Forza 3 370Z vs GT5D 370Z

  • Thread starter MowTin
has any Gran Turismo game ever lacked fun?

Gran Tursimo - fun
Gran Tursimo 2 - more fun
Gran tursimo 3 - even more fun
Gran Turismo 4 - raised the bar for fun for years

given the scope of GT5 i assure you there will be something in it for everyone, harcore sim racers to arcade fun lovers and everything in between

In your opinion. I know of a few people here who did not find GT4 or so all that fun due to their own reasons.
In your opinion. I know of a few people here who did not find GT4 or so all that fun due to their own reasons.

50 million plus sold world wide, they are clearly in the minority,

log on to the guinness book of world records and see how many records gran turismo holds

imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, your beloved forza is making gran turismo blush, plus by rushing forza 3 out the door microsoft has shown their hand, Polyphony has played forza 3 and they will make sure they top whatever advantage the game had (rewind?, damage? confirmed)

competition is good... for gran turismo :D
I don't know why you're now going on the defense. I just said some people here disagree that GT4 is fun, and you bring up how Forza is just going to be wiped away.

Just because GT has some sales records doesn't mean everyone enjoys it.
In your opinion. I know of a few people here who did not find GT4 or so all that fun due to their own reasons.

Oh, quit being difficult.

I'm sure for just about any game in existence, there's somebody who didn't find it all that fun.
Oh, quit being difficult.

I'm sure for just about any game in existence, there's somebody who didn't find it all that fun.
I'm just stating a fact that some people here did not enjoy GT4 to the same degree or believe they were all fun.

Seems impossible for some of you to accept such things.:indiff:
I'm just stating a fact that some people here did not enjoy GT4 to the same degree or believe they were all fun.

Seems impossible for some of you to accept such things.:indiff:

Sure, like how I don't enjoy GT3 as much as GT2. I accept that people have different opinions than me.

The problem is that mtgear missed the point of your post and didn't realize you weren't actually saying that GT wasn't fun. Then you missed that fact, and proceed to needlessly attack his opinion of GT4.

And it snowballed from there.
When did you get a Z? No more Mazda 3?
No, I kept the Mazda. I'm in a polygamous relationship with my cars :).
I'm just stating a fact that some people here did not enjoy GT4 to the same degree or believe they were all fun.
GT4 had too many one-off races that were not fun. I liked the structure of GT3 better (it was a better "game"), but I've spent countless hours just driving around in GT4 (a better "drive").
I know this is the beat up on Forza thread, and Lord knows I've done my share of that. :sly:

I will have to say that I only really hound Forza fans when they refuse to see any flaws with their idol. Letting the chips fall correctly, Forza 3 does do a credible job of relating how it "feels" to drive a car around a track competitively. I don't like T10's driver view choices, which makes taking turns at speed more of a chore than it need be. I don't feel like I'm driving a real car or a racing sim quite as much as I do in Prologue or especially the GT5 TT demo. The engine sounds vs Prologue are a little better, but the tire sounds are absolute crap. As just a pure racing game minus the other goodies, I doubt I'd own either Forza or my 360.

However, it has the most incredible race mod and livery painter I've ever seen. This is what keeps me coming back to Forza. I absolutely love to make race cars, and recreate historic racers myself, or create liveries that come completely from my imagination.

As far as physics goes, I associate myself with Dave's remarks, and similar posts from other like minded people. I'm not quite as down on it per se, but GT5 is looking like the realism monster we were all anticipating it to be. Not perfect, but really darn close.
Forza 3 is definitely soft, i think its funny forza fanboys saying forza is more realistic than gt5.. even prologue was much closer to a sim than it is. The cars have way too much traction and really only the most powerful of cars in forza will you have any trouble with them stepping out.. which is just silly
You can have all the content in the world, & it won't make a difference if the game isn't fun.

There are plenty of folks here that do prefer Forza 3 for several reasons, regardless of the amount of content it & GT do or don't share. I, for one, think Polyphony needs to step up its audio team because Turn10 have beaten them again to better sounding cars because for me, that's one of the things I love most.

I respect your opinion, you do have a good point, Gran Turismo 4 was not everyones cup of tea, not everyone liked it. Many feel the same way about the Forza games though. I feel GT is my favourite gaming series of all time and i suppose you could consider me a fanboy/fan of the series. But i look at other series i like and their competitors and it doesn't feel right. I used to absolutely love Medal of Honour, but they became stale and Call of Duty pushed them out of the market. I used to love Pro Evolution Soccer, but EA's FIFA series have overtaken it in almost all aspects in recent installments. I recognise when another game is superior.

Now i look at GT and Forza and i can't help feel Forza is still a bit behind, theres something missing. I will see what has become of GT next summer, but until then I and many others maintain it is the better racing title. Nobody can change that except Turn10. But Forza 3 didn't do it for me. They have a very good base to build on for their next game though. We shall see what they make of it, whether it be on the 360 or the next gen Microsoft console that is supposedly being designed.
I've played both games and to me Forza just feels dull and boring, it seems like it was made for children and I have no interest in playing it, whereas GT5 feels alive and exciting (like driving a real car) so in my opinion Forza has a lot of work to do and Gran Turismo has got it spot on...again.
Considering Forza wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Gran Turismo, the two games are surprisingly different when it comes down to the feel of driving. I prefer Gran Turismo.
Forza 3 is definitely soft, i think its funny forza fanboys saying forza is more realistic than gt5.. even prologue was much closer to a sim than it is. The cars have way too much traction and really only the most powerful of cars in forza will you have any trouble with them stepping out.. which is just silly
Not silly, just a game. Regardless of what dedicated racing game folk on here think, the majority of gamers want a racing game that is accessible and forgiving. Sure, even with assists off, Forza can be seen as too forgiving, and that's fine. If PD can deliver a game that has realistic, optional assists, to cater for everybody, that's fine also. The racing game fan spectrum spans all matter of tastes, and I'm sure could be nicely represented by a normal distribution curve - majority of people want a game rather than a sim, with fewer people wanting a sim rather than a game. At the very extremes you have people with dedicated wheel and cockpit setups that would, to be honest, be better off sticking to PC racing.
Not silly, just a game. Regardless of what dedicated racing game folk on here think, the majority of gamers want a racing game that is accessible and forgiving. Sure, even with assists off, Forza can be seen as too forgiving, and that's fine. If PD can deliver a game that has realistic, optional assists, to cater for everybody, that's fine also. The racing game fan spectrum spans all matter of tastes, and I'm sure could be nicely represented by a normal distribution curve - majority of people want a game rather than a sim, with fewer people wanting a sim rather than a game. At the very extremes you have people with dedicated wheel and cockpit setups that would, to be honest, be better off sticking to PC racing.

Thats the thing, If there is a scale from Arcade to Realism physics, Forza would not be as high up on that scale as GT. But With standard physics and driving aids on, GT is just as forgiving as Forza with aids on because it gives you glue for tyres.

EDIT: Look see i made a graph

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I wonder...
Maybe someone who has both XBox+Forza 3 and PS3+GT5P can find a car+track combination which exists on both games with similar parameters (probably a stock version is better suitable for this).
This guy needs to do around 10 laps in each game, of course it's better to be with similar "tools" (wheel or sticks) of each platform, and compare the results:
a) how the car behave in each game/track combination
b) What games feels more natural driving
c) Are the time for the games similar or far away
Also, if he will find a movie on the net that shows a similar car on the same track and compare the time to real life it will be even greater - but that's on the 2nd phase...
Finaly played forza for a couple days.great tracks and sound.The slow speed simulation is awesome.just like irl.the problem is that it dont changes with the increase of speed.irl you will need les steering input and the car getting feel more and more loose.but the grip stays in forza and thats the problem.At highspeeds it feels need to be a very **** driver to loose the car or make some insane move.great game,much fun.but for me its to easy.wont last for my eng.
I agree with everything in the graph except for Mario Kart, which shoud go up to at least the mainstream audience since its fun even when you are a grown up person.
I friend of mine who has been a die-hard xbox fan since its release (and therefore a die-hard Forza fan) has just brought a PS3 because he is already bored of Forza 3, that says it all really.
I agree with everything in the graph except for Mario Kart, which shoud go up to at least the mainstream audience since its fun even when you are a grown up person.

I agree with everything in the graph except for Mario Kart, which shoud go up to at least the mainstream audience since its fun even when you are a grown up person.

Yep, I would say this should appeal to the largest audience, from children to die-hard sim racers, because nobody would mind playing Mario Kart every now and then. It may be the most unrealistic racing game out there, but who cares? It's fun, and people will play it anyway. :)
I agree with everything in the graph except for Mario Kart, which shoud go up to at least the mainstream audience since its fun even when you are a grown up person.

Its not 100% accurate... And its in the context of the sim racing crowd. Sometimes spelling it out just isn't enough, and you have to draw a diagram ;D
Its not 100% accurate... And its in the context of the sim racing crowd. Sometimes spelling it out just isn't enough, and you have to draw a diagram ;D
Nice graph Seismica! I totally agree that games sit within a scale, and being a simulator or not isn't as black & white as some people make out. As you said before, GT with assists on can be just as forgiving as Forza.
Surely not a Forza vs GT thread! That's a first.

Why are we comparing two games that are exclusive to different consoles and therefore not even in competition with each other?

Deep Space on the PS3 is more of a threat to GT5 than FM3. You're hardly going to walk in to a gaming shop to buy another PS3 game and end up buying an xbox plus FM3 plus xbox live subscription etc etc instead are you!