Ford GT Test car: S10 Conquered 1st position


Finally I managed to finish s-10 and in 1st position.after trying and trying and tryyyying with different cars and tunes. So here is the catch, I kept playing with the tunings of the GT till got the perfect tune (always the behind of the car gave me problems), keep in mind im using six axis since my playseat is still not here. Anyways keep in mind that u need to use hard breaking and dont worry about the tail, it is not going to wiggle even a tiny bit and if it does it will come right back in a second, by the end of lap 4 or so u should be in 1st position.. so this is my 1st tune, so gimme ur feedback !!! dont forget, attack the other cars, be aggressive, turn the driving line off, and no steering assist, normal physics. good luck

Power: -31
Weight: 90%
tyres: R1 R1
Aero: 10 30
ride height: +2 +2
spring rate: 5 9
damper: 5 9
toe: -0.15 +0.30
camber: 2.0 3.0
brakes: 7 10

angle: 30
TCS: off
ABS: 1

1st: 2.288
2nd: 1.632
3rd: 1.114
4th: 0.953
5th: 0.827
6th: 0.686

final: 5.000
oops this was not the gt 06 lol but i got third and i reckon i like this
the gears for me were perfect i was suprised, at the raised hight but it handles really well i must try this car online it took me less than an hour i reckon i could win if i was a little bit more carefull
thank you verry much i have a f 2007 now lol
i would recomend TRY THIS SETUP it works lol
well I cant take much credit for the Gear ratio much as it was on the forum, BUT the main thing was too keep that big A$$ on the ground and no matter how much i tried i could not get that done, but when u increase the damper and the spring rate to almost double the front and focus only on rear aero the car transforms from a wild animal to a pet :) enjoy