Forza 4 VS GT5 (read the first post before you contribute)

  • Thread starter hennessey86
Yeah I was just going to say, you should not take things on the internet seriously....this is an obvious troll.

Really? someone who is intent on flaming something and hoping to gain some attention form it, good or bad....thats a troll is it??

Hmmmmm interesting......

So in his case this obese person with clear learning difficulties slamming Forza and and loudly proclaiming how fantaistic Gt5 is to whoever will a troll??

hmmmmmm very interesting..... he sounds alot like some people i've come across...

jus sayin.
And with yet another thinly-veiled remark this thread gets a timeout.

If you're wondering to yourself why it's being temporarily locked, I'd suggest looking over the last page or so.
With the re-opening of this thread I want to make a few things clear:

  • Opinion is not fact no matter how hard you attempt to force it upon others, so don't present it as such.
  • Argue the point being made and DO NOT attack the individual.
  • The term "Fanboy" (as well as any and every variation thereof) is hereby banned.
  • Referring to, or accusing anyone of being a "Troll" for whatever reason is also banned.
  • When you present a disputable claim back it up with sources - by failing to do so you acknowledge that you will be requested to provide such proof, and any further neglect will see your post(s) being deleted with no further questions asked.
  • This is a discussion thread not a picture/video free-for-all gallery, so don't post such content without sufficient reasoning or any reasonable form of meaningful comment.

There's also the obvious compliance of the AUP. Any posts found to be violating the AUP will see action taken by the staff.

I would love to be able to get a Xbox, a CRS and FM4 because from what I can gather (biased opinions aside) FM4 is a better GAME all around.

But the way the thread as been going it isnt all that much diferent from the biased threads in GT planet... and the vid showing that GT5 fan guy has nothing good to add to the discution so...

I dont think its a good comparison... because it only shows track modeling... wich is a small part of the games... but the fact is that from what I can gather from the vids on the internet, track modeling is more acurate in GT5 so are most of the premium cars...

I would like only for people to aknowledge that or proove me wrong so that I can tell if Im being missinformed and reading another fan made typical thread that will add nothing to my decision to save all that money and buy another sytem, another wheel and another game or if I can trust the unbiased discution that might take place in the thread.

Unfortunatly I have to rely on your opinions when it comes to FM4 (because I dont have the game and never played it)... and from the way the thread was going I cant tell the diference from that guy in the vid and some of the guys posting in this thread and I would really like to know more about the unbiased impressions and diferences between the two games...

Just to explain the video I posted.
I would love to be able to get a Xbox, a CRS and FM4 because from what I can gather (biased opinions aside) FM4 is a better GAME all around.

But the way the thread as been going it isnt all that much diferent from the biased threads in GT planet... and the vid showing that GT5 fan guy has nothing good to add to the discution so...

I dont think its a good comparison... because it only shows track modeling... wich is a small part of the games... but the fact is that from what I can gather from the vids on the internet, track modeling is more acurate in GT5 so are most of the premium cars...

I would like only for people to aknowledge that or proove me wrong so that I can tell if Im being missinformed and reading another fan made typical thread that will add nothing to my decision to save all that money and buy another sytem, another wheel and another game or if I can trust the unbiased discution that might take place in the thread.

Unfortunatly I have to rely on your opinions when it comes to FM4 (because I dont have the game and never played it)... and from the way the thread was going I cant tell the diference from that guy in the vid and some of the guys posting in this thread and I would really like to know more about the unbiased impressions and diferences between the two games...

Just to explain the video I posted.

GT5 at it's best looks a little better than FM4 but at it's worst looks much much worse. The tracks are a mixed bag some in GT5 are superior both in terms of modelling and how they look, however, the same can be said of some of FM4's tracks. I prefer Fm4's track selection as it has more 'real' tracks and that's what floats my boat. The handling models are both very good in my opinion Fm really stepped upto the plate this time around. GT also gives a very good feel but the more that you play it and read about those who have done in depth testing you realise that there are some pretty strange things going on with GT5 particularly in the tyre department. I prefer FM4's model at this point.

Where FM4 shines for me is, it's just a better game. It's more complete and polished, the community and customisation aspects of the game really are very well done and if you get into an FM community of guys who regularly race it really is a fantastic experience.

That's my tuppences worth. At it's best GT5 is a sublime experience with my triple screen setup but I would say that FM4 gives me more enjoyment. You owe it to yourself to own both games. If not you are missing out one way or the other.
Wrong again, official Forza 4 forum has more abuse and grief levelled at Turn 10 and Dan Greenwalt than any at PD or Kaz.

Its not as bad as it was back in Forza 3.
So instead of blindly stating how great Forza is the community actually helps shape the game to be better!!

learn from it...

This, this and this to the third degree. In general this is totally correct and my biggest peeve with the GT5 forum participants on a whole. It's the reason , I believe, why Forza 4 is where it is now and why GT5 is scrambling to get there. When I read the GT5 forums all I see is people with their foreheads surgically attached to PD's bellybutton.

With Forza's website I'm seeing praise, because they have done some very praise worthy things with the game YET you still see threads of criticisms.

I call it the Madden effect. No matter how poor a simulation Madden is people still ride it like it's the last train leaving town. Turn10 is more like the NBA 2K effect. They listen, they may make a decision according to their vision that they think may work but if, no, WHEN the fans make enough noise they'll turn around in the next one to fix it if they can't fix it in a patch.

All of the above is also far more accurately effected by weight transfer itself and such the combination of the two means you get a realistically progressive build and loss of grip from all four of the tyre. GT5 goes from grip to nothing in a heartbeat, and to be blunt that's not how the vast majority of tyres, particularly road legal tyres, react at all.

This , this and some more of this. And this is what I feel is what the typical GT5 user perceives as "realistic physics" and from the beginning I just had my doubts about this being anywhere near real and goes back to what I've said years ago. "Hard does not mean real". I've never ripped a car around a track anywhere but what I do know is that the few times I've irresponsibly took a car to speed (never in traffic mind you) and took some crazy turns I've never felt anything like this. If the physics in GT5 were applicable to real life death rates in automobile accidents would probably triple. I know I'd wreck MANY a car if this was the case.
@ Tribolik

Since the steering assist has been fixed sim steering physics is very similar to GT5 imo. Both games have certain little things they do better than the other in that respect.

My favorite aspect of GT5 is the day night transitions. They are untouchable and absolutely gorgeous. Especially La Sarthe. I love driving by the pits when the sun is just starting to rise and you see all the lights still on in the pit area. Makes me feel like it's time for an early morning coffee even when it's not really morning.

A couple more big pluses for me in FM4 is not having the drop off of standard cars, better car sounds; whether it's exaggerated or not (which I don't find it to be) it's still better than GT5, the car customization abilities such as body parts and the livery editor, the overall car list (FM4 may have less cars but it's a MUCH better collection imo), DLC with the latest cars keeps the game new and fresh, and the clutch is an actual clutch in FM4 and not a button like it is in GT5. Having a clutch pedal and H pattern in GT5 is a total waste imo. This is huge for me and one of the main reasons I don't play GT5 much anymore.

The question you have to ask yourself is how much do I really like the stuff in that last paragraph and is it worth buying a system, wheel and game for it.

You could probably go the cheap route and get a refurbished system for like $100. Then get a CSR (sell your PS3 wheel since the CSR works with the PS3) and buy a copy of FM4.
This, this and this to the third degree. In general this is totally correct and my biggest peeve with the GT5 forum participants on a whole. It's the reason , I believe, why Forza 4 is where it is now and why GT5 is scrambling to get there. When I read the GT5 forums all I see is people with their foreheads surgically attached to PD's bellybutton.

With Forza's website I'm seeing praise, because they have done some very praise worthy things with the game YET you still see threads of criticisms.

I call it the Madden effect. No matter how poor a simulation Madden is people still ride it like it's the last train leaving town. Turn10 is more like the NBA 2K effect. They listen, they may make a decision according to their vision that they think may work but if, no, WHEN the fans make enough noise they'll turn around in the next one to fix it if they can't fix it in a patch.


Took me two seconds to find those. If you read through them 70% of the posts are constructive, and useful. 30% are dribble sprouting from those who seem to worship GT. They know there are issues, and they want them fixed. I have seen your posts over there though, and I have only ever seen you reply to the most outspoken, in a very outspoken way yourself. Just because you ignore the constructive posts, doesn't mean they aren't there. Also, on a forum of over 200,000 members, you are going to get fanatics. They are also the ones who will spend the MOST time on forums.

Another thing. At any GT related thread tends to get deleted, and the user banned almost immediately. Why? Because if it doesn't the users over there will flood the thread with hate, bigotry, and flaming. Just like at GTPlanet when it comes to Forza threads. I have seen it happen numerous times over there. Just like on GTPlanet.
PzR Slim & zr1chris thanks for your objective and unbiased opinions 👍 its nice to see the thread back on track and Ill be reading it again ;)
This , this and some more of this. And this is what I feel is what the typical GT5 user perceives as "realistic physics" and from the beginning I just had my doubts about this being anywhere near real and goes back to what I've said years ago. "Hard does not mean real". I've never ripped a car around a track anywhere but what I do know is that the few times I've irresponsibly took a car to speed (never in traffic mind you) and took some crazy turns I've never felt anything like this. If the physics in GT5 were applicable to real life death rates in automobile accidents would probably triple. I know I'd wreck MANY a car if this was the case.

Sadly, people seem to think harder = more realistic.

Some times it's quite obvious that some people supporting GT5s physics have never even been behind the wheel of a car before yet they act as some sort of authority on physics and realism. Of course they than try to act as though they've been driving for 30 years and go on track days every other weekend.
I treat like I treat Sony's official GT forum (and to some extent gtp in general but not as a whole). I just lurk at most and tend not to post much, if it all. Heavy bias is what moves me away from them. I play both franchises, enjoy both franchises, and have love/hate relationship with both. Currently GT5 I still play albeit I'm still not happy with the outcome even after all the patches because it was released a buggy mess after all these years and still has issues to this day. I don't think FM4 is perfect by any means but for me it's simply the better, more consistent, more fun game. Biased sites like those mentioned will get you flame baited into arguments, labeled as a fanboy or troll, get your posts edited/deleted and you can even get banned by simply asking legitimate questions. And you can't debate things with folks who have little to no experience with the competition. As a multiplatform gamer I win at the end of the day. I play both, enjoy both, and recognize the pros and cons of both, Single platform owning/single franchise playing 'gamers' tend to spin and deflect any con and bash the competition for no reason whatsoever. It's sad, but I'm in full agreement.. if a game was released horribly and was a multiplatform title it would be thrashed to bits. Since there's so many 'fans', their defense actually hurts the franchise more than it helps. When the developer hears the cries, they go back and try to fix the issues. When they only get praise and worship, they tend not to think there's much wrong with their game. I just wish that some of the most faithful of either franchise would acknowledge the faults and speak out about them rather than worship and praise every little nuance of said game.

It's why I point out the standard vs premium quality in GT5. I have said it many times that I think when all is right, with premiums and all, that GT5 is bar none the best looking racer ever, photorealistic even. But that can only be true for 20% of the content since the majority is the low rez ported stuff. If speaking of how great the visuals and features are, folks need to realize the lack of consistency in the game and the fact that the majority of the game isn't the premium level but rather the standard stuff. In Forza 4, things are a whole lot more consistent but the content, even if touched up and editted and tweaked, the bulk of it carried over. This is true for the majority of car models, the wheels, the tracks, the modding/tuning, etc. The game certainly plays differently (and much better than before) and sounds a whole lot better, looks a whole lot better, and the extra features and tweaks to existing features are great but it still doesn't hide the fact that the wheel selection is the same except for 3-5 new wheels (?) and that, including FM3 DLC as FM3 cars, we got only 90 new cars to the series (sans DLC). Forza 4 to me is still much better than GT5, but not by leaps and bounds better.
So, it would appear that the next GT5 DLC release will add another new track, based on what was said here; Kinda excited to see what it will be. I really wish Turn-10 would do the same and add more tracks. If Polyphony Digital can do it, then I really don't see why Turn-10 can't either. That continues to be GT5s biggest strength, is its track selection.

Sadly, people seem to think harder = more realistic.

Some times it's quite obvious that some people supporting GT5s physics have never even been behind the wheel of a car before yet they act as some sort of authority on physics and realism. Of course they than try to act as though they've been driving for 30 years and go on track days every other weekend.

You'll get this attitude with pretty much any racing sim. The racing sim community tends to have their one favorite, they'll play everything else, but will always lean a very heavy bias towards one sim and insist on that sim being the most realistic.
Another thing. At any GT related thread tends to get deleted, and the user banned almost immediately.

I agree with the first part but not the second.
At least over on FM net they discuss leaderboard wipes, Badneds upcoming car speculations, Wheels, pads, physics etc.

I'm almost sure when Jordan created this site it was to avoid the GT vs F4 stuff that was happening all over the place. It maybe he hoped it would.

Must be a crying shame to come in here and find a thread with over 1000 replys about the same crap.

Carry on.

Just my opinion. I just wish all Forza GT stuff would die out. It just stiffles any creative stuff.
This forum just needs more users is all. So long as Forzaplanet doesn't get a flood of threads that have nothing to do with playing Forza (which is a huge problem with the GT5 forum on GTP, but the mods seem okay with it) then I am fine with the way things are. I would rather have a handful of good threads, which I feel we got right now, then what GTP has, which is way to much white noise and very little useful content.
I wonder what the new GT5 DLC will be. Would love another real world track like Bathurst, Lime Rock, Hockenheim, crap there's so many! And the cars I'd like all new cars. Not racemods of existing cars, not tweaks to an existing fictional car, not another variant of another car... stuff like the E30 M3... make it happen PD! Premium E30 M3 = super happy cuco!!!
For some reason I see another GT-R being in the mix :boggled:
Forza has loads, thats life, its only a game at the end of the day, at least Turn 10 tried their best..(or at least make it look like they did)..PD on other hand....800 last gen ported over cars from GT4?????


I have to admit, I don't like when people call PD and T10 lazy, it's clear that a lot of effort went into both games. The 800 standards IMO is clearly bad decision making and bad advertising in the eyes of some circles. Honestly, I can see why they added them but feel they also do the game as much harm as good.

PD have implemented Day/night cycles with weather (for some tracks) and 3D (probably at the sole will of sony) with almost 200 (some duplicates) extremely high quality cars. To combine all those features into console title (something they were also the first to accomplish) is no easy feat and with such a small team too. So really I don't think it's fair to call them lazy.

I do think it's fair to say, what the heck were they thinking?
Scrap the 800 standards for 50 more premiums. Numbers are not everything.. except for bettering the competition on paper

Get a bigger team for gods sake. The reported budget for GT5 was huge where I honestly can't see where the cash went. the current car list and bunch of re-hashed tracks and weather cycles cost that much? Sorry. I can't believe that. It must include GT5P and all the post release patches, Kaz's race career and GT academy.

Get a decent project manager and stop messing around with all the side projects. You are a games developer. Nissan could hire anybody to design digital displays it's not rocket science
One of the latest from our YouTube friend (Dec. 2, 2011)


"I am the schlong of the messiah" LOL!

I watched a few of this guys videos and could not beleive what I was watching, so I decided to my first ever Youtube video of myself with a response. No language warning required!

Did great. Should have left the fat American comment out though. You were doing good and that comment spoiled it.

How do I find these vids on you tube?
I can only access them in this thread.
I guess it all comes down to why you play these games. We see people comparing photomode details, track details, producers philosophy and methods, even Kaz and Greenawalt's personalities!

For me, it all comes down to immersion. What combination of physic engine, tuning options, graphics and sounds immerses me the most in that racing atmosphere, what reminds me the most of my real life trackdays.

We all know that no sim will ever recreate all of what makes driving a real car so exilarating but both games are doing a very good job in different ways.

For me right now the one that ''fools my brain into thinking I'm at the track'' the best is Forza Motorsport 4.
I watched a few of this guys videos and could not beleive what I was watching, so I decided to my first ever Youtube video of myself with a response. No language warning required!

The guy is obviously almost retarded and I dont think being American has anything to do with it (I believe FM4 is an American game isnt it?)

I wouldnt waste any time answering his videos or posting videos of him here (at least in this section... maybe in the funny videos section if there is such a thing here)
This thread is, once again, walking a fine line; I do not appreciate being ignored.

Keep it on topic and stop talking about another person's opinions on a game (regardless of how uninformed it may be) or the thread will be locked again. Permanently.

To recap:

- Discussing relative points paramount to Forza and GT is what this thread is about.
- Discussing points irrelevant to both Forza and GT (as noted above, discussing the merit's of what is quite frankly, a flame-bait Youtube video is not paramount to the discussion at hand in any matter, shape, or form) and insulting the individual on top of it is not what this thread is about.

I won't repeat myself again.
Did great. Should have left the fat American comment out though. You were doing good and that comment spoiled it.

How do I find these vids on you tube?
I can only access them in this thread.

Meh. Although a stereotype, it's true most of the time, and I'm American.

To actually contribute to the thread, I find myself getting kind of bored with GT5. I still turn it on almost every day because I love driving/racing, but really, shuffle races/ the occasional clean race are pretty much the only things keeping me playing this much. I can only drive the Nurb, drive my self created mountain roads, and go on cruises online for so long. I enjoy doing those things very much, but it's starting to get a bit stale. I'm at a point in the career mode where It'll take some time to commit just to do the championship, so I've pretty much abandoned it, and I DO NOT want to do B-Spec.

I find myself having the urge to go out and buy a 360 + a Fanatec + Forza a lot. Many things seem more interesting fun about about it; The car selection, the sound (BIG ONE), the career. The only thing stopping me is that I would be blowing ~$500 just to play one game, when I already have something similar.
this is sinking to new lows.

Entertaining none the less though eh?

And I am sure T10 will release a map pack or two for FM4. I can't remember but I want to say they released 2 for FM3... Correct me if I am wrong.

Urban tracks are definitely at the top of my list; a change of scenery is always nice. Plus it makes for great photos.

The urban tracks in GT5 are great. I used to love doing drags down the tunnel at SS7 at night. Memories...
Only 1 track was added to FM3 and that was the Nurburgring GP circuit.

And it's a hard choice between a good street circuit and a legendary track like Bathurst or Spa.
According to the XL edition the next dlc pack for GT5 will have two tracks and up to 6 cars I reckon because the wording is slightly ambiguous. One car might be the Nissan Juke R as during the "making of" videos for the car one of the engineers can be seen playing GT5 several times so I am guessing it will be there.
I am pretty sure one track will be the test course and second I hope is Pikes Peak which PD have been developing.

Below: It cannot be counting the Kart Space because it says 4 new tracks (tracks not variations). If you count all the variations of kart space and Spa you will have six so be that either.
Did great. Should have left the fat American comment out though. You were doing good and that comment spoiled it.

How do I find these vids on you tube?
I can only access them in this thread.

^ Agreed! What does being American have to do with it????

I have never seen a European post any videos like the one this guy posts. Yor right though should probably have left it out, got a bit carried away. Sorry if it caused offence. (edited that end bit out)

I think the XL edition is possibly counting the space kart tracks as well. But I am not so sure. Forza will no doubt see some kind of track DLC this year I'm sure.