Forza Horizon 4: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
I can't seem to find either DLC car this week. I updated the game and am in Horizon Life, but neither car is showing up in the auto show.

Edit: Nevermind, I rebooted the game and they showed up.
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If we complain enough, maybe they'll give us free stuff like they did with FM7 as a form of damage control. :lol:

I honestly think the spotlight cars were pulled from a pack, they are now one pack short and struggling to put it together. Then there was the subpar rushed trailer, using replay angles like the pack had changed last minute. I always felt like the Chiron had been added earlier than planned too.
I stumbled upon an Australian caravan yesterday.

(Not sure but that might have been done by another player)
Buy a car with 999 pp (are they called performance points in HZ?) and the race calls for max 998. It likely has a tune on it making it 999, so you remove that tune and create a new one with 998 as there is no way to reduce a tune you buy by one point?

I only have 2,950,000 and I want the Ferrari FXX K, so have been looking at auctions. But if I buy one that has 999 this means it has a tune on it that I would have to remove and then build or buy a new tune to go to 998 so I can race in that seasonal calling for 998, right?

I am aware you can race with less than the max points on a car. But for instance I had the 98 Cerbera in my garage but it never came up for this seasonal on my screen as one of my cars to choose, it had 848 or something PP on it as I probably never tuned it. Why wasnt that showing in my options?
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Class x tunes are a waste as no one races them.

Also im getting pretty sick of the Bone Shaker being the only car of choice for anyone doing team adventure, a bit of variety would be nice.
Am I the only one getting tired of racing against Fords and Audis in Anything Goes races?
This game seems to like Fords, in that it seems most races the AI flood the field with Mustangs and Raptors (according to the chosen class). It'd be nice to see a little more variety.
The AI only seem to drive starter cars, day 1 DLC cars, and Forza Rewards gift cars in Anything Goes.

I imagine it must be tremendously difficult to populate a race with 11 drivatars using cars that the players actually use in a particular class.
Gotta love the car categorizing. :lol:
Is the F12 Berlinetta a SuperGT car?

I'm using the F12 Berlinetta because I don't have the Forzashop one. So far I've gotten up to 225/230 mph on the Princes Street speed trap. The car can do 230 easy given enough straight road, but there's not enough here. Coming from the East gives me the best results but it so depends on getting through those 2 big curves cleanly, and with traffic spawns and my general lack of skill, I'm beginning to think this isn't going to happen, for me at least. :nervous:
and RS200s, can't forget about the RS200s.
And the Titans FEs and Transit FEs. Oh my God the Titans.

They seriously need to fix the bug with drivatars picking one car in races. It would be nice to see more than one car per race. I've resorted to just blueprinting out the cars I'm tired of seeing. :lol:
Given the games preference to Ford Mustang, Focus, RS200, Transits and Raptors, it's hard to believe it's just some accident and not paid advertising.
Even better is when the '69 Charger R/T starter car shows up in an S2 race. It's only Mid-S1 in the race, but it rubberbands like CRAZY. Plus it still has stock suspension, so expect hilarity when taking a turn. :lol:
I'm using the F12 Berlinetta because I don't have the Forzashop one. So far I've gotten up to 225/230 mph on the Princes Street speed trap. The car can do 230 easy given enough straight road, but there's not enough here. Coming from the East gives me the best results but it so depends on getting through those 2 big curves cleanly, and with traffic spawns and my general lack of skill, I'm beginning to think this isn't going to happen, for me at least. :nervous:

Downloaded a tune for this challenge and took me 3 tries with this car. Start from the roundabout on the right. Easy 380kmph (target is 370).
The V2 was last week's Forzathon shop exclusive for 200 points. I would guess that many people who had disposable points bought up lots of them as a future investment to flip on the AH. I made around 12 million doing that myself and unfortunately sold all of my duplicates already. I would continue checking for new auction listings regularly - there is a good chance that there are still many players looking to unload their extra ones for "normal" max buyout of 550k.

Auctioning for 20,000,000

How do I get that without paying that much or can I buy with real money?
The Hoonicorn that is being sold on the auction house for that much was in the forzathon shop, as previously mentioned.

It is mechanically identical to the Hoonicorn you can buy in the Autoshow for 500k, just with a different livery.
I just did a little math, and if I were to buy every car in the autoshow that I don't already own, it would cost me 224,559,000 credits. Thankfully the wheelspins help shorten that list with every new car.
I'm not an artist by any means, especially when it comes to the livery editor but is anyone else finding that its aged terribly at this point? I'm trying to make a Devil Z replica and I'm just utterly demotivated every single time; you can't apply the novelty finishes (like chrome) to decals in the editor, you can't apply specific finishes to a part (again, like chrome for the bumper), and for some reason you can't paint plastic parts?

Who cares? It's a game, let me paint any and everything unless the manufacturer (thinking of you, Ferrari) are meticulously pedantic about things like that. I know the update is on the way but it isn't going to fix some of the deeper issues with the livery editor. Only a full-on redesign can knock that tree down.
I was just thinking this tonight whilst playing FM7 (since the paint system has remained the same for years and just carried over). Was trying to paint the SV and remembered what a pain in the butt it is trying to match a left and right side vinyl to the top/hood, and how much easier it would be if you could just place a vinyl wherever you wanted without being restricted to 1 area of the car.
I was excited to try out the Forzathon last night because I adore the Ferrari 812 Superfast.

I tried it first at S1 level for giggles, managed about 200mph on what in hindsight wasn't a very good run. (S1 can get around 210mph)

I beefed the stock engine up to the max and maxxed everything else, surprised to see a whopping 1,309HP! (That does sound Superfast)
Knowing this speed trap, I fast traveled to the roundabout on the west and made my first pass: 239.xx mph.

I fiddled around with the gearing, as I already had a good S1 setup that I liked and made a pass from the East, clocking 233.xx mph.

I knew the car had more, but I was having connectivity issues and was dodging a surplus of friends also driving Ferrari's super fast.

I made another pass from the West, and nailed a 240.xx mph. I checked the leaderboard, disappointed to see I had set a 242.xx mph in a Lamborghini Aventador FE.
Thinking that might be too fast to beat, I made a few unsuccessful runs, hitting poles and smashing into trolleys and Ferrari's and everything else in the way.

A good run from East netted 234.xx mph, and it became clear that coming from the roundabout was best.
Just a moment later, I nailed down a 242.xx mph, a new PB!.
Even more exciting, I could see a little more speed was left, I might be able to get up to 244, so I made another 2-3 passes, and then I nailed down a nearly perfect run, netting 242.90 mph. :)

Pleased and content, I saved and shared my tune, naming it 242.90 PrincesSt.
On exit I decided I would give it one more shot, because it felt like I could just do a little better. After all, I had only made 4 successful passes, and maybe 10 attempts in total, and this is fun for me. (A lot)

On my final run, I started farther back to the roundabout, knowing without aero I can't really make these corners at full bore. As expected, on the left hand sweeper I slid far into the right lane, but luckily missed all poles, and being online now I didn't encounter any traffic. At this point it's a hail mary run, I'm going too fast to make the right bend, I shift to 7th gear and stay in shape so I go for it, the car slides right between the poles and over to the left lane perfectly, I'm already over 230mph. Barreling down the straight this beautiful car is pissed off. 1,309hp of unbridled fury, I can see the speed trap and an empty road ahead.
I look to the speedometer. 240 mph flying by, 243, 245, 247, and just when I ask myself "250???" It flashes, 248.18 mph.

PB smashed, it's time to put this baby to bed. I rename my save and that's all she wrote.

What a car.
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The 812 Superfast is a hell of a car. Now I see why all the hypercar fanatics wanted it so bad. It's beautiful and super fun.
The Hoonicorn that is being sold on the auction house for that much was in the forzathon shop, as previously mentioned.

It is mechanically identical to the Hoonicorn you can buy in the Autoshow for 500k, just with a different livery.
Bought it, thanks. Thought it would be good for that seasonal but the handling isnt there at least for me. I need something like the Cerebra as it handles and has speed.
I'm looking at my Forza Rewards page on the FM website and see that I have 4/50 Car Masteries completed. Is that a full Mastery from a car?
BTW I still have ONE barn un-found or one BARN car un-found, is that a done deal for me because the barn finds option is done for good and I didnt get it while I could or is this the case for everybody and there is one left for everybody?

Yeah, I know, un-found not a word.

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