Forza Horizon 2 General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Frizbe
Welp, E3 was a bust for me. Other than a definitive (and rather disappointing) car count, I didn't learn anything new. I can't even enjoy the new trailer because it probably doesn't represent what I'm going to get. The 360 version
The trailer also reminded me of NFS Rivals. The way everything has rain on it. Is that the new "thing" in racing games or what?
Think they want to show off their game's USP...

Hopefully weather actually has an affect on car handling, unlike in the aforementioned NFS.
Another thing was how they were opening the cars' doors in the rain while driving. :lol: But I'm glad that you can open them.
200 cars? That's actually impressive when you consider the fact that a lot of them are straight up new to the series and been reintroduced to 5 via DLC. So, yeah, its fairly small, but still a great number given 5's car count.
200 cars? That's actually impressive when you consider the fact that a lot of them are straight up new to the series and been reintroduced to 5 via DLC. So, yeah, its fairly small, but still a great number given 5's car count.
On the other hand its a bit disappointing when you consider Forza 4 has almost 700 cars.

I am sure the first Horizon will be the free game of the month in the near future and maybe after that I will get more excited about Horizon 2. It is looking way better than Horizon 1 especially with the weather and the open map. So I will just keep an eye on it and see how I feel by the time the game releases. Hopefully they release a nice demo for it. I will at least rent the 360 version for sure.
Well this has now become a definite buy for me. The trailer looked absolutely awesome!
Trailer plunged my level of hype for it.

Souther Europe doesn't limit itself to Monaco, the trailer didn't showed the variety that Horizon 1 had, neither was it a gameplay showcase and that just tells me how limited the game might be.

Even if I'm dying for an open world game set in Souther France/Nothern Italy, Horizon 2 seem lacking, I loved FH1 and this just seems to giving stabs at The Crew and DriveClub, not to mention that DC looks better and The Crew looks more complete and expansive.

Guess I'm not missing much this time around, but a solid rental for 360.
Hoping for loyalty Rewards. Since FH2 one the One will be using the FM5 engine, those guys should get exclusive loyalty cars from FM5 and ditto for the 360 version, since its using the original FH engine. Give a reason for the game to exist on both platforms.
On the other hand its a bit disappointing when you consider Forza 4 has almost 700 cars.

True, but considering they're all 'rebuilt' and Forza 5 (a circuit racing game with less going on at once) had the vague 'hundreds of cars' at launch, its still pretty cool to see that many and more in an open world game.

Unless you're talking about the 360 version, at which point I'd say the reason is down to disc space. Who knows, we'll have to wait and see.
Just watched the Horizon 2 trailer. Thing that stood out to me most? The sound of that R34. Daaaammmmn.