Formula One Eni Magyar Nagydij 2011

Hamilton gambles on intermediates... Rejoins in third... But Vettel and Button are on Primes... If conditions work out right... Hamilton will win... But if it dries out, Alonso's new set of slick primes may be the best bet.

Who's got the best poker hand?
Hamilton gambles on intermediates... Rejoins in third... But Vettel and Button are on Primes... If conditions work out right... Hamilton will win... But if it dries out, Alonso's new set of slick primes may be the best bet.

Who's got the best poker hand?


He stayed out and looks like he may be first, again.
I don't think so, his recovery was dangerous - Di Resta had to swerve off the track to avoid Lewis...

But when your spinning your car generally you don't have time to look 360 degrees to see if anyone is coming at 100mph...
Insult to injury. Second pit, then a drive-through. Button to win! :lol:

Vettel is in a good position, but Button is on the same strategy as him... So it's still up in the air.
But when your spinning your car generally you don't have time to look 360 degrees to see if anyone is coming at 100mph...
It wasn't the spin that was dangerous, it was his recovery - there is no way he should have done that, he should have waited until the traffic past. He forced another driver off the circuit, and was lucky not to cause a head-on collision. A certain penalty if you ask me...

It's irrelevant anyway. Perhaps fortunately, Hamilton's tyre strategy has wrecked his race anyway.
True but I suppose keeping cool in oncoming traffic is tricky in those situations, though that's why I am not an F1 driver...
Don't think Webber and Hamilton will be to long behind behind Massa. Fresh tyres to old tyres.

Edit: And I'm right.:D
Hopefully Button can pull off the win. 200th race, at the track where he first won and in similar condition to that 2006 race.