I got mine now! I will get its regular XPower (in-name only) 6 eventually whenever I can.
Surprisingly it handles superior as well, just like the L&C 03 TCR. I hope this makes it to the FM reboot.
Not sure why it would surprise you that it handles good given it's a literal race car, but yeah the TCR cars do drive quite nice in FH5. I particularly like how they can actually lift the inside rear tire in hard cornering. Gives the cars a better sense of suspension travel and roll than previous Forza games have, an area they have always lacked whether a Horizon title or Motorsport title.
It's a real shame they have made both of the TCR cars "exclusives" that need to be earned through the playlist, as they would be cool cars to use for a different experience for some of the weekly playlist stuff. An MG vs L&C racecar rivalry would be a more interesting weekly set of events than most of this junk we get. Sadly, since anyone who missed out on them in the playlist wouldn't be able to participate, no go on that.
I'm kind of inclined to think that we are only getting the TCR cars in FH5 because they were already worked on for FM8, as we know several TCR cars were available in the XB1 version of the FM8 beta test because it was one of the divisions to race, including the VW Golf TCR as well. Horizon typically isn't the place for race cars but we have got a few over the years, but almost all of them have been copy/pastes from a Motorsport title. My guess is we will have the MG6 and 03 TCRs in FM8, along with some more.
Never seen a Stinger in real life.......oh and love ya more 😘.
I'm pretty indifferent to Kia in general, but I have to say it is a pretty striking car in person. It feels big, wide and low, definitely more of a "presence" than most cars in its segment.
I'm in the US but I've only seen maybe 2 or 3 of them up close. Seen a few sitting at a dealership when I drive past, but that's not quite the same as standing next to a car.
Can you imagine a future Forza Horizon title similar to Fortnite (Forznite? Please don't kill me

) in the sense that it has seasons longer than the current updates, and every season brings a new/expanded/modified map and timed events with free/paid content? I'm fully aware that the Crew 2 does something like that, and say what you will, I've found it does some things better than FH.
If they were to do that, they would probably need to go to an actual microtransaction model.
I think the way it sits now, we are kinda getting the worst of both worlds. We paid our money for the game, yet we get the tedious repetition of weekly playlist "challenges" for dripfeed content that is generally considered an annoyance in service games that is tolerated because of the fact that you didn't have to pay for the game and you have occasional bigger content drops.
Nearly all those games with microtransactions have bigger chunks of content occasionally, because the development is paid for by the microtransactions.
I think the closest thing we have to comparing to PG's attempt at being a service model is probably GTA Online. It's also a title that isn't F2P because we had to buy a $60 game to play it, and they also use the dripfeed model to put out new cars and content, but GTA uses the Shark Cards as microtransactions. In GTA though we end up getting a bundle of new vehicles at the start along with (nearly) weekly car releases, new job types, new maps/layouts for existing job types, new minor missions and side things, sometimes new weapons, double money events, all to go along with whatever the big part of the update was (new business with new mechanics, new characters and storyline for the new missions).
In Horizon though, without any microtransactions to help fund things for its comparatively small playerbase we get... a "new" car every week, and occasionally we get a new story where some people we don't want to listen to babble at us while we just drive a car from point A to point B and then get some stars and try to rush through so we get the prize and never have to touch it again. We don't get any tracks, we don't get any new race types, we don't get any new game mechanics, we don't get any replayable content that will be used to compliment other parts of the game.
I'd rather see them either just be a paid game with paid DLC, or go full F2P microtransactions with more significant updates that the microtransactions pay for, than be stuck in this tepid middle ground.