@JaCor653 It's just something I noticed every time I would try it that way lol So, I have 96 Nissan colors on the way so I'm going to share another 48 now and the last 48 later

@AdAmm26 The color you're thinking of is
Bayside Blue, since Nissan brought it back for the Anniversary Edition, and it's already on the chart
Dark Blue Pearl (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.63 L, 0.80 R, 0.14 L
- Flake: 0.60 L, 0.89 R, 0.72 L
Dark Copper Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.02 L, 0.85 R, 0.27 L
- Flake: 0.02 L, 0.72 R, 0.86 L
Dark Slate (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.41 L, 0.05 R, 0.15 L
- Flake: 0.58 L, 0.18 R, 0.66 L
Deep Purple Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.83 L, 0.40 R, 0.04 L
- Flake: 0.88 L, 0.46 R, 0.40 L
Deep Water Blue Pearl (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.54 L, 0.47 R, 0.13 L
- Flake: 0.52 L, 0.38 R, 0.68 L
Desert Gold Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.08 L, 0.48 R, 0.33 L
- Flake: 0.16 L, 0.03 R, 0.96 L
Diamond Black Pearl (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.16 L, 0.29 R, 0.03 L
- Flake: 0.60 L, 0.10 R, 0.20 L
Electric Blue (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.60 L, 0.72 R, 0.25 L
- Flake: 0.53 L, 0.52 R, 0.93 L
Emotion Red (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.00 L, 0.92 R, 0.34 L
- Flake: 0.00 L, 0.70 R, 0.88 L
Flame Red (Nissan)
Paint Type: Normal (Gloss)
- Paint Color: 1.00 L, 0.90 R, 0.56 L
Forged Bronze (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.05 L, 0.29 R, 0.12 L
- Flake: 0.05 L, 0.23 R, 0.50 L
Frosted Steel Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.57 L, 0.21 R, 0.42 L
- Flake: 0.16 L, 0.00 R, 0.97 L
Galaxy Black (Nissan)
Paint Type: Normal (Gloss)
- Paint Color: 0.00 L, 0.00 R, 0.05 L
Galaxy Black Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.00 L, 0.00 R, 0.02 L
- Flake: 0.57 L, 0.23 R, 0.30 L
Garnet Fire Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.00 L, 0.91 R, 0.30 L
- Flake: 0.01 L, 0.86 R, 0.87 L
Giverny Green Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.49 L, 0.51 R, 0.17 L
- Flake: 0.25 L, 0.30 R, 0.65 L
Golden Sand Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.09 L, 0.29 R, 0.26 L
- Flake: 0.13 L, 0.05 R, 0.95 L
Gotham Gray Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.11 L, 0.06 R, 0.21 L
- Flake: 0.09 L, 0.03 R, 0.91 L
Graphite Blue (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.61 L, 0.29 R, 0.09 L
- Flake: 0.54 L, 0.23 R, 0.70 L
Greenish Gold Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.13 L, 0.53 R, 0.38 L
- Flake: 0.16 L, 0.15 R, 0.96 L
Green Emerald Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.50 L, 0.18 R, 0.09 L
- Flake: 0.31 L, 0.16 R, 0.62 L
Gypse Mica (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.61 L, 0.49 R, 0.22 L
- Flake: 0.10 L, 0.35 R, 0.57 L
Hibiscus Red (Nissan)
Paint Type: Normal (Gloss)
- Paint Color: 0.98 L, 1.00 R, 0.51 L
Hippo Gray Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.16 L, 0.03 R, 0.14 L
- Flake: 0.56 L, 0.22 R, 0.34 L
Hologram Gray Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.91 L, 0.08 R, 0.20 L
- Flake: 0.36 L, 0.07 R, 0.84 L
Iceberg Gray Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.55 L, 0.06 R, 0.38 L
- Flake: 0.16 L, 0.01 R, 0.95 L
Imperial Orange Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.06 L, 0.98 R, 0.39 L
- Flake: 0.08 L, 0.88 R, 0.97 L
Indigo Blue Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.58 L, 0.97 R, 0.13 L
- Flake: 0.57 L, 0.87 R, 0.80 L
Iridium Graphite Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.02 L, 0.19 W, 0.05 L
- Flake: 0.03 L, 0.08 R, 0.79 L
Ivory White (Nissan)
Paint Type: Normal (Gloss)
- Paint Color: 0.17 L, 0.07 R, 0.82 L
Jaded Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.41 L, 0.13 R, 0.18 L
- Flake: 0.28 L, 0.07 R, 0.87 L
Jumping White (Nissan)
Paint Type: Normal (Gloss)
- Paint Color: 0.27 L, 0.01 R, 0.91 L
King Blue (Nissan)
Paint Type: Normal (Gloss)
- Paint Color: 0.61 L, 0.63 R, 0.22 L
Kreta Blue (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.53 L, 0.98 R, 0.22 L
- Flake: 0.50 L, 0.63 R, 0.84 L
Krypton Green Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.48 L, 0.44 R, 0.07 L
- Flake: 0.24 L, 0.29 R, 0.42 L
Lazuli Blue (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.57 L, 0.82 R, 0.20 L
- Flake: 0.52 L, 0.89 R, 0.69 L
Lemon Green Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.15 L, 0.46 R, 0.44 L
- Flake: 0.16 L, 0.08 R, 0.97 L
Lemon Yellow (Nissan)
Paint Type: Normal (Gloss)
- Paint Color: 0.11 L, 0.79 R, 0.78 L
Liquid Platinum Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.41 L, 0.02 R, 0.41 L
- Flake: 0.00 L, 0.00 R, 0.97 L
Low Sheen Gray Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.66 L, 0.05 R, 0.16 L
- Flake: 0.11 L, 0.01 R, 0.89 L
Lunar Eclipse Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.61 L, 0.64 R, 0.05 L
- Flake: 0.58 L, 0.74 R, 0.45 L
Magnetic Black (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.66 L, 0.22 R, 0.04 L
- Flake: 0.50 L, 0.02 R, 0.18 L
Mahogany Pearl (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.01 L, 0.77 R, 0.14 L
- Flake: 0.01 L, 0.59 R, 0.62 L
Majestic Blue Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.59 L, 0.63 R, 0.07 L
- Flake: 0.57 L, 0.84 R, 0.48 L
Marine Green Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.48 L, 0.98 R, 0.17 L
- Flake: 0.45 L, 0.84 R, 0.65 L
Merlot Pearl (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.99 L, 0.81 R, 0.21 L
- Flake: 0.98 L, 0.68 R, 0.62 L
Metallic Jade (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.24 L, 0.14 R, 0.25 L
- Flake: 0.16 L, 0.05 R, 0.93 L
Metal Fish Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.58 L, 0.24 R, 0.24 L
- Flake: 0.55 L, 0.13 R, 0.87 L
Midnight Black Metallic (Nissan)
Paint Type: Metal Flake
- Base: 0.00 L, 0.06 R, 0.07 L
- Flake: 0.33 L, 0.03 R, 0.38 L