Forza Horizon 4: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
How's this for a first world problem: the game re-adjusts its graphics settings every couple of days on my PC. Stop getting in the way of my fun FFS. :grumpy:
My game keeps freezing on the menu screen inside any house or the main Horizon hub. It's happened three times in the last 24 hours.
Just bought cult car to do an event, but the event was to buy it I guess.

Anyway, somehow I was able to buy racing tires, but I forget how I was able to access those screens.

Would like to by racing tires for other cars if I can find that again.
Just bought cult car to do an event, but the event was to buy it I guess.

Anyway, somehow I was able to buy racing tires, but I forget how I was able to access those screens.

Would like to by racing tires for other cars if I can find that again.
You can upgrade your car in one of the homes you've bought or the main Horizon hub.
My game keeps freezing on the menu screen inside any house or the main Horizon hub. It's happened three times in the last 24 hours.
When mine does that I press the xbox menu button, most of the time it unfreezes, if not I go to the xbox home screen and back into FH4.
I might have had one time since release that that didn't work for me.
When mine does that I press the xbox menu button, most of the time it unfreezes, if not I go to the xbox home screen and back into FH4.
I might have had one time since release that that didn't work for me.
The home button hasn't worked for me. I quit the game and come back and it works again. Until the next time it doesn't.
You can upgrade your car in one of the homes you've bought or the main Horizon hub.
Not if you're seemingly incapable of navigating any menu.

The home button hasn't worked for me. I quit the game and come back and it works again. Until the next time it doesn't.
Seems like a lot of weird problems with this game that affect everyone differently. I don't think I've played many games like that before, it makes me wonder if it's a hiccup in the whole "xbox one/one s/one x" bit.
Just bought cult car to do an event, but the event was to buy it I guess.

Anyway, somehow I was able to buy racing tires, but I forget how I was able to access those screens.

Would like to by racing tires for other cars if I can find that again.
Um... what? Have you never customized a car yet? When you're at your home, you go to the second tab(in the middle) and go to customize and upgrade, and manual upgrade.
I cant tune a car as in tire pressure, gearing, etc, if you mean buying and adding tires and other modifications, no I havent yet.

I have bought many pre designed tunes which in some cases may include race tires, I assume, but not sure how to tell.

I will look at this later. tx

To add to my bad navigating I am using a wheel, half the time cant find the right button. for instance is there a way to pay or not to fast travel to an event so you dont have to drive to it?

Game not designed for wheels I finally was told by someone at the game website, have to turn wheel 60 degrees before wheels on car react. Crazy hard.
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If anyone can get the Twin Mill and they hate Hot Wheels, I have a prior engagement that is going to keep me from my XBone for a week. I'll gladly buy it from you once I am back. I guess hit my DMs if anyone wants to talk details.
I cant tune a car as in tire pressure, gearing, etc,
Yes you can. Search and find the icon that says "tuning".

To add to my bad navigating I am using a wheel, half the time cant find the right button. for instance is there a way to pay or not to fast travel to an event so you dont have to drive to it?
You can navigate the menus with a wheel just fine. Left right up and down. Paddle shifters slide the menu.

Game not designed for wheels I finally was told by someone at the game website, have to turn wheel 60 degrees before wheels on car react. Crazy hard.
Game not designed for last gen wheels.

I hate the fact they are trying to make people buy new multi-hundred dollar wheels for each console as much as anyone.
Old controllers don't work with new consoles, be it a wheel or other type, this is nothing new really.
I cant tune a car as in tire pressure, gearing, etc, if you mean buying and adding tires and other modifications, no I havent yet.

I have bought many pre designed tunes which in some cases may include race tires, I assume, but not sure how to tell.

I will look at this later. tx

Yea, you can buy parts for your currently selected car if you're in a house or the festival. The racing version of the parts unlock the tuning settings.

To add to my bad navigating I am using a wheel, half the time cant find the right button. for instance is there a way to pay or not to fast travel to an event so you dont have to drive to it?

Game not designed for wheels I finally was told by someone at the game website, have to turn wheel 60 degrees before wheels on car react. Crazy hard.
I had to adjust the deadzone settings in the advanced controller settings for my steam controller. You might have to do the same for your wheel.
I cant tune a car as in tire pressure, gearing, etc, if you mean buying and adding tires and other modifications, no I havent yet.

I have bought many pre designed tunes which in some cases may include race tires, I assume, but not sure how to tell.
I'm just shocked, especially considering you make it seem like you've beaten every single race so far. It's just interesting to know you haven't even found the customization menus yet lol. If you download tunes you are not allowed to alter them or else it defaults the actual tune that the person used like the gearing and suspension and what not. You wont be able to tell if it has race tires or not.
Played the British Racing Green story events, and the "38 mph" mission was quite challenging. If you hit 38 mph (69 km/h), you might as well hope for the best to get three stars.
By your own words, they chose to not take the risk.

Not taking risks and deliberately keeping a game from being as good as possible are very different things.

Also, if they are holding back from making it as good as possible, they sure are doing one hell of a job.
I mean, you might think somebody else could capitalize on that, and make that better game that FH is holding out on, but nope. Nobody's even close.

I guess they could go the GT route and deliver previous gen cars a year after release, and make a bunch...wait a minute...what exactly have they held back? In your opinion, of course.

They're not all that different really, they both end with the same result. It surely must have sounded like it, initially. But I never meant to imply that some shady men are sitting in an evil office saying "let's not give them what they want, mwahahaha." No one can come close because no one in the genre has the money, so they can get away with some grade-A milking.

To answer your question about what this conspiracy nut thinks they've held back, it's more small things that they've done minimally. Businesses/stories are sort of cheaply put together; houses are just an exterior; route creator controls the start point because it would cost too much to simply give us a small custom/placeable start gantry, among other things. If they improve any of these things in this game's life, I'm happy to be proven a psycho. But it's more likely to wind up in the next game.

I'm not saying they've done a bad job, what I haven't said is that the game is a good improvement. Just that I think they could have made the edges a bit better beyond the marketing.

I'd label it as 'asinine'

The King of dirt thanks you, sir... Thank you, sir. Nice contribution.
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Got it yesterday. I had more than 650 wheelspins before. Keep hope :P
I meant that I already have it, I just have no recollection of how I got it. Whenever I get an epic tier car I always try it out immediately, but the Fiesta just kinda... showed up somehow. I'm sure it wasn't there a couple days prior. Maybe it's haunted, I dunno. :scared:
Yes you can. Search and find the icon that says "tuning".

You can navigate the menus with a wheel just fine. Left right up and down. Paddle shifters slide the menu.

Game not designed for last gen wheels.

I hate the fact they are trying to make people buy new multi-hundred dollar wheels for each console as much as anyone.
Old controllers don't work with new consoles, be it a wheel or other type, this is nothing new really.
We might be talking different issues. I have a Logitech G27 with the Drivehub, so it works perfectly with Forza 7 and Horizon 2, but per the game maker Horizon 4 was NOT made with any wheel in mind. It works with the wheel but the best you can get it to work is with terrible play in the wheel.

That is what I was told and that all wheels have the same issue I have. If this is not true and there is a fix I would love to know what it is.

They are the ones who implied to me that the game was not designed to work with wheels. IT does work with the wheel but with this issue. If I adjust the rotation from 900 to 270 it drastically improves the problem but leaves the issue still of too much play in the wheel as to turning.

Yea, you can buy parts for your currently selected car if you're in a house or the festival. The racing version of the parts unlock the tuning settings.

I had to adjust the deadzone settings in the advanced controller settings for my steam controller. You might have to do the same for your wheel.
I reduced the turning issue by changing rotation from 900 to 270, the problem is I have to turn the wheel an eighth of a turn before the wheel on the car reacts, or about 45 degrees or a little less. Most of the deadzone settings seem to have little to do with it.
They're not all that different really, they both end with the same result. It surely must have sounded like it, initially. But I never meant to imply that some shady men are sitting in an evil office saying "let's not give them what they want, mwahahaha." No one can come close because no one in the genre has the money, so they can get away with some grade-A milking.

To answer your question about what this conspiracy nut thinks they've held back, it's more small things that they've done minimally. Businesses/stories are sort of cheaply put together; houses are just an exterior; route creator controls the start point because it would cost too much to simply give us a small custom/placeable start gantry, among other things. If they improve any of these things in this game's life, I'm happy to be proven a psycho. But it's more likely to wind up in the next game.

I'm not saying they've done a bad job, what I haven't said is that the game is a good improvement. Just that I think they could have made the edges a bit better beyond the marketing.
Well first you say nobody has the money to make a comparably great game, and then you say they didn't want to spend more money to make this game better.
If it's already super-expensive to make and they're skipping on spending even more money on things like route creators, they kinda have a solid defense for that, don't they? (As in, they're already spending a ton of money)

Also, I don't think a few house interiors would be very expensive, nor would a different route creator.
As for the stories and businesses, I'm not even sure it would be worth their while to make them "awesome". I'm certain I'm not the only player yawning and repeatedly pressing "A" like it might speed the yapping up.

You also neglected size and space.
Like how big can they make this game file exactly? It has to work on original xbox one's ya know.
I could be wrong, but I'm reasonably certain most people with a 500gb console don't want to use 20-30% of their available space for a single game. Especially if we include the millions of players that aren't diehards.
No they're not all running out to buy new consoles or external hard drives just because FH4 is oversized. Much more likely they just wouldn't buy it or would be angry customers.
I wouldn't even do that, and I am a diehard.

Personally I think they struck gold.
Between still performing well on old consoles, not being too gigantic of a file, having a gazillion features and the best graphics I've ever seen on a console, with almost as much content imaginable, this is, in my book, the single greatest car game ever made.

Both for it's time, and of course, ever.

P.S. I just want to throw out there that it wouldn't take that much money to make a rival game.
NFS kicked the bucket with bad decisions amd downright annoying driving physics, but theoretically with the right direction they could. Driveclub sounded promising before it got axed, the crew has potential, etc.
It's just that nobody's doing it nearly as well, primarily in the physics and fun categories.
I reduced the turning issue by changing rotation from 900 to 270, the problem is I have to turn the wheel an eighth of a turn before the wheel on the car reacts, or about 45 degrees or a little less. Most of the deadzone settings seem to have little to do with it.
Quick question. Have you changed your deadzones in the controller settings? Reason I'm asking is because if its more pronounced when you have your wheel set to a higher rotation, than it makes sense as that'll basically expand the deadzone. Where as the opposite would happen on a lower setting.

I don't know what button it is on the wheel, but on the pad when you go to "controller settings" in the options there should be a legend at the bottom of the screen that says something like "press X for advanced settings." Once in there make all outside deadzones 100 and all inside deadzones 0.

EDIT: I see that I'm blind and you already mention deadzones. However, that is exactly what it's sounding like. What are your current deadzone settings?
Quick question. Have you changed your deadzones in the controller settings? Reason I'm asking is because if its more pronounced when you have your wheel set to a higher rotation, than it makes sense as that'll basically expand the deadzone. Where as the opposite would happen on a lower setting.

I don't know what button it is on the wheel, but on the pad when you go to "controller settings" in the options there should be a legend at the bottom of the screen that says something like "press X for advanced settings." Once in there make all outside deadzones 100 and all inside deadzones 0.

EDIT: I see that I'm blind and you already mention deadzones. However, that is exactly what it's sounding like. What are your current deadzone settings?
I have tried many things with deadzones including this, makes almost no difference, the only thing is wheel rotation from 900 to 270. I will try again later when I am home but I did once before I think. I do know if I change rotation to 900 it wont work worth sheite. No matter the deadzones, but I will try.
I have tried many things with deadzones including this, makes almost no difference, the only thing is wheel rotation from 900 to 270. I will try again later when I am home but I did once before I think. I do know if I change rotation to 900 it wont work worth sheite. No matter the deadzones, but I will try.
Ok, when you get home let me know what your deadzone settings are currently. It's really the only thing I can think of at this point, to be honest.
We might be talking different issues. I have a Logitech G27 with the Drivehub, so it works perfectly with Forza 7 and Horizon 2, but per the game maker Horizon 4 was NOT made with any wheel in mind. It works with the wheel but the best you can get it to work is with terrible play in the wheel.

That is what I was told and that all wheels have the same issue I have. If this is not true and there is a fix I would love to know what it is.

They are the ones who implied to me that the game was not designed to work with wheels. IT does work with the wheel but with this issue. If I adjust the rotation from 900 to 270 it drastically improves the problem but leaves the issue still of too much play in the wheel as to turning.
You have a previous generation wheel with an adaptor.
I have a current gen wheel of the same make, a Logitech G920.

Guess what you have that I don't?
A big deadzone.

The game isn't designed with wheels in mind, but does work with wheels. I will agree they should put more effort into wheel programming, but let none of this distract you from the fact that you are playing with an outdated controller and an adaptor.

I would love to tell you it ain't so, but it is.

Given your obvious (no offense) inability to navigate game menus easily, I have a really, really, really hard time believing that you really checked the in game wheel settings.
Given that you have been asked for pictures or something by multiple members and completely ignored those requests, you're burying your only chance of help here.
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You have a previous generation wheel with an adaptor.
I have a current gen wheel of the same make, a Logitech G920.

Guess what you have that I don't?
A big deadzone.

The game isn't designed with wheels in mind, but does work with wheels. I will agree they should put more effort into wheel programming, but let none of this distract you from the fact that you are playing with an outdated controller and an adaptor.

I would love to tell you it ain't so, but it is.

Given your obvious (no offense) inability to navigate game menus easily, I have a really, really, really hard time believing that you really checked the in game wheel settings.
Given that you have been asked for pictures or something by multiple members and completely ignored those requests, your burying your only chance of help here.
Accusations aside, if you are saying your wheel works exactly the same with this game as it does with Forza 7, for instance, then you must be right that the newer wheels work better.

Not sure how to even get a picture here, other than taking it with my iphone, uploading it to what i am not sure...have to think about that, not sure really how to do that.

Yes, the in game wheel settings with all the deadzones and so on, yes, know where it is and have messed around with it and so far what I have mentioned is the only thing.
Accusations aside, if you are saying your wheel works exactly the same with this game as it does with Forza 7, for instance, then you must be right that the newer wheels work better.

Not sure how to even get a picture here, other than taking it with my iphone, uploading it to what i am not sure...have to think about that, not sure really how to do that.
No accusations made.

Yes, my wheel works virtually identically with FH2, 3, and 4, and FM5, 6, and 7.

Works fine with all of them.

Also yes, take a picture with your phone and upload it. It's worth a thousand words ya know. ;)
Click upload a file, select camera, take picture, post.
No accusations made.

Yes, my wheel works virtually identically with FH2, 3, and 4, and FM5, 6, and 7.

Works fine with all of them.

Also yes, take a picture with your phone and upload it. It's worth a thousand words ya know. ;)
I dont know how to upload a pic from phone to a specific website without using a hosting service which I dont want to do. I assume there is a way but I dont know how.

Assume you do NOT need the drivehub with the G920?
I dont know how to upload a pic from phone to a specific website without using a hosting service which I dont want to do. I assume there is a way but I dont know how.

Assume you do NOT need the drivehub with the G920?
No, the G920 is an Xbox 1 wheel. Plug it straight in.

Click "upload a file"
Select "camera"
Take photo

It's that easy (little one is watching Pocoyo so you get Pocoyo)


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I dont know how to upload a pic from phone to a specific website without using a hosting service which I dont want to do. I assume there is a way but I dont know how.

Take screenshots with the Xbox. All you need to do is press Y after pressing the Xbox button on your controller, and then you can upload it to OneDrive, if you have it...which you should if you are playing FH4 and have an Xbox Live account.

The onus is on you to show us your problems, because as it stands, you've done a lot of talking, but not enough showing of your problems in picture form. Otherwise...we can't help you with your cryptic and confusing way of wording things.