Satin Jet Black (Aston Martin)
Paint Material: Two-Tone Matte
- Base Color: 0.00L, 0.00L, 0.10R
- Highlight: 0.00L, 0.00L, 0.14R
Q by Aston Martin
Amber Fire (Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep)
Paint Material: Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.05L, 0.76L, 0.71R
- Flake Color: 0.07L, 0.69R, 0.95R
Bright Platinum (Chrysler, Dodge, Eagle, Jeep, Plymouth)
Paint Material: Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.11R, 0.02R, 0.57L
- Flake Color: 0.92R, 0.01L, 0.67R
Bright Silver (Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep)
Paint Material: Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.62L, 0.07R, 0.67L
- Flake Color: 0.67L, 0.05L, 0.82R
Light Pewter (Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep)
Paint Material: Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.28L, 0.02L, 0.60R
- Flake Color: 0.63L, 0.02R, 0.76R
Light Tarnished Silver Metallic (Buick)
Paint Material: Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.22R, 0.02L, 0.52R
- Flake Color: 0.12R, 0.03L, 0.77R
Buick's Light Tarnished Silver was called Light Platinum by Cadillac, Machine Silver by Chevrolet, and Silver Pearl by Saturn. Chevrolet, General Motors, GMC, and Pontiac also used the name Light Tarnished Silver.
Hmm ok. How about these colors then.
Metallic Pink (Chevrolet)
Paint Material: Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.89R, 0.51R, 0.71L
- Flake Color: 0.92R, 0.47L, 0.89L
Nassau Blue (Chevrolet)
Paint Material: Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.58L, 0.85R, 0.80L
- Flake Color: 0.57R, 0.70L, 0.95R
Chevrolet's Nassau Blue was called Bright Blue by General Motors.
Pace Blue (Chevrolet, General Motors, GMC, Pontiac)
Paint Material: Normal (Gloss)
- Paint Color: 0.58L, 0.94R, 0.70R
Traverse Blue (Chevrolet, General Motors, Pontiac, Saturn)
Paint Material: Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.54L, 0.57R, 0.32R
- Flake Color: 0.53L, 0.39R, 0.39L
Yosemite (Chevrolet, General Motors, Pontiac)
Paint Material: Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.03L, 0.22R, 0.27R
- Flake Color: 0.67R, 0.02L, 0.39R
Hmm ok. How about these colors then.
Oro Metallico (Fiat)
Paint Material: Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.13R, 0.31L, 0.70L
- Flake Color: 0.14L, 0.27R, 0.88R
Cobalt Blue (Porsche)
Paint Material: Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.60L, 0.89L, 0.56R
- Flake Color: 0.58R, 0.85R, 0.76L
Petrolblau Metallic (Porsche)
Paint Material: Metal Flake
- Base Color: 0.53L, 0.97R, 0.63R
- Flake Color: 0.52R, 0.98L, 0.68R
Bright Green (Toyota)
Paint Material: Normal (Gloss)
- Paint Color: 0.31L, 0.84R, 0.72L
About a month ago, I saw a Prius in the parking lot at work painted this exact shade of green. Upon seeing it, I knew it would be a color I had to recreate. When I got home from work that night, I did a little research, trying to find out what Toyota called this color. I found several images of Prii (the plural of Prius) painted this color, but I needed a name. No paint reference website listed a green color like this for the 2010 Prius, even though there were several images that showed the color on that car. I posted here, asking if @MadaraxUchiha or anyone else could find the name or some information about the color. They only thing I got in response was a suggestion by @MadaraxUchiha that it might be Fresh Green. That was definitely a possibility, but there were a couple problems. First of all, there were only two LFAs painted Fresh Green, and these were both in 2012, two years newer than the Prius I saw. Second of all, even if Toyota did uses Lexus' Fresh Green, why is it not documented anywhere? I compared Fresh Green to this mystery Prius color, and, going off my memory of the color as it appeared in the parking lot at my work and the few images there are on Google, Fresh Green seems to be a slightly different green that this color. I decided this color should be included here, as it is a genuine (albeit rare) Toyota color. I just called it Bright Green, but on the off chance someone can find the actual name of the color, I will change it. If it is indeed Fresh Green, I will remove this color from the thread and the public spreadsheet, as @MadaraxUchiha did that Lexus color at least 2-3 months ago.