Forza Horizon 4: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
The best driving game I think will include TXR JDM lineup and the visual upgrade of ITC & NFS Payback (or NFS 2015).
Yes, I'm still a Genki fanboy :(

Those are my go to games for explaining the phenomenon of certain mediocre games being way way way more fun than they have any right to be.

There has never been a TXR game with even a 'decent' physics model. But the cars, the tracks, the customization and I think the fundamental race structure of bite-sized gameplay pieces, just worked in way that was fun and addictive.

Massively flawed, right down to its most fundamental core elements, but not nearly enough to have kept me from playing endless hours of TXR Zero/3/Drift/Drift2/ITC etc..
Why not adopt Forza Motorsport 4's PI system, but with some changes?

F: 100 - 200
E: 201 - 275
D: 276 - 325
C: 326 - 400
B: 401 - 500
A: 501 - 600
S: 601 - 700
S3: 701 - 800
S2: 801 - 850
S1: 851 - 900
R3: 901 - 950
R2: 950 - 975
R1: 975 - 999
X2: 1000 - 1025
X1: 1021 - 1050

Sure, there's 15 classes to keep track of, but I believe it would allow for more variety of builds and fairer balancing at the extreme ends of the performance spectrum. Even X999 cars vary wildly in performance despite having the "same" PI.

Think of it as a bell curve, with the middle B, A, and S classes having the highest PI ranges.

15 Classes is a bit overkill. I think 1 PI Class every 100 points from 200-1000 will work fine as long as the PI balancing is tweaked so the performance difference between 900 and 998 isn't as massive as it currently is in FH4. Motorsport 7 only has 2 more PI classes then FH4 but it manages to work much better. Also having 2 X-classes is redundant as X-class is meant to be unlimited, That is why performance varies so much despite the same PI rating of 999.
Wait a minute, I might be confusing us here. What I mean is the background image which is the same for each week until the next month. I think what you're referring to is the two icons of "this week" on the side, right?

Yes, I'm sorry I misunderstood you. I was referring to the 2 icons. I see what you mean about the background image, however. I just want that Corvette, badly :drool:, so as long as I get that I'm happy! :cheers:
Why can't the PI system just be the obvious suspects?

F - 001-100
E - 101-200
D - 201-300
C - 301-400
B - 401-500
A - 501-600 (modern sports/muscle)
S - 601-700 (supercars)
H(or S2) - 701-800 (hypercars)
R - 801-900 (high tuned/race cars)
X - 901-1000 (crazy stuff)

All that would need done is 80-90% of the cars would go to a lower class/rating.
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Dangit. The game just crashed on me while I was in the middle of a Forzathon Live event. Again. Seems like that's the only time the game crashes on me, too.
If you've equipped your character with the Carlton emote, I suggest you enjoy it while you can:

He's just suing Fortnite because it's the big global phenomenon and he thinks he can extract some quick settlement money out of it. It's been in a whole bunch of games over the years, including Destiny.

And even if it doesn't get dismissed or settled quickly, I doubt Ribeiro would even be found to "own" the dance somehow - Carlton was a character on a show, and that show's intellectual property rights are not owned by him, even if he improvised the actual dance.

It'd be like Matthew McConaughey trying to sue someone for his catchphrase "All right, all right, all right" in Dazed and Confused. He doesn't own it.

Two most likely outcomes: Epic cuts him a check to make it go away, or Epic says they will "vigorously defend themselves" etc., at which point the case probably just gets tossed by a judge.
Or we just get rid of emotes all together and the world will be a better place. I'm all for victory celebrations, but dabbing and doing the floss is just... dumb.

Or maybe I'm officially a grumpy old man, who knows.
Or we just get rid of emotes all together and the world will be a better place. I'm all for victory celebrations, but dabbing and doing the floss is just... dumb.

Or maybe I'm officially a grumpy old man, who knows.

I understand people who don't care about the emotes. Not so much the people who actively hate their inclusion.

At worst, I'm ambivalent. At best, they occasionally give me a chuckle depending on what the person's avatar is wearing along with it.

My favourite use of them, frankly, has been for the beauty spots. Watching my avatar furiously flossing on top of a waterfall in a chicken suit, in a long, wide camera shot, made me laugh pretty hard.
At worst, I'm ambivalent. At best, they occasionally give me a chuckle depending on what the person's avatar is wearing along with it.

My favourite use of them, frankly, has been for the beauty spots. Watching my avatar furiously flossing on top of a waterfall in a chicken suit, in a long, wide camera shot, made me laugh pretty hard.

Exactly. It gives the game a nice bit of humor.
The Koenigsegg Regera has it's Exhaust fixed
Has anyone else been getting the typical sound bug (sound not working for up to a minute or so, then all the sounds from said minute play back in like 2 seconds)?

Since Fortune Island I have been having that bug happen a lot, like, at least twice a session.
I’ve been trying to use oddball cars for the Needle Hill Climb Drift Zone and found the new Morris is actually pretty damn good. Managed 370k points with it in high A-class.

Yeah, that's what I have been doing! Tried the Morris, fully maxed it out and got a fairly high score with it, not as high as the Dodge Dart though...
Shame there's no V8 engine swap, that seems to be the way to go for drift cars, lots of low end torque. The '74 Civic is decent as well, if a little unstable.
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The Koenigsegg Regera has it's Exhaust fixed
View attachment 787323

Wait... They didn't have the Regera belching flames from the battery vent, did they? I can understand Ivory Tower doing such silly mistakes, but not them, come on. :lol:

Maybe the sound issues and such silly errors in the car models are due to them outsourcing much of the asset creation and management work to other studios? I am sure all the guys at T10 and PG are car guys who cringe at those mistakes, but can the same be said, with the same certainty, of the guys actually creating the 3d models, or doing QC? Maybe it's time they pull a reverse-PDI and start to bring back in-house some of those processes.
Here's a request: Bring the lightning and aurora from Fortune Island to the mainland in a patch, and just make it part of the regular random weather rotation.

The Northern Isles have much better conditions for northern lights than they do further south around Edinburgh. I live on pretty much the same latitude as Edinburgh and I have never seen the northern lights despite trying nearly every time chances are said to higher than usual. So I wouldn't get my hopes up for the main game, but thunderstorm I don't see why not. That said, please tone down the constant lightning a little...
Well, it seems PG has nerfed credit income through races by upping the max level, and influence requirement, of the race series from 20 to 25.

Before the expansion, you're basically guaranteed a race series level up by completing a Goliath sized race in whatever discipline and with it a Wheelspin. Now, the influence requirement at max level has almost doubled.
I wish they would improve the search functions though.

Another great example of how the UI really needs to be brought into the 4K era (or even the HD era), how does it make sense that you can get a grid of all the manufacturers in the autoshow and garage but in the auction house you're limited to... That? It needs to be redone so badly because the inconsistency is quite jarring.
In terms of search functions, and something I've been harping on since I started back into the Forza series full time with Horizon 3, is a completely overhaul, or rather, a return to the livery search functions from Forza 4/Horizon 1.

Why can we not search liveries via best rated / most download / T10/PG picks? Not only would it be much better for everyone else, where I can get a list of the truly good liveries and not just search for a livery based on a keyword for an idea that I have, but it'd also probably make painters happy that their paints can be found much easier, instead of just having a few peoples' liveries present on search functions, and the rest be derivative garbage / stock paint jobs and crap that only has one or two downloads?
In terms of search functions, and something I've been harping on since I started back into the Forza series full time with Horizon 3, is a completely overhaul, or rather, a return to the livery search functions from Forza 4/Horizon 1.

Why can we not search liveries via best rated / most download / T10/PG picks? Not only would it be much better for everyone else, where I can get a list of the truly good liveries and not just search for a livery based on a keyword for an idea that I have, but it'd also probably make painters happy that their paints can be found much easier, instead of just having a few peoples' liveries present on search functions, and the rest be derivative garbage / stock paint jobs and crap that only has one or two downloads?
I agree, but I have noticed a slight improvement with the latest patch. Now, search results are grouping themselves into favorite creators, T10 picks (I think, IIRC), and then general popularity. Before it was just popularity. The whole system should still be completely redone, but I guess baby steps...
Back to the topic of emotes...would it have been so much to have a 'Random' option?

Also the Starter Car A.I. bug is even worse now. Nearly full grid of 2017 Focuses (in an Anything Goes event). Really??
Back to the topic of emotes...would it have been so much to have a 'Random' option?
There are plenty of things that could use a Random Option. Would love a Random option for setting Season, Time of day, and Weather in a Blueprint so it will have different conditions every time without needing to create a new blueprint.