Online Tuning App

  • Thread starter nasanu


Update 12/2011
Site now moved to:

Xmas edit:

I've been coding like mad for the past few days, the site now supports GT5 fully. I am useless at testing, I expect some errors (I've also fixed a few from before, the favorites list now works properly), please let me know when you find any bugs or if the site crashes on you.

Currently there are no GT5 tunes on the site. To add one you need to login (create an account) then go to the garage page. From there you can add a setup and do all sorts of other stuff.

Criticism is very much welcome.



I am just about to add GT5 tunes to my tunes database site, I would really like a few with a keen eye to take a look at my setup entry form located here: - edited, original link no longer works.

I have already spotted a few omissions like I had the fully customizable LSD and the torque distributing diff as mutually exclusive, of course they can both be fitted at the same time.

I *think* I have all parts and setting covered. Let me know. Also suggestions for improvements are always welcome.


EDIT: Rigidity is spelt wrong, just caught that one myself.
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Your fonts are outdated. The site overall looks like a school project.

I am happy with the visual design thanks, but thank you for your expert advice. I am more looking for things I have missed with the form, parts not listed, settings not listed etc.
For used car, you miss gt auto's chassis, motor, oil change and wheel change for premium cars (to aluminium parts)
I would suggest everyone submit to this website, or create something like this here. If I missed a database listing on this site I apologize. I think an online database that is sortable is a great idea. It makes the whole process of finding tunes so much quicker and easier.
For used car, you miss gt auto's chassis, motor, oil change and wheel change for premium cars (to aluminium parts)

Hmm.. I thought about this, but really they are not changing the setup of the car, just restoring it to new again. And the wheels in GT5 are cosmetic.

Anyway see first post (when I edit it after this), the site is updated now to fully support GT5 :)

I've got something.

AYC controller settings are missing, it only applies to the Lan-Evos but still.

What does it do? Is it like a torque controller or something?
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What does it do? Is it like a torque controller or something?

It's a system Mitsubishi came up with... Basically, it sends power to the outside rear tire when cornering to rotate the car under throttle. Higher setting = stronger effect. Range is 30 to 130 if I'm not mistaken.
It's a system Mitsubishi came up with... Basically, it sends power to the outside rear tire when cornering to rotate the car under throttle. Higher setting = stronger effect. Range is 30 to 130 if I'm not mistaken.

Ok thanks. Guess I'll have to do something about that. Maybe code it so that the box only appears for that car. Damn that means I have to alter the database too. Ahh! Stupid car.
I was using this site before and most of the tunes worked with a little tweaking, now I can't any tunes when I search. What happened?
Your fonts are outdated. The site overall looks like a school project.

If you followed or worked in graphic design, you would know that the font he is using is widely used still due to its simplicity and the overall "hipster" type writer/DIY project aesthetic.
I was using this site before and most of the tunes worked with a little tweaking, now I can't any tunes when I search. What happened?

Are you sure you are searching for GT5 Prologue tunes or GT5 tunes? All tunes on the site ATM are GT5 Prologue tunes but I have updated the site to use GT5 as the default setting for searches. If you select GT5P then all the tunes should show up.

If you are selecting GT5P then something is wrong. Let me know.
Ok safe again now. Those who have entered setups (and there are a bunch of you with only private setups you cheeky buggers :P ) should check over your spring rate, toe and camber values. They might have been rounded off.

So glad I caught this now and not when hundreds of setups had been entered.

Oh I have also realised that the setting value for the gearing needs to specify whether it is for MPH or KMPH. I'll add a selection box for this.
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for the AYC controller and things like aluminum wheels why don't you just have an "additional information" field where things like that can be inserted as text?
Wish there were some seasonal time trial tunes same as on here, think people are probably guarding them.

I can post mine a couple of mine ..... but am only around 300th on them
for the AYC controller and things like aluminum wheels why don't you just have an "additional information" field where things like that can be inserted as text?

There is the tuners comments field which can be used for that. But I will work something out for the AYC and maybe eventually add a wheel list. It annoys me to have something missing.

Wish there were some seasonal time trial tunes same as on here, think people are probably guarding them.

I can post mine a couple of mine ..... but am only around 300th on them

I am sure there are people out there who cant tune at all who would love to have your tune. It is better than stock right?
Just completed a major revamp of the site. This was needed to make it easier to introduce new features in future, plus I think it makes the site look a lot better.

What do you guys think?
What do you guys think?
I have a few questions/remarks :
a- for tuners, do you have a button like "all best equipement equiped" that would auto-enters the "best" buyable equipement for a car ? (i didn't tried)

b- More important, something simple showing to the reader that all best equipement is equiped would be nice. Like a big checked box easy to see. Or to check by the tuner if you don't have a database with max equipement data in it.
Because if a setup is special and have all buyable parts but one, people won't see it : there's too much things in your item equiped screen, people could easily just blindly buy all buyable parts, blindly use the numbers and miss a detail.

c- you miss driving helps which is important to quickly see if a setup is studied or noob stuff (skid, driving aids on 4rw/low hp cars and that sort of things)

d- if you put user comments, you have gtvault v2. ;)
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I have a few questions/remarks :

You have some good ideas :) Actually comments for setups are planned, it is already supported in the database.

A 'fully upgraded' tickbox would be convenient, I'll do that.

As for driving aids, again in the database I have support for them, but I figure anyone using them probably isn't into GT5 enough to be using a GT5 tuning site. Plus a tune made with them on is not worth much since mistakes in the tune can be covered up by the CPU.

I dont know, guess it wont hurt to add it in while I add the other stuff.
You should put driving assists, some powerfull cars can't be driven properly without driving aids. (F1, for exemple, or the Minolta, etc).
Nice Site and I like the way you have setup to view the tunes into the different categories.

But... (and you knew this was coming). what about being able to print the tunes? You know create a tune summary page or something that would be easy for the user to create a single page for printing the tune. Not all of us have laptops/PC close to the PS3.

Yes, I can write down the information that is needed, so printing is not required but I would sure like to have that option.
You should put driving assists, some powerfull cars can't be driven properly without driving aids. (F1, for exemple, or the Minolta, etc).

I am thinking of adding assists. I probably will. First I am adding ratings back in, then I am adding comments to tunes. BTW I have won a few races with the Minolta with no assits except ABS=1 :P

what about being able to print the tunes? You know create a tune summary page or something that would be easy for the user to create a single page for printing the tune. Not all of us have laptops/PC close to the PS3.

Ah yep, printing has been on my to do list for a while now, I keep forgetting about it. I am going to add a little print icon which opens up a window with a plain black and white list of the tune details which should print nicely.
Signed me up an account. Yes the "aids" section would be nice since that plays into your setup. Also maybe wheel/ds3 option. Looks good tho.

and PS all cars can be driven with no aids on I do it daily and several people I race with do it, just takes a lot of patience and throttle control lol, not saying its faster but can be done haha
Ratings added :)

Getting started on the comments now but it will take a few days. In the meantime I while I get around to adding extra stuff please just the comments section to add info about driving aids, wheels and stuff.
Just updated with the ability to now add comments to setups. Also the transmission final setting now has the option of specifying mph or kmph to get rid of the confusion that setting can cause.

Next up, fully modded checkbox and plus other small fixes.
Another update...

Added code supporting PP (PP search is go) and ballast (engine power option soon). Also there is some tightening of the input rules requiring more accurate setups to be entered.

One major addition is the ability to 'quick tune', selecting say 'fully modded /turbo' will select all engine and body mods with a stage 3 turbo. Saves clicking all those boxes.

There is a news page which is not really meant to be there yet, that will develop over time.

Oh and 1000+ members, woot!
Thought I'd update this since the site is this thread was referring to is no longer up. The site has became The search is improved, the teams section is MUCH better and the ground work has been laid for league hosting and many more plans still yet to be revealed.

The change was made because in future the site will not focus exclusively on console games.
I really like your site great effort! but i would suggest a small thing in the search filtering which is to add a tab that makes you select either General setup or Track specific .
what i mean is if someone wants to list all the general setups available for any car he should find the general ones only.
As i said it is a small thing i hope it works.