Forza 4 VS GT5 (read the first post before you contribute)

  • Thread starter hennessey86
I'm a bit confused about the wording for the GT5 XL Edition. I mean, I might pick it up if the updcoming DLC is good and the pricing is right. The 25$ voucher might be nice, depending on what I can get for it. But, is that going to be exclusive content? I'm not bothered by it, either way, but I can't figure that one out based on the wording.

On Forza's DLC, I do expect some sort of track to be released along the way. Wouldn't suprise me one bit if T10 just kept their behaviour from FM3. I've still got my fingers crossed for Bathurst.
If you notice Lumi. In Forza's download section where it contains cars DLC, season pass etc. There's also a Track pack section.

Now I can't remember if we downloaded a track with the limited edition, benchmark or something like that on disc two. I just installed everything, imported my Forza 3 stuff and cracked on.

So is the icon for extra tracks? I would imagine at least one. Won't get hopes up for more than that though.

OT. I get to drive a CSR Elite today. Oooohh. Lol.
I find myself having the urge to go out and buy a 360 + a Fanatec + Forza a lot. Many things seem more interesting fun about about it; The car selection, the sound (BIG ONE), the career. The only thing stopping me is that I would be blowing ~$500 just to play one game, when I already have something similar.
If you really enjoy racing games and play them accordingly (read: a lot), you won't regret it.
I'm not entirely sure, Spaghetti, but I can't find anything that would lead me to suggest that there were any tracks included in the LCE, so I'd assume that you're right. That should indicate that there's track DLC coming.

Good find 👍

And enjoy the CSRE, it's awesome :D

If you really enjoy racing games and play them accordingly (read: a lot), you won't regret it.
Dunno, I still am of the opinion that buying a console for a single game is a hard pill to swallow, even if it is a very, very good game... On the other hand, a Fanatec can be used with a PS3, too, so that wouldn't be that much of an issue.

But there might be a few exclusives on the Xbox that might be worth playing, too, which would make the purchase all the more worthwhile.
I actually want endurance races back in Forza, not ridiculous ones, just the ones they have been using that take about an hour. Oh yea, and the new is just all kinds of awesome.
Dunno, I still am of the opinion that buying a console for a single game is a hard pill to swallow, even if it is a very, very good game...
Of course.

But as you said:
A Fanatec can be used with a PS3, too, so that wouldn't be that much of an issue.
And then:
There might be a few exclusives on the Xbox that might be worth playing, too, which would make the purchase all the more worthwhile.
In the end I'd say it depends on your budget. If you have the money, definitely go for it. I myself was hesitant for far too long. The whole GT2 Wheel + CSR Elite Pedals is pretty expensive in and of itself. But man this stuff is definitely worthwhile, especially if you're into multi-platform racing.

And of course you can't go wrong with a 360 :P
This is a blog I did on N4G, which I thought I would post on here too. After reading some of the articles on N4G I feel compelled to do a comparison piece because some of the comments and reasons given are pathetic. I'm level 32 on GT5 and 62 on Forza 4, the reason I'm not level 40 on GT5 is because when I was making space on my hard drive for my free games off Sony I stupidly deleted my save file and had to start again. But I think level 32 still makes me qualified to give this comparison a fair go. I race with a Fanatec GT2 and I'm pretty sure half the people who talk about physics on this site race with a pad. I'm not going to talk about graphics because they are irrelevant when it comes to racing games. I will be comparing things important to a sim racer. If you think you are a sim racer and you race with a wheel read on, if not and you race with a control pad. Then your opinions mean jack.

When it comes to physics both of these games fall short when compared to PC sims but they do a god job considering the limited consoles they run on. Both games do a good job of simulating how a car reacts to input from the driver and both games do a fairly good job when it comes to set up options for your chosen car. You can change camber, toe, ride height etc. on both games. In my opinion Forza does a better job when it comes to physics, I can feel more through the wheel. I can feel the under steer building up and you get a good feel of how much grip the tires have. With GT5 the feeling is mute, the wheel has a good weight to it but that’s it, there is no feel for what the car is doing, you have to judge visually and through sound rather than feel what the car is about to do. To me that is what makes a good car, the amount of feel and the connection with it. If you can't judge what the car is doing how can you have the confidence to drive it fast? GT5 is a good game but the real driving simulator needs to concentrate on driving, not on getting the right stitching on the leather seats of premium cars.

Another important aspect of racing is sound, if you love cars you will know what I’m talking about. The sound of a V8, a straight six and a V12 are my personal favorites and a racing game needs to get this right, GT5 doesn't, the cars sound electronic and not at all like the engines they are supposed to be. Forza on the other hand sounds stunning, V8's sound like V8's and V12's sound like V12'S. The tire noise is also some of the best I have come across. You can hear when they are about to lose grip and when you are pushing a bit too hard.

Forza is also the choice if you race offline, the A.I are far better at racing than GT5's counter parts. They will overtake you, make mistakes and generally feel like they are being driven by another person. GT5 on the other hand feels like the A.I cars are following a train track which they rarely move off, which makes for very straight forward victory’s which isn’t realistic. GT5 does include night racing, weather and a really good rally mode which I wish they would have put more effort into because the driving model is excellent. But there isn't enough races to make it a substantial addition the game, it just feels like an afterthought. The night racing is good but the rain effects are poor. Colin McCrea 2005 had better rain effects last gen, again it seems like they just added it right at the end just to get it into the game. Wet roads don't look wet and the spray off the tires makes your car look like it’s made of heat haze. I remember the Tokyo track on Forza 1 which was set at night, so I don't get why they couldn't include night racing in 4.

The selection of cars is poor on GT5, there aren’t enough new cars. The Bugatti Veyron is standard, yet they have made the Suzuki cappuccino premium. Forza's selection is much broader, you have an abundance of new cars like the new Ferrari FF, Gumpert Apollo, BMW M5, 599 GT0, Aston Martin ONE-77 and many more and they all sound amazing. I also might add that this is the first game to nail the McLaren f1 engine sound, which is a big plus for me as it’s my favorite engine sound ever.

My winner is Forza because it feels better, sounds better, and has more cars that I want to drive. GT5 is a great game and if you only have a PS3 then you’re not going to be too disappointed, if you like racing games though, I would highly recommend getting a 360 and Forza 4

With the new 900 degrees patch the cars feel much harder to control and there is now no assist when on simulation mode. The physics feel better now as well.

I don't want this thread to be closed down so please listen to the moderators and stay on topic, this thread is for discussing Forza 4 vs GT5 not internet trolls and people with stupid opinions. My advice is don't reply to stupid comments
I'm a bit confused about the wording for the GT5 XL Edition.

It wouldn't be GT if they didn't use ambiguous wording for their advertising ;). Remember the huge discussions prior to release where people swore that all cars would have a cockpit view?


How I'm reading the XL Edition, at least going off the NewEgg bullet points, is that all the current DLC is included, and the voucher covers 25 cars and 4 tracks not already seen. I'll admit that has me very, very curious, but I'll be sitting tight until I know for sure what the upcoming DLC all consists of. I bought the $100 CE on release day, and I'm sure in marketing-speak, that got me "5 brand new cars" in the form of the Chromelines.
It wouldn't be GT if they didn't use ambiguous wording for their advertising ;). Remember the huge discussions prior to release where people swore that all cars would have a cockpit view?
Yeah, I was part of that debate... At one point, I even claimed that their wording implied that standard cars would indeed have cockpit view but would just miss out on modelled engines and such. Didn't last long, that state of mind :lol:
I'm not entirely sure, Spaghetti, but I can't find anything that would lead me to suggest that there were any tracks included in the LCE, so I'd assume that you're right. That should indicate that there's track DLC coming.

Good find 👍

And enjoy the CSRE, it's awesome :D

Dunno, I still am of the opinion that buying a console for a single game is a hard pill to swallow, even if it is a very, very good game... On the other hand, a Fanatec can be used with a PS3, too, so that wouldn't be that much of an issue.

But there might be a few exclusives on the Xbox that might be worth playing, too, which would make the purchase all the more worthwhile.

I was that way as well, until they released the kinect. Then I bought it for the Kinect, and Forza/Halo/GOW/etc. were all a bonus. :)

Yeah, I was part of that debate... At one point, I even claimed that their wording implied that standard cars would indeed have cockpit view but would just miss out on modelled engines and such. Didn't last long, that state of mind :lol:

I was too, lol. :yuck: Horrible memories, no one could just discuss it like adults, everyone on both sides of the fence were ugly to each other over that.
Hey i have a question. Did GT5 ever fix the jaggies that appear around the car if you smoke up the tires? I stopped playing before Spec2.0 was out.
Hey i have a question. Did GT5 ever fix the jaggies that appear around the car if you smoke up the tires? I stopped playing before Spec2.0 was out.

There is no pixelation of the tyres...its just the vehicles however it has definitely been replays its pretty much gone.
There is no pixelation of the tyres...its just the vehicles however it has definitely been replays its pretty much gone.

I wasnt talking about the tires. I was talking about when you smoke your tires, is there pixelation around the car say if your looking backwards when your on the outside view. Thats good to hear if its gone. That really annoyed me in photomode.
I wasnt talking about the tires. I was talking about when you smoke your tires, is there pixelation around the car say if your looking backwards when your on the outside view. Thats good to hear if its gone. That really annoyed me in photomode.

Still one of my biggest qualms with the game. I hate the pixelation from the smoke. They improved the way it looked from GT5p to GT5, but then the pixelation appeared.
That isn't gone. It is, however, smoothed out once the photo is done being processed.


The second vid is by one of the best drifters in GT5 and yes he is Japanese.
As you said there is some pixelation but it is better and the amount of smoke in that second vid in my opinion is just crazy. I dont know how he got so much smoke. :drool:
The smoke is a bit exaggerated but it's still better than not having enough (FM4) imo.

When it comes down to it, I still prefer Forza 4's. GT5 once again took a quantity over quality approach, and the results were smoke effects that look ugly to the point of being very distracting, and it effects performance. FM4s smoke effects still look pretty good.
Even after all the updates, I still can't get into GT5. The frame rate and tearing is really distracting...and the standard vs. premium cars. *raises fist*
Even after all the updates, I still can't get into GT5. The frame rate and tearing is really distracting...and the standard vs. premium cars. *raises fist*

I experience next to zero frame drops or tearing. The occasional framedrop in heavy traffic, but almost no screen tearing. What are you doing when you tend to experience it the most?
I experience next to zero frame drops or tearing. The occasional framedrop in heavy traffic, but almost no screen tearing. What are you doing when you tend to experience it the most?
Try a race on SSR7 with weather.
I experience next to zero frame drops or tearing. The occasional framedrop in heavy traffic, but almost no screen tearing. What are you doing when you tend to experience it the most?

It would be happening, you simply aren't noticing it.

Once you do though...

What has been seen, cannot be unseen.
It would be happening, you simply aren't noticing it.

Once you do though...

What has been seen, cannot be unseen.

No, it happens to the wiper blades in cockpit view. That was the only real screen tearing I have ever seen. I hate all cockpit views, no matter what game it is. It's far to limiting, and distracting. I can see far more from the inside of a real car than I ever will be able to from a cockpit view in a game. I play bumper cam pretty much exclusively (both Forza and GT). So no, I have not noticed any screen tearing, and no, it isn't happening (to me, in bumper cam :)).

Try a race on SSR7 with weather.

Don't let the screen tearing % fool you. There is definitely some screen tearing going on in the cockpit view, but there is next to none actually going on int the bumper cam. Yet the whole time it is saying the tearing is 65% to 89% I'm sorry, but if that was really true, the screen would be nothing but a blur of fractured lines. Plus it was also saying there was less screen tearing in the cockpit view.
There's a crapload of screen tearing in GT5, even if it seems to have been slightly improved with all the patches. If you can't see it, then good for you. But don't expect to be taken seriously by pixelcounters then. Tearing is present and definitely noticeable.
I experience next to zero frame drops or tearing. The occasional framedrop in heavy traffic, but almost no screen tearing. What are you doing when you tend to experience it the most?

I haven't played GT5 with the 2.2 patch so I don't know if any improvements were made concerning this.
Somehow I doubt it.

The screen tearing is not that noticeable to me either, but the frame rate drops and skips I had at least once or twice in most races was.

However, I still consider these the least of my issues with the game.