loves whatever car I hate at the moment).

Those who want it so that you really, REALLY have to work to get that beloved car, let me ask you this: Ever worked really hard to get a car in real life? Were you then informed that you could never, EVER sell it? How would that make you feel? One rule in this world: Everything has a price.
I'm glad you've all come out of the closet as cheaters. And the fact that you publicly display it is amazing. Get a life and learn how to earn something honestly. How can you feel any for of accomplishment? Cutting corners only makes you a bad racer.. yes its a statement pun.
I've said it before but duping doesn't really bother me that much. I only have one account and I've not traded any cars with anybody. I don't feel disadvantaged when racing online.

It's a shame that some people are gaining a lot in the game through less effort than I have to put in, but that's always the case in gaming. I'm not really looking forward to having to spend 50+hours doing the same five lap race just to earn enough money to buy some of the really expensive cars in the game. That's really bad game design and duping would be far less of a problem if PD would improve the race rewards even further than what they are already.
I am playing the game the right way, because there is no wrong way to play it. However I get cars and money is legit.

I thought I was going to stay out of this thread now, but honestly I have to reply to this.

You just said "However I get cars and money is legit".

Lets pretend you have a conversation about this, and that you walk up to a group of people who have "good common sense", and told them "the way I earn cars in my game is I copy the save file, delete my old save file, reload my new save file etc etc". Then they ask you, "what kind of game are you playing?", then you reply "a racing game". Would they not say "isn't that cheating?" or would they say "that's exactly how I thought I would do it".

The fact that you say its legit to do this is completely beyond me...I mean really, legit? Legit means you are operating within the means that the game was intended, doing things as the maker intended them. I guarantee you there is nothing legit about duping save files.
i thought i was going to stay out of this thread now, but honestly i have to reply to this.

You just said "however i get cars and money is legit".

Lets pretend you have a conversation about this, and that you walk up to a group of people who have "good common sense", and told them "the way i earn cars in my game is i copy the save file, delete my old save file, reload my new save file etc etc". Then they ask you, "what kind of game are you playing?", then you reply "a racing game". Would they not say "isn't that cheating?" or would they say "that's exactly how i thought i would do it".

The fact that you say its legit to do this is completely beyond me...i mean really, legit? Legit means you are operating within the means that the game was intended, doing things as the maker intended them. I guarantee you there is nothing legit about duping save files.


Seems pretty hypocritical to my eyes also.
Lets pretend you have a conversation about this, and that you walk up to a group of people who have "good common sense", and told them "the way I earn cars in my game is I copy the save file, delete my old save file, reload my new save file etc etc". Then they ask you, "what kind of game are you playing?", then you reply "a racing game". Would they not say "isn't that cheating?" or would they say "that's exactly how I thought I would do it"..

If you walk up to a random group of people and say that, they are going to look at you and wonder what in the world you are on about. I'm almost tempted to head to the mall tomorrow and do it because I have to imagine the look on the people's face's would be mighty amusing!

On the topic at hand, it's no bother to me whether people think it's cheating or not. Truth be told you purchased the game and you are entitled to play it however you want. If you want to dupe cars, have at it! If you want to play for hours on end and you get a sense of satisfaction over getting a car, have at it! Game are about enjoyment, their sole purpose in life is to entertaining and entertainment mean different things to different people.

Saying it's cheating online though is a bit incorrect, having X car isn't really an advantage since those setting up lobbies should be putting restrictions on the cars they allow. What would be cheating would be fixing codes in the game to make a 100hp Civic as fast as the X1, or making it so your lap times show up way to fast. Having X car doesn't mean you have skills, just as having skills doesn't mean you have X car. So the whole online thing should be a moot point since there isn't really any weight to that. If you suck, you're going to suck in an X1 just as much as a Honda Civic.

So really I think we all just need to chill out and just play the game and have fun, that is afterall the goal of video games! If you think cheaters are no good doo-doo heads, then don't cheat and feel good you didn't. If you don't think there is a problem with cheating, then do it and don't feel guilty about it.
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If you need some quick cash, backup your save, sell everything you have, buy an expensive car and give it to the decoy, quit and recover your backup, then have the decoy send the car back. Sell the car for cash and you still have your old cars.
That's pretty slim, IMO. Why should YOU care? Bragging rights? Simply add 'no exploits' to your sig, and that's it. As if bragging isn't more of the same puerile behavior, anyway!
LET the 'cheaters' sell their souls... it doesn't affect you. Unless you are one of the 'snitches' that likes to report his neighbor cheating on his taxes because you don't have the balls to do it yourself..! If they want to shortchange themselves of the game, why do YOU care? It's not like you were stupid enough to PAY for a car trade, were you?:rolleyes:

Oh, puh-lease! We're talking about a game here. The cars are not real. They are a collection of 1's and 0's on a magnetic disc. I don't know about you, but I really don't WANT to spend days and hours grinding my way up to a level or the price of a new car. I bought the game to race. I didn't buy the thing for hours of mindless drudgery.
I can't believe people worry about duping cars. Really? That's your primary concern regarding cheating?

When I was playing Prologue I loaded up some of the fastest ghost times, only to finding ubiquitous corner cutting, wall riding etc. Why aren't you guy's worried about that?

Let's be honest, their will always be cheating/cheaters. I experienced it firsthand in COD4, Gran Turismo Prologue etc and no one stopped it then. If Sony can't stop it (PS3 was just hacked), how is a few words in a thread going to change anything?

Just chill. Sit back, play the game however you like. After all, your'e the one who forked out $60 for it. Online will always be problematic, you can't really police it effectively.

Moral of the story? Cheating (in one form or another) can't be stopped, so why worry?
If you need some quick cash, backup your save, sell everything you have, buy an expensive car and give it to the decoy, quit and recover your backup, then have the decoy send the car back. Sell the car for cash and you still have your old cars.

Not really that simple. As far as anyone's posted that I've seen, the Ferrari F40 is the highest-selling car that you can actually SELL in the game, at 135,000cr. So you're going to spend an awful lot of time sending F40s to yourself to resell them for the cash.

I plunked down hard-earned money for some very expensive race cars, only to find that they weren't all I hoped they'd be - and then was stuck with them, since I couldn't resell them, and wasn't really willing to just give them away or toss them aside for nothing.

You *SHOULD* be able to resell them. Hell, you *SHOULD* be able to sell any car you've got in your garage. But it ain't that way in the game...
Since this "glitch" doesn't really affect anyone else, one must assume the people the most upset about this are feeling that way because they feel like they are missing out on bragging rights and having their ego stroked.

So let me help you guys that are feeling that way out.. You are freakin awesome. No one is better than you and we are all enriched by your presence.

There. Feel better?
It's not cheating, it's just exploiting a loop hole in the game.
I really don't want to get too far into this because I have my own beliefs (work too much, play too little etc... so will never get all the good stuff the old fashion way but I still keep to the way it was designed.. for now) but:
Exploiting something is cheating- just to make that perfectly clear.
No way around it. The game was designed (read intended) to have you race to earn credits and prizes. Duplicating was NOT part of the original design

Again, I'm not judging anyone on whether they want to dupe or not.
I personally don't care. Some people say the economics are tainted. I still don't care- I don't trade cars except to loan, or give, a friend one when they want to race something.
I'm no moral perf4ectionist myself. I'm just stating it clearly as you seem to be confused to the ethics of it.
Not really that simple. As far as anyone's posted that I've seen, the Ferrari F40 is the highest-selling car that you can actually SELL in the game, at 135,000cr. So you're going to spend an awful lot of time sending F40s to yourself to resell them for the cash.

I plunked down hard-earned money for some very expensive race cars, only to find that they weren't all I hoped they'd be - and then was stuck with them, since I couldn't resell them, and wasn't really willing to just give them away or toss them aside for nothing.

You *SHOULD* be able to resell them. Hell, you *SHOULD* be able to sell any car you've got in your garage. But it ain't that way in the game...

Or you could just save and backup your game, then buy an expensive car. If it's **** just reload. Obviously this is only for cars which are worth it, or rather expensive i.e. multimillion cars.
i can't believe people worry about duping cars. Really? That's your primary concern regarding cheating?

When i was playing prologue i loaded up some of the fastest ghost times, only to finding ubiquitous corner cutting, wall riding etc. Why aren't you guy's worried about that?

The idea is simple, add copy protection back to save files, then make it that your save file gets uploaded to your PSN account.

Thus no more exploits, no more cheating.
Thanks for that, I am really glad they have people like you in charge here who takes the time to make posts such as these. đź‘Ť

I'm really glad we have members like you who don't read the rules and send an e-mail (three times) to every member of staff on the site when something they don't like happens. Incidentally, stop double posting and stop abusing the report button - it's for reporting things which break the AUP only.

You still haven't answered the question though. Is discussing cheats and glitches against our rules (while you contemplate the answer, have a look at this part of the site)? If it were, what on Earth are we supposed to do about people using cheats and glitches? Are we the Gran Turismo police now?
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I thought I was going to stay out of this thread now, but honestly I have to reply to this.

You just said "However I get cars and money is legit".

Lets pretend you have a conversation about this, and that you walk up to a group of people who have "good common sense", and told them "the way I earn cars in my game is I copy the save file, delete my old save file, reload my new save file etc etc". Then they ask you, "what kind of game are you playing?", then you reply "a racing game". Would they not say "isn't that cheating?" or would they say "that's exactly how I thought I would do it".

The fact that you say its legit to do this is completely beyond me...I mean really, legit? Legit means you are operating within the means that the game was intended, doing things as the maker intended them. I guarantee you there is nothing legit about duping save files.
What would those people with "good common sense" say if you told them that in order to get a classic race car you have to race the same track 200 times not to mention the delightful 24h racing for peanuts.
And then you tell them about duping cars and so on. Would they feel differently about it?
I thought I was going to stay out of this thread now, but honestly I have to reply to this.

You just said "However I get cars and money is legit".

Lets pretend you have a conversation about this, and that you walk up to a group of people who have "good common sense", and told them "the way I earn cars in my game is I copy the save file, delete my old save file, reload my new save file etc etc". Then they ask you, "what kind of game are you playing?", then you reply "a racing game". Would they not say "isn't that cheating?" or would they say "that's exactly how I thought I would do it".

The fact that you say its legit to do this is completely beyond me...I mean really, legit? Legit means you are operating within the means that the game was intended, doing things as the maker intended them. I guarantee you there is nothing legit about duping save files.

So, GT Motion. As you are the pinnacle of Gran Turismo morality, I have a few questions for you.

1. Have you ever used a car with a better power to weight ratio than that of your highest ranked opponent? A-Spec or B-Spec.

2. Do you use a clutch, full H-pattern shifter (or other as the car necessitates) and steering wheel to play?

3. Do you have ABS (or any aid for that matter) turned on?

While you ponder these (I have a funny feeling you won't publicly answer them), remember, "let those who haven't sinned, throw the first stone".
So, GT Motion. As you are the pinnacle of Gran Turismo morality, I have a few questions for you.

1. Have you ever used a car with a better power to weight ratio than that of your highest ranked opponent? A-Spec or B-Spec.

2. Do you use a clutch, full H-pattern shifter (or other as the car necessitates) and steering wheel to play?

3. Do you have ABS (or any aid for that matter) turned on?

While you ponder these (I have a funny feeling you won't publicly answer them), remember, "let those who haven't sinned, throw the first stone".

Are you really putting me out there as the "pinnacle" of morality? Also are you comparing duping cars, to driving without an H pattern shifter? Using aids? I am talking strictly about duping cars by doing a gamesave glitch and you are bringing in things like controllers and in game driving aids? I don't even know where to begin to answer your question.

I honestly feel like I should have left this thread alone instead of making that last post, that's my fault I guess. I will "try" to leave this alone now, I already put my concerns out there.
Are you really putting me out there as the "pinnacle" of morality? Also are you comparing duping cars, to driving without an H pattern shifter? Using aids? I am talking strictly about duping cars by doing a gamesave glitch and you are bringing in things like controllers and in game driving aids? I don't even know where to begin to answer your question.

I honestly feel like I should have left this thread alone instead of making that last post, that's my fault I guess. I will "try" to leave this alone now, I already put my concerns out there.

Cheating is cheating. Whether it be duping cars or driving cars with ABS set to 1. Sure there might be degrees of cheating, but that's not really my point.